Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 38:

The crusade against the ogre camp is naturally extremely dangerous, but the benefits are also great.

Just being able to rule firmly is already a great reward, not to mention that ogres tend to have a lot of collections, and things that dragons look down on may not be worthless to Baron Dahl.

Moreover, if the ogre can be captured alive, whether it is trained as a soldier or sold, it can bring great benefits.

If it is the former, as long as there are two or three tame ogre soldiers, Baron Dahl will dare to attack other surrounding lords and expand his sphere of influence; and if it is the latter, at least he can get a lot of money, and more He might take this opportunity to connect with some forces that he has long wanted to establish a good relationship with.

Even if the ogres are dead, the dead ogres are just as valuable. Many parts of them are good materials, especially the famous “ogre gloves”, which can increase the strength of ordinary people and become beasts in human form.

Baron Dahl can remember that his newly hired consultant mage is a talented person who knows alchemy and enchanting techniques. If there were enough ogre materials for him to join hands, it would not be a problem to make such a few pairs of ogre gloves.

This kind of treasure that can immediately increase your strength is good whether you keep it for your own use or sell it for money.

As for the danger, he also considered it, but the group of ogres was looted by the dragon after all, and even the shaman was dead. Even if it is a bit dangerous, it is not impossible to risk it.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind.

Of course, he will never go up the mountain this time. No matter the victory or defeat, he must not be in danger.

For this, he made a heavy promise that if the crusade is successful, no matter how much the profit is, 70% of them will belong to the crusade team going up the mountain. And even if the crusade failed, he would take a large sum from his property and pay it.

He didn’t say a word about pensions or something.

It’s not that he is reluctant to pay for the pension, but that he knows that at this time, he can only raise benefits, not risks. Everyone must be dazzled and enthusiastic before this can be done.

As for whether people will die? How many people will die? At this time he had already ignored it.

As long as it is not you who die!

Since Baron Dahl has made up his mind, the knights also agreed with him after discussing it.

Anyway, the crusade against the ogre is always a great achievement, enough to brag for many years. Moreover, even a group of waste woods who have just been robbed by a giant dragon who have been robbed and wounded are not daring to provoke them. Then what face is there to sway the market on a tall horse? Go home early and take your wife and children!

Not to mention, this adventure has very rich rewards, it’s worth it!

The priests of the Masked Void Church did not even hesitate. For them, as long as they had enough hope to fight evil and eradicate monsters, it was a matter of course. As the saying goes, I am a soldier and you are a thief, so why should I consider so much!

As for whether this matter will benefit Baron Dahl? No matter how bad Baron Dahl is, he is still a human being. He is a lord, and at least he has to bear the basic responsibilities of the lord-for example, sweeping the monsters in the territory. Unless the brain gets into the water, such as Sui Xiong’s journey through the world before the Virgin Mary White Left, who would see monsters more credible than humans?

The decent people are bad guys, but the magic way is very loyal. It is an anti-traditional romantic story, and it should not be true!

But they are also discussing, not whether they should fight this battle, but how to fight it.

According to the opinion of the priest Kabbalah, it is best to carry the altar up the mountain, and of course he himself must follow, so that he can use his hole cards at critical moments. But everyone did not agree, and they opposed it together.

They don’t think it’s hard to carry the altar up the mountain—the altar is wooden, and it’s not too heavy for the mid-level paladins who can pull the bulls and the tigers, but they refuse to let the priest Kabbalah. Go together too.

The sword has no eyes, especially the opponent is a dangerous ogre. What if something happens to the priest!

The two sides argued for a while, and finally the priest Kabbalah relied on his high status to overwhelm everyone and settled the matter.

So they went up the mountain together and walked slowly along the steep mountain road to the camp of the ogres.

The camp was really messy, and the ogres organized the bodies of the dead, lying there one by one, before the funeral could even be held. And the sentinels are not even talking about—the two sentinels were directly knocked off the cliff by the giant dragon. Even if they were not dead, they are still earning their lives under the mountain slowly. How could they be able to come back?

Speaking of which, the crusade team came at the right time. Many of the ogres were beaten directly out of the cliff during the battle with the dragon. At this moment, several strong young ogres were going down the steep hillside, trying to find out if they had any chance of escape. of. Apart from the old, weak, sick and disabled, there were only a few wounded who remained in the camp.

However, these wounded men also caused great trouble to the crusade team.

A group of guys who can fight the dragon, and then they can still survive, how can it be so easy to deal with!

Each of these wounded is a high-level, and the weakest is also an ogre warrior-this is enough to defeat most adventurers who have not reached the middle level one-on-one; Ogre Pioneers-If they are not injured, a mid-level paladin will stand up against them with a 70% chance of winning; there is even a double-headed ogre.

Oh, the “front” two-headed ogre.

Because one of its heads has been ripped off by the dragon’s claws.

Fortunately, one of its heads is gone. Otherwise, the crusade team will encounter it. I really don’t know whether it is here to subdue the demons or to deliver the goods to the door!

Be aware that the strength rating of the two-headed ogre can barely get into the “high-end” level.

This kind of guy has two heads that can think separately, and is extremely keen when fighting. What’s more terrifying is that one of its heads tends to become a warlock. In other words, in battle, it is equivalent to an excellent warrior. , Combined with the ability of the sorcerer who can cast spells at any time.

What a foul, okay?

The head lost by the two-headed ogre is precisely the one of the “Warlock”. So he fell back to his original form from the dual-core superman who was both law and military, and became a big man who was a little inflexible to walk.

Well~IndoMTL.com~Because of the loss of a head, it is not very adaptable to its new state for the time being, and its movements are a little bumpy.

“I hope it can learn its lesson in the next life, or just cast a good fetus.” After cutting it down, standing on its corpse, the bear-like paladin ignored the nearly shattered severe wound on his left shoulder. said laughingly.

He couldn’t laugh anymore soon.

Because, the young ogres who went out to find the people who fell down the cliff are back.

The battle was extremely tragic. In the end, almost everyone of the paladins were seriously injured. The priests also exhausted their mana. One of the two rangers lost a leg directly and became disabled.

Fortunately, this glorious victory was praised by Majesty the Void, who kindly bestowed the grace of God and restored all the injured to health.

Including those who do not believe in Him.

When the warm holy light was erected like a beam of light in the ogre camp, Darling’s winter sweeping finally came to an end victoriously.

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