Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 4:

While the Lande shaman was nervous and secretly prayed to the ancestor spirit that no accident would happen, Sui Xiong had already walked into a tavern leisurely.

The style of Samat Manor is completely different from that of Keene City. Keene is a town mainly based on agriculture and supplemented by commerce. Most of the residents in the city are rich peasants or small businessmen, or those who are retired from the army. The old soldiers of, the whole city has a quite peaceful and warm feeling-this is probably because the lords and couples who have ruled here for 20 years are gentle and soft people who like to live quietly and peacefully. The inhabitants of Samat Manor are mainly adventurers, businessmen and active soldiers. These people are more ambitious, full of vigor and vitality, and more vicious and rude.

Take the tavern as an example. The taverns in Keene City only start serving customers in the evening. They mainly sell mild-tasting drinks such as rice wine and fruit wine. The side dishes are usually stewed mixed vegetables {Pig+Pig+Island} Novels such as www.hzua.c and broth are mellow and easy to digest, and the price is relatively cheap. And even shortly after lunch at Samat Manor, the guests already had about a half. The menus hanging on the bar counter were mixed with such things as “Dwarf Drunk”, “Blood of Warcraft”, and “Iron Burning”. A small amount of medicine is added to enhance the strength of the super spirits, and the dishes are mainly rough and large pieces of barbecue, and the price is naturally higher.

This not only means that the residents of Samat Manor are more enthusiastic about seeking excitement than the residents of Keene City, but it also proves that they have a stronger strength-those spirits mixed with drugs are not what ordinary people can drink. Ordinary civilians take a cup, from lying on the bed for four or five days, or from being carried to the temple for emergency treatment, and it is not surprising that they are even killed.

And…this also means that the local residents are more wealthy than the ordinary people of Keene City.

“Strong, rich, and keen on seeking excitement…” Sui Xiong sat in a corner of the tavern near the door, thinking silently.

He wanted to help Keane solve the problem, but he didn’t want to be noticeable. This limits the means and strengths he can use, but it gives him another kind of fun.

It’s like playing a game. Some people like to use the modifier directly, simple and rude, and flat push; some like to work step by step and follow the normal process to play slowly; others like to impose some restrictions on themselves to artificially increase the difficulty In order to pursue a higher taste-Sui Xiong belonged to the second type at the time, but now he wants to try the third gameplay.

Anyway, the worst case is that he tears off his disguise, shows his identity as a god, and uses violence to clear the scene. As for the explanation afterwards-Nima! Brother Xiong has done so many “upside-down” things over the years, is this one still missing?

What’s more, for the deity, it is totally reasonable and reasonable to roll up his sleeves and beat people to protect his believers. It is more in line with the rules than those things he did in the past!

Of course, as a last resort, Sui Xiong still wants to solve the problem through normal means. After all, that is at least more interesting.

Just like now, he can directly come up with better drinks and more delicious dishes, but he ordered ordinary spirits and barbecue, just like an ordinary traveler, eating slowly.

But that’s it, he has also attracted the attention of others.

“Look at that dark-haired boy.” Near the bar, a man with his head shaved off on both sides, leaving only a tall man standing up like a mane in the middle, pointed in Sui Xiong’s direction, and said to his companions , “It seems a little weird.”

“At least two to thirty percent of the people in this Samat Manor are weird.” His companion, a short man in heavy armor even at dinner, said nonchalantly, “That guy is still a human kind anyway. , No matter how weird it is, it’s better than orcs or lizardmen.”

“But you see, he looks so weak, but he travels alone, don’t you think it’s weird?”

“I don’t think.” Another companion who was drinking replied briefly.

“What’s so strange about this?” said a short and thin monk who was dressed in plain cloth and with clear water except vegetables in front of him. “There are so many travelers who are alone, although this person has no dust on his body and his clothes are neat and tidy. , But he may be a mage. There is a simple spell that can easily do this kind of thing.”

“But his mental state is also very good.” The thin man refused to give up and whispered, “A mage traveling alone should always look a little tired. But you see him as if he just came from home. It’s as easy as starting.”

When he said this, his companions couldn’t help but look at Sui Xiong, and then they frowned.

“It’s not quite right…” the concise companion whispered, frowning.

“Even if he is from the nearest city of Keene, he has gone through at least two or three days of trekking. Even professional adventurers like us, after such a trek, it is impossible to be fatigued.” The monk said in a deep voice, “Unless he is a resident of this city. But I can be sure that I have never seen him here.”

