Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 43:

In the not very bright tunnel, a group of workers wearing heavy protective clothing, who looked like they had come out of a sci-fi game, were brandishing pickaxes and shovel, digging hard.

They use a shovel to dig out the soil piece by piece, and use a pickaxe when encountering a stone. Both the pickaxe and the shovel use the “semi-enchanting” technology. It is very labor-saving when digging the soil, and when encountering stones, they will It’s a little harder, but it can be solved after all.

The excavated soil and gravel were shoveled onto two carts next to each other. Every time a cart is accumulated, someone is responsible for pushing the cart and pushing it all the way up the sloping tunnel to the one near the exit. At the processing station, change to an empty car and come back.

As for the soil or gravel sent to the processing station, the trainee magician working there will activate the magic circle to purify it. After purification, other workers will take over and send it to the ground for other purposes.

This work is very hard, and most people can’t do it. Even if he did it reluctantly, he would be as tired as a dead dog, and a disease would accumulate within a few days. These excavators are carefully selected from the pioneers. The original materials are relatively strong. They have undergone half a month of training and conditioning before the start of the work. They have meat all at once, and now all of them are at their peak. State, if you fight empty-handed, the new adventurers may not be able to beat them.

Among them, there is a particularly conspicuous protective suit, and that is their captain.

Compared with those strong guys, the captain is shorter and doesn’t feel that strong. But his work efficiency is higher than everyone else. If you study carefully, you will find that he uses tools more flexible and cleverly than others, and his digging posture is more reasonable. It is the technical gap that creates the gap in work ability.

And while he is working, he can also draw out his energy to pay attention to the surrounding situation. For example, see if the wooden strips used to support the top of the tunnel are strong enough, for example, check the direction of the excavation against the plumb line, or check everyone’s protective clothing and tools to see if there are any hidden dangers…

In short, he is not only a worker, an inspector, or a babysitter. He can do a few things by one person, but he can do things smoothly. Although I dare not say that he is outstanding, at least he can handle everything.

This is ability!

At the beginning, the strong guys were very dissatisfied with this captain, who was obviously a lap smaller than them, especially when they learned that this man was actually a miner and was neither a retired adventurer nor a downfall. The nobles, like them, were pioneers who came down from the south, and they came just a few years earlier than them.

But after more than a month, they all took it.

In the same amount of time, the captain can do more work than they do, and after work, the captain has time to take care of this and that. After the work, he is not as tired as they are.

What is this? This is the skill!

Not only that, he even reads and reads. These workers had to sign contracts before they worked. They were all explained while reading them. Those who could not sign could only be stamped with handprints. After he asked the names one by one, he signed the names next to the handprints.

The level of education in this world is very low. Even if a deity with knowledge and education as the priesthood came out a few years ago, in the face of the situation where most of the common people can’t even eat enough, he can do things Very limited. These pioneers are relatively poor among the common people. Not to mention reading and literacy, many of them don’t even have a decent name.

For them, the skill of “reading and literacy” is really too high-end and high-end!

The pioneers who dared to cross thousands of mountains and rivers to seek life in the barren land where the skeletons can eat people in the legend are all a little courageous. But no matter how courageous they are, they are still ordinary people after all. They are not adventurers with knife-heads, nor are they nobles or officials who are accustomed to intrigues. Their essence is still simple and honest. Facing outstanding people, they will of course admire and bow their heads. .

So, the authority of the captain is naturally established, and everyone is accustomed to obeying the leadership of the captain.

The sky is not visible in the tunnel, only the luminous magic stone inlaid on the ceiling of the cave is illuminated. Fortunately, there is a clock in the corner to tell everyone the time.

At about five o’clock in the afternoon, the captain greeted everyone to close.

“It’s still early, let’s do a little longer.” Someone said so.

“Yes, didn’t you just rested just now?”

Because remuneration and workload are directly linked, workers want to do more. But the captain did not agree. He emphasized “safety first” and pushed everyone to finish their work and return to the ground.

Of course, they also have to undergo purification first, and then they can take off their heavy protective clothing after the purification is complete.

Safety first is the iron rule of the construction site. Anyone who doesn’t understand this rule and doesn’t abide by it, even if only once, will be expelled immediately.

A group of people stood in the purification circle, watching the milky white light spread over the body like running water, and couldn’t help but laugh at each other.

I remember that when they were being purified for the first time, someone yelled, worried that they would be drowned, and made a mess, and even the captain couldn’t help it. Later, it was discovered that there was a big oolong, and was ridiculed by the supervisor.

The supervisor is a young man, about fifteen or sixteen years old, but although he is young, he is already an official magician, which is really enviable!

