Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 41:

Outside the “Wild of Happiness” of the Kingdom of God, Sui Xiong, who was guarding this place, suddenly frowned, and the aura on his body was also slightly confused.

Not far from him is “Lion Reloaded” Leonard. Seeing him like this, he immediately asked what was going on.

“Hazarin escaped from the cage of her eldest brother just now, sneaked into the Void City, and sacrificed her life to save Diart.” Sui Xiong sighed lightly and said, “His blow is so powerful that he can even rely on it. The sacred trees of the earth veins were all killed by one blow. Unfortunately, my avatar was still hidden inside the sacred tree. After that blow killed the sacred tree, the castration was exhausted. I caught it and failed to release the priesthood of fear.”

Leonard was taken aback, frowned and asked: “He has a helper? Can you find out who it is?”

This question is taken for granted. The **** of shadow and assassination is only moderately powerful, and he is not a warrior who is good at frontal fighting. Being imprisoned by the powerful **** of justice, it is said that it is absolutely impossible to escape.

But he escaped.

So Leonard thought for a moment and realized that tracking down the person who helped Hasalin escape was the crux of the problem.

As for Hasalin and Diart, the fallen gods do not deserve his attention anymore.

Sui Xiong closed his eyes and searched the divine short knife that Hazarin left behind. First, his eyes lit up, but then he shook his head.

“I found some interesting information, but it has nothing to do with his escape from the prison. I didn’t feel the breath of other gods. He seemed to get out of trouble entirely by his own power.”

“It’s incredible!”

“Yes, this time is amazing.” The figure of the **** of justice Joel Gardman suddenly appeared beside them, exclaiming, “No sooner or later, it will be where I am fully focused on protecting Vie. In seconds. At that time, the strength of the cage will weaken. I thought he couldn’t see it. Who knew he was seen, and he didn’t hesitate to use these few seconds to get out of the cage. This guy is amazing, I Underestimate Him!”

“Yes, we all underestimated him.” Sui Xiong said with a smile, “but he underestimated us.”

“We underestimated him, so he escaped. He underestimated us, and finally killed his own lives in vain.”

This passage eventually became the life footnote of Hasalin, the **** of shadow and assassination.

After a brief chat, Sui Xiong and the others stopped paying attention to Hasalin and continued to serve as bodyguards for Vie.

In the kingdom of God, Vie, who had lost his godhood, raised his hands to the sky and prayed silently.

He is calling for the agitation of the source of the world, with his own understanding of the concept of “enjoyment” and the promotion of this concept, to attract the corresponding priesthood to come.

This is a big event that has attracted the attention of the gods.

The other little thing that happened at the same time was almost no one noticed.

“Master Tuya’an, can you do it?” Cambrona’s face is still fat, but the body is no longer fat and looks sturdy. White hair has appeared on the temples and a few lines on his face. The obvious scars are even more sturdy than the original gentleman. The former South Mill City’s number one scepter is now standing in a basement, facing a huge sink, with a black law on the side. The fat man in the robe spoke unfriendly.

When the fat man heard his questioning, he turned his head and glared at him viciously, with a terrifying cold light in his eyes, but this was enough to stop the child’s night crying but did not make Cambrona frown. Instead, he complained.

“Master! Can you be more serious? Don’t look around, OK!”

“I’m also a legendary mage anyhow, will you die if you respect me a little bit?”

“Respect you ghost! Who would respect a fat man lying on the ground and letting a little girl ride on a horse!”

“That’s my sister!”

“I also have a younger sister, why didn’t I do such a thing?”

“Your sister looks like a she-bear, and can break a person’s waist with a butt, so that a lunatic plays with her behind her back! How beautiful and cute my sister is!”

Cambrona heard the muscles on his face trembling, and it took a lot of effort to resist the urge to complain. What is “my sister beautiful and cute”? A little girl who will never grow up, a living dead who needs to rely on the legendary magical tool “Ark of Life” to sustain her life, where is she pretty and cute?

Okay, to be honest, that little girl is indeed pretty, and her character is pretty cute, but he is almost forty years old, and she is not an old pervert, no matter how pretty and cute the little girl is, What’s his business!

In contrast, he is more concerned about his wife’s situation.

More than ten years ago, his wife Jane fell into a coma with a sudden illness, and many doctors and pastors were helpless. Seeing that his unconscious wife was thinning day by day and was about to die soon, he was desperately ill and went to the doctor and found Tuya’an, a well-known necromancer.

