Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 40:

The political structure of the gold coin federation is roughly divided into two categories. One is the central aristocracy headed by two marquis, and the local power faction headed by the earls of various places; the other is the merchant group represented by the coastal and border trade circles, and the aristocratic group represented by the inland.

The former division is not very meaningful. The contradiction between the central faction and the local faction can be seen everywhere in all countries-oh, except for the Northwest Republic. This kind of thing is really commonplace. For thousands of years, even in the longer years, all races and countries have faced the same problem. I have never seen anyone who can come up with a solution, and it rarely brews. Into a large-scale conflict.

The power of the great aristocracy is absolutely no match for the unity of the local aristocrats, and the local aristocrats will not unite easily. This is the check and balance between the two sides.

But the latter division method is precisely the biggest problem of the Gold Coin Federation.

This country based on commerce, with the long-term management, the contradictions between the two major factions of merchants and nobles have accumulated more and more, gradually reaching the point where it is difficult to manage.

The merchant faction holds more than 60% of the country’s assets. If it is limited to money, then they even hold more than 70% of the assets. Although the aristocratic faction has relatively little money, it controls nearly 80% of the country’s population and almost the same amount of land.

One party has money and the other has people. When the two sides have a good relationship, they cooperate sincerely and have done great things more than once.

But with the passage of time, the contradiction between the two parties has also grown. The merchant faction hopes to promote the construction of more commercial roads, promote consumption, and promote population mobility-in short, to make the business of merchants better and better. The aristocratic faction hopes to maintain the status quo and even reduce trade routes in order to stabilize the situation, reduce unnecessary expenditures, and especially restrict the flow of population to ensure stable output in their territory.

This contradiction is almost irreconcilable, and even the great goddess of wealth has nothing to do with it. He can only allow his priests to stand in a neutral position, try to mediate the disputes between the two parties, ease the relationship between each other, and act as a lubricant or cushion.

In the past, because the merchants sent a lot of money, by recruiting mercenaries, they were able to obtain powerful force to firmly suppress the nobles. Although the aristocratic faction has a large number of people, it has always been at a disadvantage in front of the merchant faction who can recruit a large number of mercenaries at any time.

In recent years, as the aristocratic gods have become stronger, the power of the aristocratic faction has continued to increase. They originally had a demographic advantage, and with the support of the Church of the Noble Gods overtly and secretly, the more combat power they accumulated, the more they accumulated.

The so-called murderous intent is the so-called possession of a murder weapon. The nobility has increased the force at hand, and it is natural that they want to rely on this power to strive for greater benefits. In addition, since the battle of “The Day the Sun Goes Out”, the number of mercenaries walking on the main plane has been greatly reduced, and mercenaries have increasingly repelled joining the army to fight, so the strength of the merchant faction is indeed declining. With this prolonged and faded, the nobility’s ideas have become more radical, and various large and small conflicts in the country have also occurred from time to time.

The most famous incident occurred in a city in the Midwest of the Federation. There will be conflicts between the local lords and the Chamber of Commerce. From the beginning of the quarrel, it finally caused a large-scale conflict. The two sides mobilized a total of more than 500 troops, fighting back and forth for almost half a month. If it weren’t for a marquis to join the Church of the Goddess of Wealth to come forward to mediate, I’m afraid that both sides are still fighting.

This incident was almost a fuse, and the contradiction between the two factions was thoroughly clarified and brought to the table. Since then, there have been more and more frictions and conflicts between the two factions, and bloodshed incidents have occurred from time to time.

For this reason, the leaders of the two factions are currently stepping up to draw in the forces of each side, trying to increase the strength of their own camp as much as possible to overwhelm the other side.

Since the summer, Baron Dahl has received letters from both sides. Whether it is the aristocratic faction headed by the two marquis, or the merchant faction headed by the seven major merchants, they are constantly persuading him to support his own side, and there are also nominally justifiable reasons.

In any case, Baron Dahl is always a nobleman and a lord, which makes him naturally belong to the aristocratic camp. But for a long time, the Dahl family has been profiting from smuggling business. It can be said that the lifeline of the family does not depend on the identity of the lord, but on the identity of the smuggling merchant, which makes him naturally belong to the merchant camp.

Actually, in the Gold Coin Federation, most of the small and medium-sized nobles like the Dahl family are like this. While acting as a lord to manage the territory, while doing business to subsidize the family. It’s just that few of them can think of Baron Dahl, whether he is a lord or a business, he is very successful.

The bad thing is this “very successful”!

About Dalling as a typical example, both sides are getting stronger and stronger towards Baron Dal, and their attitudes are getting tougher.

Especially this time, the messengers they sent all implied the meaning of “Improper comrade-in-arms is the enemy”.

This is the most troublesome problem for Baron Dahl~ IndoMTL.com~ He really doesn’t care who he is his comrade-in-arms with, but he cares who he is his enemy.

After all… no matter which side it is, it is too powerful a behemoth for the Dahl family. No matter which party he took refuge in, he might be slapped to death by the other party…just like slapped to death of a mosquito.

Even though both parties vowed to say that as long as Baron Dahl took refuge in them, he would have been able to get a few benefits and would surely be well protected, but Baron Dahl didn’t believe it!

What a fool to believe!

Protection? Good protection?

Hehe, how did the heir of a certain viscount who suddenly fell from a horse and died not long ago?

A young man with quasi-knight strength will fall from a horse and die? He won’t die if the horse falls!

In addition, a certain medium-sized chamber of commerce, how did their warehouse at the seaside be breached by murlocs? Don’t tell me that those who are abandoned by the goddess of the ocean are actually capable of breaking through the fortresses made of rocks on the shore. That is an insult to everyone’s IQ, OK?

Baron Dahl dared to use his head to bet that as long as he took refuge in one of them, after the news spreads, within half a month, there will be fewer people sitting here today.

Everyone naturally understands this, so you look at me and I look at you, all frowning.

The embarrassing silence enveloped the small meeting room.

After a long time, in this silence, a voice suddenly sounded, but it was a young quasi knight named Dahl.

“I think…it’s better to join the Void Masked Church!” Station push “The President’s Three Young Masters Lingering Love”

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