As a spellcaster, his social status is extremely high. According to the rules of society, let’s not laugh at a few words, even if he kills people on the spot, it is not a big deal. But this boy is actually quite kind and approachable. What he should say is that he should smile, and it is no different from the kid next door.

Uh, there must be a difference. The kid next door is not as good as him.

In other words, this outstanding teenager is the real “child next door”.

This world also has a tradition similar to that on Earth. When parents criticize their children, they often use the example of how good the “child next door” is. It is just that the child next door of an ordinary commoner family, no matter how good it is, how can it be compared? How about a noble caster?

…Maybe the captain’s children can, assuming he has time to marry his wife and have children.

Reif put the tools on the tool rack, dressed in protective clothing, came to the washing room, turned the switch to let the clean water soaked by positive energy slowly flow down, rinsed his body, then turned off the switch, and took off the protection Go back to the tool room and hang it on the drying rack next to it.

He shook his head, turned his body, and moved his somewhat stiff body after working for several hours. After exercising for a while, he felt completely comfortable, and he sighed deeply.

“Being a captain is really tiring!”

Tired is inevitable. When others are busy, he is busier than others. When others are resting, he cannot rest. Check the condition of the tools and protective clothing after work every day to avoid accidents. After everything is checked, after dinner, if he has time, he will go to the magic school to listen in, or go to the library to read and study on his own. Compared with those who wander around to kill time after eating, or simply go to the tavern to have fun, or the wife and children are hot on the bed, they are naturally a lot more tired.

But this is a life of his own choice, and he enjoys it.

Principal Felix once said that human life is very short. Instead of wasting time on complaining or having fun, it’s better to do something to make yourself wait until you’re old and dying, look back, and let yourself be slightly A smile thing.

Reif feels that if he keeps on doing this, he will be able to laugh when he is old and dying.

Unfortunately, he lacks the talent for magic and can’t become a mage, otherwise it would be better!

After checking everyone’s tools and protective clothing, Reif walked out of the tool room and saw several workers waiting outside talking and smiling. When he came out, they all greeted him with a smile.

These people are waiting for him specially.

Seeing these workers, Reif also smiled.

“Hey, Captain.”

“You were a little late today, is there a problem with the tools?”

“No problem, but a few people have not washed their protective clothing.”

“Hahaha! Let me guess, is it straw and wheat?”

“Yes, who else can it be.”

“These guys! I heard that they don’t even wash their feet before going to bed at night.”

“What?! Then how come their wives let them go to bed?”

“God knows, anyway, if I dare not wash my feet at night, my wife will definitely kick me down.”

“Wake up, brother, where’s your wife!”

“I’m just making an analogy, captain, don’t you think so.”

“…Can I beat you up?”

“Don’t! Don’t! I’m just kidding, please don’t get angry, Captain.”

“But having said that, Captain, you are a bit of a status now, and you are still reading and literate. Why don’t you ask a wife? I think if you ask a wife, even the daughter of the owner of the grocery store Harman can afford .”

“My God! Boss Harman’s daughter is only twelve years old! What are you guys thinking in your head!”

“Thinking about what to eat tonight.”

“Hahaha! You are right, what are you eating tonight?”

“Go to the tavern to eat. The chef in the tavern went to Lanxiang Technical School to listen to it. The barbecue is very good!”

“Isn’t it tired to eat barbecue every day? I want to drink fish soup.”

“The fish soup is very expensive. A pot costs two silver coins!”

“…Hey! Why are you all looking at me?”

“Of course I’m looking at you, captain, you have money. I noticed the last time everyone was paid together. There are quite a few golden ones!”

“How could I make friends like you!”

“Hahaha! The big deal will be my next treat.”

“…Are you sure you are going to treat me next time? Are you planning to invite me vegetable soup with brown bread?”

“Huh?! Really deserve to be the captain!”

“…I should really beat you!”

“Next time we have a holiday, let’s go fishing by the river. My wife said she saw fish in the river yesterday.”

“Wow! It’s not like you can cook the fish soup yourself!”

“…If you dare to cook, we dare not drink~IndoMTL.com~ It is better to catch the chef and ask for help.”

“Captain, you despise me too much! I was also a person who caught rabbits and fished in the water in the mountains!”

“Just blow it up, catch rabbits on the mountain and fish for fish and shrimps in the water, but you get mixed up here to make a living? You are my fool!”

“I haven’t finished what I said, I mean, my neighbor was this kind of person back then, and I learned a little after that.”

“How much did you learn?”

“Probably… I can know rabbits when I go up the mountain, and fish and shrimps when I go into the water. I will be more familiar with them when they are cooked.”


The group of people talked, laughed, and walked along the newly paved gravel road towards Pyroxene Town.

Under the setting sun, their bodies seemed to be inlaid with gold rims, shining brightly. (To be continued.)

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