Tuya’an is one of the two legendary mages in Mill City, but compared with the respected Master Mia, the personal disciples of Master Mia do not mix well. It is said that he specializes in necromancy spells, so he is withdrawn and perverse, and hates dealing with others. He keeps himself locked in a magic tower in the mountains guarded by a group of rotten zombies and never goes out. Anyone who dared to find him became a member of the group of carrion corpses cruising around his magic tower.

If it hadn’t been desperate, Cambrona would never get nervous to find Tuyaan, but he would go anyway.

There are indeed a group of horrible rotten zombies around Tuya’s magic tower. Amazingly, these zombies didn’t attack Cambrona, but when he didn’t exist.

So he easily came to the gate of the magic tower, yelled a few times, and taught Master Tuya’an.

Tuyaan also seemed puzzled about Cambrona’s visit. He grabbed Cambrona and dragged the fat man who was quite similar to his body into the magic tower, aside from doing a few experiments.

Those experiments were neither painful nor dangerous. Cambrona was not harmed, but Tuyaan seemed to be hit hard, sitting blankly on the side, muttering to himself, “This world is just a little crazy.” It’s not fair” or something.

Cambrona didn’t understand why, but didn’t want to ask more, so he directly asked him to help save his wife.

At the beginning, Tuyaan refused, and he threw Cambrona directly out of the magic tower and sent two golems to **** him back to Mill City. But early the next morning, he hurried to Cambrona’s house, saying that he did a very bad job yesterday, very improper, and hoped that Cambrona could give him a chance and let him make up a little bit. two.

Cambrona didn’t understand why the dignified legendary mage would be so low on himself, but he was never a person who likes to ask questions, so he took Tuyaan straight to the inner house and asked him to help see his wife. Try to treat the situation.

Tuyaan only took a look, and patted his chest to ensure that he would try his best to treat. He even used the reputation of his teacher, Master Mia, to assure that he knew that he was usually a bit disgusted with ghosts, and his reputation was not Ways to guarantee something.

Not only that, but Tuyaan really did what he said. He turned down all research projects and tried his best to treat Cambrona’s wife Jane. For this reason, I don’t know how many precious materials were used, and countless money was spent like running water. Cambrona was frightened to see.

He’s not a baby who has never seen the world. Although he only knows no more than one-third of these precious materials used by Master Tuya’an, only the value of that one-third is already More than ten times his total net worth!

You know, Cambrona, as Mill City’s number one litigation stick, is also quite wealthy. I dare not say too much, just to treat Jane, he had already spent almost two thousand gold coins before.

But his cost is nothing compared to Master Tuya’an!

I didn’t know Master Tuya’an in the past, let alone friendship, why did the Master spend such a price to help himself?

He wanted to ask, but he didn’t dare to ask.

Many things in this world should be known to you. If you don’t ask others, you will also tell you what you shouldn’t know. It’s best not to ask.

So he didn’t ask.

Master Tuya’an was very polite to Cambrona, but Cambrona was very upset. He couldn’t help the master in the complicated magical experiments that saved his wife, so he proposed to do it for the master. What to order.

In the beginning, Master Tuya’an didn’t want him to do anything, but also the next morning, the Master hurriedly found him, saying that he had been wasting his years for too long, so he wanted to cheer up and he signed up for him. Go to a knight order to follow the training.

Since the fall of the knight god, eight goddesses of virtue have inherited his authority. Strictly speaking, these eight goddesses cannot be regarded as true gods, and their godhead levels have not even reached the level of weak divine power. You need to rely on the accumulation of years, absorb enough faith, and accumulate enough believers to become a true god.

Now all over the world, the knights of the Knights often choose one of the eight goddesses of virtue as their beliefs. The Knights of Cambrona trained to believe in the goddess of tolerance among the eight goddesses of virtue. This goddess requires her followers to always be tolerant, full of compassion for those kind creatures, use her own force sparingly, and cast her anger and power on the evil and brutal people. Among the eight goddesses of virtue, his beliefs are considered to be moderate to low, but at last it is not very small.

Just like its name, the Knights of Tolerance are a group of knights who are quite tolerant. But in the face of Cambrona, the former notorious advocate, they were not very tolerant and arranged for him a rather rigorous training course.

Cambrona took a year to complete this training course, and the knights were amazed by the rapid progress. More than one knight said that he was a waste of time for the previous twenty years. If he came to be a knight earlier, he might already be a famous strong man.

