Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 43:

In the endless darkness and chaos, several indescribable figures gathered together.

They didn’t mean to constrain their powers. They were all overflowing with terrifying powers. These powers violently collided with each other, setting off a wave of surging frenzy. In this frenzy, let alone ordinary demons, even a slightly less solid world will be torn apart, and then completely crushed and turned into countless particles.

But in the middle of the frenzy, there is an unusually calm area, where a huge earthworm lies quietly, motionless.

This is the stumbling tiger who fought with Sui Xiong not long ago, the abyssal monarch known as the “Earth Crazy Dragon”. But it has completely lost the arrogance that seemed simple and cruel at the beginning, lying sickly, as if it was dying, and might die at any time.

“It’s weird!”

“Yes, this guy will become like this.”

“…I mean, it’s incredible to be able to hurt it to this point!”

“Is there really something’unbelievable’ in our abyss?”


“Look, no.”

A violent roar, accompanied by a violent frenzy, shook several nearby worlds like a boat in the waves, rolling up and down.

“Don’t waste your energy, reason with this guy, are you stupid?”

“…Speaking of business! I chased it before and found that its condition was getting worse and worse, and finally it became like this. You all know that I am not good at checking and analyzing things, so I shipped it here Come, everyone, see what’s going on.”

“It’s dying, I can be sure!”

“It’s better to eat while you are still angry. It won’t taste good when you die.”

“I approve of this idea! I came all the way, hungry!”

“Yes, just eat like this.”

“I want to eat head, I like to eat head!”

“…An! Quiet!”

There was a violent roar, and the world closest to here finally could no longer withstand the shock of the aftermath and collapsed.

This roar lasted for a long time, and finally stopped temporarily under the interference of several other huge figures.

“You wait! I must smash your bushes!”

“I support Huada! Do you dare to come and we will bite you together!”

“It’s as if you two **** didn’t act together… Didn’t you just bite together? And it’s me!”

“Huh? Did you bite the wrong one?”

“Yes! Look at my arm!”

“Yeah, I’m all hurt…wheezing…”

“What are you doing!”

“Can’t be wasted…”

“Get out!”

“…I suddenly felt that it seemed a huge mistake to spend a lot of effort to gather us all together.”

“Did you only find out now?”

“…Forget it, even if only a few of us are reliable, let’s discuss the business. Regarding the injury of the big earthworm this time, everyone…what about the big earthworm?”

“Slimy swallowed just now.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Aren’t you busy fighting with those guys just now.”

“…Slimy, spit out the big worm! Something will happen!”

“Guru, Guru, Guru.”

“Spit it out!”


“It said, I have never vomited what I ate.”

“This is poisonous!”

“Stop talking and laughing, when have you been afraid of being poisoned by Slimy?”

“The big earthworms have been poisoned, are you afraid?”

With a scream, a huge figure squirmed violently, constantly changing its shape, and let out a terrible roar.

“Wow! It really works!”

“Don’t sigh! Help me cut my slimy belly and drag the big earthworms out!”

“Don’t waste your energy. The slimy is poisoned. The big earthworms were digested early.”

“…What’s all in the slimy stomach! It’s disgusting to watch!”

“Huh? Cut it so quickly? Let me study…”

“…Look at Dahua, isn’t this your tree brother? Why is it in the slimy stomach?”

The rumbling sound burst out one after another.

“Don’t fight anymore! I’m busy here! Wait until I find the big earthworm and hit it as you like!”

“Are you sure you can really find a big earthworm? I’m not optimistic.”

“It’s better to help me find it if you have time to talk coldly! I tell you, the condition of big worms is very special! It is worthy of our attention!”

“…Can I have two bites? So many, is it okay to eat a little?”

“Can you eat this too?! Well, when I didn’t say…”

Snoring and snoring, snoring and snoring, smoking and chewing sound in succession.

The light of the knife flashed, and a huge figure monster yelled and flew out.

“Whoever makes trouble again, don’t blame me for being ruthless! Now! Help me find the big earthworm from my slimy stomach! Right now!”

“What if I can’t find it?”

The blade flashed.

“Your knife is amazing!”

The blade flashed.

“Against violence!”

The blade flashed.

“I found it!”

The blade flashed.

“I found the big earthworm, why did you cut me down!”

“…I am used to it.”

The sound of ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong pounding, the shadows of swords and swords, is a mess.

“Look at Dahua, can Brother Shu be saved?”

“Wow! Why did you plant it on your head? Can this really save it?”

“Don’t tell me, it seems to be really effective… The tree brother’s leaves are beginning to unfold…”

“Big earthworm! Are you still alive, big earthworm? Say if you are alive.”