“Well, there are not many black-haired and dark-eyed people in Samat Manor, and there are not many people with such a literary appearance. We can’t have seen those who have these two characteristics at the same time.” The short man murmured. He picked up the wine glass again, “But what does that have to do with us? No matter who he is, it has nothing to do with us.”

“That’s not necessarily! Maybe he is a spy or something…” said the thin man.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the short man with a smile: “Stop teasing! Have you seen such a compelling spy? If you say this, do you believe it yourself?”

Skinny thought for a while, but also burst into laughter.

As the short guy said, the business of spying is to be as unobtrusive as possible. The appearance is natural and unthinkable, but at least the dressing and working style should be as ordinary as possible.

The kind of spy who is so high-profile that there is no friend in the fresh clothes, angry horse and mellow beauty, only exists in the story of the bard, and you can’t find it in reality.

So even though Sui Xiong’s appearance is suspicious, at least four or five groups of adventurers are talking about him, but no one has rashly stepped up and tried.

People have weird appearances and must have weird abilities. Most of this weird person has weird abilities. Adventurers are asking for money. It is not worth a little curiosity to provoke such a potentially dangerous person.

But if adventurers don’t do this, it doesn’t mean people who haven’t done so. About ten minutes later, a short man in an inconspicuous leather armor walked in with two sturdy men, walked straight to the bar, and then ordered a bottle of expensive wine for each of the two men. After a few words, he quietly retreated to the corner of the entire tavern.

The two big guys are obviously not high in intelligence, and their personalities are also very rude. After they drank the wine, they went to Sui Xiong with a bit of drunkenness, and dragged two stools from the side, one left and the other right, and Da Ma sat down with a golden sword and surrounded him. in the middle.

Sui Xiong smiled slightly, not angry or surprised, still drinking and eating meat calmly.

“Hey! Black-haired!” a big guy said gruffly, “How about you change your seat?”

Sui Xiong looked up at him, smiled and said, “You are drunk.”

“Nonsense, I’m not drunk!”

“You are really drunk.”

The big Han suddenly became angry, and clenched the big fist of the sea bowl, a punch in the face.

“Drunk your mother!”

After a while, the two big guys left cursingly, and the adventurers looked at me and I looked at you, their eyes full of wonder.

Sui Xiong, who was beaten with a blue nose and swollen face, lay in the corner like a pile of unrecyclable garbage. If his chest were not still undulating normally, everyone would even suspect that he had been beaten to death.

“What is going on?”

“Something’s wrong! It’s very wrong!”

“It shouldn’t be!”

The adventurers whispered, and they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“How is it possible? How could that guy be so weak!” The thin man who had spoken before shook his head and said incredulously, “They are just two rough bodies who don’t understand anything. I can beat them alone. Ten! He is so mysterious, at least he is not weaker than me!”

“Actually, better than you.”

“Nonsense! I can’t put on that kind of posture… But why did he get such a fight?”

“I don’t know.” The short man concentrated on fighting a large chunk of pork that was not well cooked, and only took time from his busy schedule to say a word of nonsense.

At this time, the monk had stood up and walked straight towards Sui Xiong who fell to the ground.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“Go over and take a look.” The monk said without looking back, “If I don’t look at what’s going on, don’t figure it out, I don’t know what I think.”

Under the gaze of almost all the adventurers, he came to Sui Xiong and stretched out his hand to pull Sui Xiong up.

But in the process of pulling him, Sui Xiong, who was originally black-haired and black-eyed, changed his appearance and turned into a short man in gray leather armor. It was the two sturdy men who came in before. People.

The monk was stunned there~IndoMTL.com~The adventurers were also stunned.

For an instant, the entire tavern was silent.

After a while, many people quickly turned their heads and looked at the place where the grey-clothed man was originally sitting.

Sui Xiong smiled and stood up, the food and drink on the table had been eaten.

“Checkout.” He said to the waiter standing next to the bar, “By the way, give everyone here a glass of wine. Just the kind that the two drunks drank just now.”

With a flick of his finger, a gold coin flew over half a tavern in an arc, and landed on the bar, clanging, turning into a small pile of gold coins, to say nothing, there were twenty or thirty.

The adventurers were stunned again. This time it was the monk who reacted first. He stretched out his hand and opened the small purse used to hold money around the waist of the man in gray who had been beaten into confusion.

Although there is no reason, he intuitively told him that he should take a look at the situation inside this bag.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, there were bits and pieces in the purse, all silver and copper coins, not a single gold coin could be seen. (To be continued.)

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