Famous strong man? Then die on the battlefield on the day the sun goes out?

Cambrona made such complaints in his heart and continued to devote himself to more rigorous advanced training.

After another two years, the knights took him to kill the monsters. Because of the low plateau in the south, the concentration of magic power is high, and the monsters are everywhere, and they need to be constantly exterminated to ensure the safety of residents and travelers. Many knights grew up in such battles, some became famous, and more died in obscurity.

In the next five years, Cambrona experienced many battles, suffered a lot of injuries, and really grew up. In the end, Floriel, the head of the Knight Order, a beautiful female knight, awarded him a certificate of qualification, acknowledging that he was a fully qualified knight.

Complete all training programs, Cambrona hurried back to Master Tuya’an’s magic tower. He wanted to report the good news to his wife, but found that his wife was still asleep. Master Tuya’an has been busy for so many years. Failed to rescue her.

As a result, he suddenly became furious, and he was naturally impolite to Master Tuya’an. In addition, when we got along for a long time this time, I found that Master Tuya’an’s character really can’t be said to be bad. In short, it is very unrespectful, so the two sides gradually became this kind of rather wonderful relationship.

“Hey! You said this morning that my wife’s situation seems to have changed. What is going on?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t you know?! Haven’t you been studying for more than ten years?”

“If you don’t know, you don’t know! Do you think your wife’s situation is ordinary? Do you think anything can be learned in a mere ten years? I told you no, or I won’t tell you. You shouldn’t know about this. “

“What the **** is it? My wife’s business, why shouldn’t I know?”

“Anyway, you don’t need to ask anymore. If you ask, I won’t say to put down your sword. Even if you kill me with a sword, I won’t say!”

“Master Tuya’an, let’s not mention any secrets that are not secrets. You can tell me, can my wife wake up?”

“Sooner or later, you can.”

“When is that sooner or later?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know, and I am not surprised. But why did you look so vigorous and confident this morning?”

“My Tessa praised me today, she praised me for doing things seriously, I am happy!”

Hearing this, Cambrona finally couldn’t help it, jumped up, grabbed Tuyaan’s collar, and shook it back and forth: “Can you be more bullshit? Your sister praises you Seriously?! Do you want me to drag you to confront her now!”

This is really not to blame for his overreaction. Mage Tuya’s sister Tessa always likes to criticize her. She doesn’t really hate her brother, but she feels like a housekeeper, such as “sleeping too late at night.” Ah, such as “too little bathing and unhygienic”, “like eating foods that are not good for the body”, etc., “laziness” and “lack of enterprising spirit” are also some of the content that she often criticizes Tuyaan. One.

Will she praise Tuya’an seriously? Why are you kidding me? ! Has the sun risen from the west today!

Tuya suddenly smiled awkwardly, but his smile froze on his face immediately, showing an unbelievable look, and he looked straight behind Cambrona~IndoMTL.com~how? may? ! “

Cambrona noticed his expression, vaguely guessed something, and hurriedly let go and turned around.

He saw his wife, who had been in a coma for more than ten years, stood up from the wonderful potion made with countless precious materials. The emerald water droplets flowed down her black hair and flowed over her proud figure. Go back to the sink.

He grew his mouth and didn’t know what to say.

Countless thoughts rushed up together, making his mind confused and speechless.

Just then, a crisp and delicate voice rang.

“Brother! What are you looking at!”

Tuyaan turned his head like lightning, and it seemed that he could even hear the noise of his neck bone.

But it was a little late.

A girl with faded white hair, looks slightly similar to Tuya’an, but much younger, with two points of charm, three points of vicissitudes and ninety-five points of anger in her eyes, completely free from the burden of dragging on her long skirt Fei also rushed over as if to hinder him, and hit his brother’s stomach with a heavy punch, causing Tuya’an to bow his head and let out a low chuckle.

With just such a punch, the powerful legendary wizard completely lost the ability to act. Then the girl picked up the corner of her skirt and saluted the Cambronas, dragging her half-dead brother out.

Outside the door, there was still a vague dialogue between brothers and sisters.

“Brother is really shameless! He is not wearing clothes, what do you think!”

“She didn’t wear any clothes during treatment these years”

“The treatment is different!”

“Where is it different?”

“No sophistry!” Then, there was the sound of fists hitting.

Finally, when all the voices fade away, you can vaguely hear the words “Brother just look at me”, I don’t know if it’s Cambrona’s illusion.

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