Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 4: ·Temple Calculation (Part 2)

Among the gods, who has the most profound research on “destiny” and “prophecy” is naturally the **** of destiny. However, the God of Destiny is a mysterious figure. He never appears in front of people. Even the powerful seat of the Pantheon is not seen all day long. Unless He is willing to appear in front of you, don’t expect to find Him.

If there is anything you want to ask him for advice, the most reliable way is to find the goddess of luck, his only daughter.

The kingdom of the goddess of the goddess of luck is located on the front of the ring of the world, the famous Wangyou Wilderness.

This is an extremely huge world, at least ten times the size of the main plane. Always shrouded in warm light, blowing intoxicating soft wind, there are countless simple and happy creatures living. No matter how sad people are, as long as they stay here for a long time, they will feel comfortable, and all their sorrows and sorrows will be thrown out of the sky.

The name “Worry forgotten” comes from this.

This is also the base camp of the Forgotten God System. It is led by the goddess of joy with a powerful divine power. He and the goddess of luck, the medium divine power, are at the core. This divine system is composed of more than 20 weak and weak divine goddesses. In the Pantheon, it can be regarded as a small force, a typical medium-level **** system.

Although the high-end force is not strong enough-the goddess of joy is not particularly powerful in the powerful divine power, and only sits in the third row in the Pantheon, but they have never competed with the world, and they have no enemies. Instead, they have many friends.

Sui Xiong is also one of their friends. Because of helping Leon and Kalisa to organize the wedding, he was tossed in Wangyou Wilderness. Therefore, he got to know the goddess of joy, and asked the goddess of joy. This construction expert has learned a lot of construction knowledge.

Sui Xiong is usually very carefree, but he is actually a person who respects his teacher and respects his teachings. Since he had studied art at the Goddess of Joy, he respected him as a teacher. So this trip to Wangyou Wilderness, he first visited the goddess of joy and explained his intentions.

The goddess of joy was also very surprised after hearing this–the gods had similar views on the victory or defeat of the war between humans and orcs. At this moment, the **** of knowledge kept on having a strong premonition of “human beings defeated”. Even He couldn’t help but couldn’t help laughing.

Compared to the human **** system and the orc **** system, the goddess of joy tends to support the former. After all, the management of the human gods for so many years has not been in vain, and most of the neutral forces among the gods are happy to see them win.

These gods have no particular preference for race, or even if they have a preference, their preferred race generally does not live on the main plane. In this case, they certainly don’t care that humans defeat the orcs and become the overlord of the main plane.

On the contrary, the unity of the main plane can promote prosperity, which is good for everyone.

The construction ability of the orcs is really tragic. They appeared earlier than humans, and the country was established earlier than humans, but by now, the level of civilization has been abandoned by humans. Considering from a neutral standpoint, it is natural that human beings are more suitable for cooperation.

There are many deities with this idea, and the goddess of joy is one of them.

…But Goddess of Luck is obviously not in this list.

When he saw Sui Xiong and Wo La, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a mysterious smile.

“Unexpectedly, it was not the Lord of Radiance or the Sky-Swallowing Dog, but you…” He whispered, and shook his head gently.

Sui Xiong, Wo La, and the goddess of joy all changed their faces.

The Goddess of Luck obviously has something in her words, and it can even be said that he has already hinted quite clearly.

“Could it be that…this war will really end in human failure?” Sui Xiong couldn’t help asking.

The goddess of luck has recovered her calm, smiled slightly, and said: “I didn’t say anything, and I don’t know anything.”

“Even if I come to ask, won’t it work?” The Goddess of Joy asked with a frown.

“Sorry, I really can’t talk about this.” The Goddess of Joy sighed and replied, “If I say it, I will be unlucky.”

The Goddess of Luck is a manifestation of “lucky”. If he is “unfortunate,” it means that his godhead has collapsed and he can no longer surround himself with luck.

Speaking of this, Sui Xiong and the others will not be able to ask any more questions.

The Goddess of Joy was silent for a long time, and finally decided to temporarily close Wangyou Wilderness until the end of the war.

The reason he proclaimed to the public is that this war is too sad, and I can’t let myself smile openly in front of the huge tragedy, so I can only talk to everyone individually for the time being, and wait until time is slow. Slowly remove the blood stains and scars, and then come and meet you again…I believe that day will not be too far away.

But the real reason, apart from Him and Goddess of Luck, is only known by Sui Xiong and Wo La.

The two returned silently to the “Sanctuary” of the God Kingdom of the Void God System. Sui Xiong used his divine power to lay down numerous barriers. After confirming that no one could snoop, he said in a deep voice: “This incident must never be leaked out. !”

“Even if you want to divulge, who will believe it?” Woll asked with a wry smile.

Sui Xiong thought for a while and nodded.

We are speechless.

After a long silence, Sui Xiong said, “Do you think it is weird?”


“Yes, it is clear that humans have an absolute advantage. Why is the result of the war against them?” Sui Xiong frowned and said, “This is unreasonable!”

Walker smiled bitterly: “If I can figure out the reason~IndoMTL.com~ will I still be so distressed?”

Sui Xiong nodded, speechless.

After a long time, Sui Xiong said: “I still want to inquire and inquire.”

“Ask who?”

“…Ask both sides of the war.” Sui Xiong said uncertainly, “Go and ask the Lord of Glory, and ask the Dog of the Sky Swallowing Dog, to find out what they want to do? What did they do? Prepare? Maybe there are some things that we don’t know.”

“If it’s the real secret, they will not tell it.” Wo La said, “The hole card will not be revealed until the critical moment, and it will be most effective.”

“But if I don’t ask about it, it always makes me feel uneasy.” Sui Xiong said, “Even if it doesn’t work, I can at least say to myself, “Oscar, you’ve tried it, you’ve worked hard, it’s nothing good. It’s a pity’…and so on.”

“But, what should I do if both parties are disturbed and the news is leaked?” Wo La thought for a while and asked worriedly.

Sui Xiong smiled: “If this is fate, then what is the difference between leaking and not leaking the news?”

In this world, there is no saying that “man will conquer the sky”. Both mortals and gods believe that fate is destined and cannot be changed.

Although Sui Xiong does not approve of this statement, he is a materialist. He admits established facts and also admits conclusions derived from established facts-even if it is a seemingly absurd conclusion, as long as he is a materialist every time If it conforms to the facts, it is worthy of his respect and recognition.

That’s why he answered like this.

In fact, he also wanted to take this opportunity to test it out.

The human **** system plus the orc **** system, this battle is enough to shake the entire Pantheon. If such a powerful force is not enough to reverse the destiny, then perhaps in this world, it really is “fate determines everything”. …

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