“Die early, it’s better to eat while it’s hot…”

“I want to eat head! I like to eat head!”

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a figure was beaten upside down and flew out. Along with the loud noise and the torrent of chaos, another huge figure slowly stood up.

“Huh?! Big earthworm you live!”

“Yeah! Why did you live! Didn’t you say you died?”

“Hula hula! Hula hula!”

The rumbling rumbling noise became one piece, and a huge figure slowly shrank.

“Don’t fight! Look at the slimy state is not right!”

“Nonsense, three fight it together, it’s weird if the state is right!”

“I mean, it doesn’t seem to move anymore…”

“Huh? It seems to be…you guys don’t fight! Slimy and motionless!”

“Don’t… move… more… need to… fight!”

“Brother Tree, wait a minute, there seems to be something different here…”

“This is why I came to you before! Do you remember, it used to be a big earthworm, but it suddenly stopped moving. Now it’s slimy again…”

“Slimy I just ate the big earthworm and digested half of it, just to digest the poisoned part?”

“This is not right, the poison is not moving, the poison should be spread throughout the body, and should not be concentrated in one place.”

“All in all, it’s weird. Let’s dissect it.”

The huge figures temporarily stopped fighting, and surrounded the huge mucus that had been completely motionless, cutting and rummaging in it with their own means.

They searched for a long time, but still couldn’t find what they were looking for. Instead, the mucus slowly moved up, squirming gently, and then gradually refilled, showing a little Vitality.

After a while, it fully recovered, and forcefully drove away all the guys that were still cutting in its body, and let out an angry roar.

“What’s going on? Is it so slimy to resist poison?”

“Impossible! Just now it can’t move even if it’s been moved!”

“Did we destroy the poisoned part?”

“It’s impossible that everyone can’t feel it if it’s really cut to that part.”

“Slimy, what’s the matter with you? Tell us about it.”

“Guru, Guru, Guru.”

“It said that the thing I ate just now was very strange, and I want to eat it again.”

“…Is there anything else?”

“Guru, Guru, Guru.”

“It said, I still want to eat that thing just now.”

“Also! Yes! Don’t! Do you!”

“Guru, Guru, Guru.”

“It said–“

“Needless to say! I understand! Beat it! Beat it until it is willing to confess honestly!”

So the depths of the chaos became a piece again, and I don’t know who started from, and the scene became chaotic again.

In the chaos, unknowingly, a figure very small compared to those behemoths quietly left, holding a lump of things tightly bound by the chaos.

It stared at the mass, lost in thought.

“What on earth is this? Why can a small piece of the abyss lose its vitality and sink the whole body into depression?”

It got underfoot quickly, and it took only a while to return to its own world. Grab a demon casually and stuff the mass into its mouth.

The demon first digested the chaos that enveloped the mass of things, and immediately surged in strength, leaping up with a powerful momentum, roaring and sending out a message of challenge to the king of this world. But before it had time to put this idea into practice, the body froze suddenly, and then rumbling down, lying on the ground, motionless.

The abyssal monarch, who is about the same size as a human, puts his hands on his chest, looks at it coldly, and waits patiently for its change.

After a long time, the demon still lay motionless on the ground, as if petrified.

“Could it be… the effect of this thing is to make the devil rigid?”

It shook its head, not believing this speculation.

A long time passed~IndoMTL.com~ Its eyes lit up suddenly and it stared at the demon firmly.

I saw a faint white light shot out of the demon’s eyes. After a while, a white light flowed out from the various pores of its body and slowly gathered.

This light is exactly what all creatures in the abyss hate most.


After a while, the demon’s body was completely shrouded in orderly white light. The originally stiff body squirmed gently, slowly regaining its ability to move.

Its eyes are still full of cruelty and cruelty, but it is no longer so violent, but shows a little calmness.

It stared at the monarch, something that demons absolutely shouldn’t have appeared in its eyes, fear.

“How do you feel?” asked the monarch, who had no deterrent in appearance.

The demon filled with orderly light did not answer, but grinned.

Before Jun took the initiative, its body exploded suddenly, breaking into countless fine particles.

The monarch snorted coldly, raised his hand and grabbed it in the air. The invisible force wrapped all the fine crumbs, even the light of order, compressed again, and turned into a small light ball. The outside of the light group was once again wrapped in heavy chaos.

“What the **** is this?” It thought, looking up.

In a far away place, the big jellyfish that created this thing couldn’t help but sneezed.

“…Who is talking bad about me behind my back!”

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