Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 34:

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The return of the **** of justice, Joel Gadman, is a surprise to Sui Xiong.

He originally intended this elder brother to worship in retreat and leveling, as long as 800 years, as few as 200 to 300 years, at least for at least a hundred years. But I didn’t expect that the eldest brother would come back in a total of only a few months.

When meeting after the retirement ceremony, he curiously asked: “Big brother, why did you come back so early? Didn’t the leveling go smoothly?”

Jolgardeman heard the words, thought about it, shook his head, his face was a little weird.

“Although I don’t understand what you mean by ‘leveling’, I can roughly understand what you mean. It’s not that my trip was not smooth, but it was too smooth.”

Speaking, he raised his left hand, his palm floating colorfully. Look carefully, each color is a kind of power, they are distinct from each other, but they show a trend of tolerance and harmony, forming an indivisible whole. Although there are still many omissions in the whole, and it is not perfect, at least the general framework is neat.

It is like a robot on the earth that can walk on its own. The frame structure, power system, and control system have been completed. The only difference is that there are some fillings and decorations that are good or not.

Sui Xiong watched the light carefully, and slowly frowned.

In this light, he saw a lot of familiar things.

It comes from the knowledge given by the sun **** when he is dying, and the information about the full set of priests and fields that can form the basic structure of a world. Although the system constructed by Jolgardeman is more complete than what he comprehended, and there are many things that the sun **** zìjǐ could not comprehend, the shadow of the sun **** system can still be seen in many places. . It can even be said that the idea of ​​its core structure is obviously inspired by the Sun God system.

It’s like two people visiting Huangguoshu Waterfall together. All painted a picture. One painted a lifelike waterfall scenery, while the other painted a white dragon flying straight into the sky, extremely majestic and mighty. Only the mountains and Miao villages underneath can point out the origin of this scenery.

With these two paintings, the intention of the latter one is naturally much more clever. But get to the root cause. After all, the theme of “Huangguoshu Waterfall” cannot be completely shaken off.

Sui Xiong’s comprehension is that landscape sketch. Jolgardeman’s realization is that white dragon soars into the sky. Although Sui Xiong does not have the brush and painting skills for the time being to paint such a magnificent scene, as a painter, he can fully see that the “root” of this painting is actually the same as zìjǐ.

He thought for a while, and used his mind to pass a few key contents of the document to Yolgadman.

Jol Gardman was taken aback and looked at him stupidly.

“I got this set of information, too.” Sui Xiong said. “It looks like that guy sent out a lot of sets when he was dying.”

Yorgardeman frowned, thinking.

He has a rough and unruly character. He is arrogant when he is good, and he is guilty when he is bad, but there is no doubt that he is definitely not stupid and smart.

A single person is almost universally enemy, if not smart enough. He has died countless times a long time ago.

After a little thought, Jolgardeman came to the conclusion: “It seems that that guy has sent such a piece of information to every deity who may cause trouble to that bastard. He probably doesn’t expect it. Can I get anything in return, I just hope that we will all become stronger, and that when he becomes an enemy of that **** in the future, it will bring him more trouble.”

“…Even if you get this information from him, Le Feng, etc. can break through the original bottleneck. It’s better than the **** who came from behind.”

Sui Xiong nodded and asked curiously: “So what about you, brother?”

“Even without this set of information, I can be stronger than that bastard!” Joel Gardman said proudly, but then smiled modestly. “Of course, this set of information helped me a lot. It made me understand a lot of things that I hadn’t noticed or studied in depth before. It is precisely because of its help that I can improve my strength so quickly. To the point where I am confident that I will not lose to that bastard.”

Sui Xiong also laughed: “So, brother, you are now on par with the Lord of Glory?”

“It should be.” Jolgardeman said, “At least the previous sword, although it seems to me that there are still many mysteries that have not been solved yet, if I shoot it, I should be able to wield it. A similar sword is nothing more than similarities and minor differences.”

Sui Xiong was greatly excited by the news, and he asked Joel Gardeman to discuss the transformation of the Loving Angel.

Jolgardeman can’t help in this regard. Even though he has obtained the full set of information about the sun god, he has a specialization in the art industry. The core direction of his research is still fighting and destruction. When it comes to the knowledge and understanding of transformation, he is no better than Sui Xiong.

Anyway, the God of Justice has finally returned. As one of the pillars of the good camp in the Pantheon, although he has a bad temper and is not easy to get along with, as long as he is there, the balance of power will not be too unbalanced.

And the world has gradually entered the hot summer.

For the Northwest region, summer is the best season of the year. The weather is warm and the products are abundant. Especially for Pyroxene Town, which has initially dissipated the negative energy, this summer is not only as comfortable as usual. , There are many more joyful and exciting things than usual.

For example, the green plants inside and outside the town.

These plants are all specially sent by Sui Xiong to the north of dàlù, the areas bordering the wilderness and ice fields, and those places where the land is frozen for several months of the year. They are good at resisting the cold and can grow well in the Northwest.

Not only that, but many of these plants can also provide some edible parts. For example, the leaves of the “four-leaf pine” can be used to make tea after being cleaned. It is fragrant and slightly bitter, which can refresh your mind. If you drink it for a long time, it will have a certain hǎochù for your eyes. Another example is that “frost vine” can produce a kind of small blue-white fruit. The fruit is not big, but the taste is very sweet. Although the yield is very tragic, it can at least provide income. The high civilians brought rare sweets.

For plants like this, Qiao Xiu led a team to search for a lot of seeds, then relied on the power of magic to cultivate them, and then planted them in Pyroxene Town and its surroundings.

The current town of Pyroxene is already a green town. Although not very new, at least strong wooden houses are scattered among vines and trees, just like gardens.

This kind of scenery also attracted birds and beasts. When the birds chirping on the treetops, I don’t know how many old people who have not heard the birds chirping for several decades have tears in their eyes.

Ferex also copied the retirement pension system of Masked Void Playground and handled retirement pension accounts for every worker. As for the old people who are too late to enjoy this benefit, she has prepared some relaxed gōngzuò for them, such as patrolling the town, guarding warehouses and empty houses. These gōngzuò are neither dangerous nor laborious, and even the elderly can do the job. Although the income is relatively low, at least there is still a slight surplus to support zìjǐ. For these elderly people who have almost lost the ability to work, it is already a good treatment beyond imagination.

The change in Pyroxene Town is not only in the scenery, because the negative energy is dissipated, the land outside the town has also been restored to life. Pieces of farmland have been cultivated, rye and vegetables have been planted, and now almost all have sprouted, a large area of ​​lush greenery. From a distance, it looks like an idyllic scenery. If someone who knows nothing comes here, they might think that zìjǐ is dreaming, or that they are on the wrong path.

Isn’t this Ash Forest? Isn’t it a barren land where most life is difficult to survive? Isn’t it the negative energy eroded by the monsters? Why does it look like a northern town?

If it weren’t for some trees that still have traces of erosion by negative energy, I’m afraid no one would think that this place is in the prestigious ash forest, but in the northeast of dàlù, the famous agricultural kingdom, the Holy Angel Kingdom. .

Oh, the Holy Angel Kingdom is not called by this name now, it is called the Glory Kingdom.

Since the Lord of Radiance, the Sun God, was beheaded by the Lord of Radiance, Uther, his church also fell apart. Some fanatics committed suicide in despair, and more went underground, hoping to resurrect the gods whom zìjǐ believed in through sacrifices or some ancient rituals in legends. On the bright side, the old order that ruled this country quickly disintegrated, and sects that believed in the gods of mankind quickly emerged, receiving and dividing the beliefs of the entire country at an amazing speed, and establishing a new belief system.

Of course, such a belief system is still very shallow, and the vast majority of people in the entire country are not even shallow believers. But as long as time is given to the human gods zúgòu, sooner or later, people’s beliefs will be completely changed. Even if it can’t be restored to the grand state of the whole country when the Holy Angel Kingdom was in the past, at least it will not be worse than other places.

The original rulers of the Holy Angel Kingdom were not cut to death. The Lord of Radiance personally issued oracles. As long as the descendants of the sun **** are willing to give up their belief in the sun god, they can spare their lives. In the past, he was very lenient this time, and he didn’t even ask these old nobles to join the church of human gods, as long as they made a verbal statement.

But even this ~IndoMTL.com~ has set off a **** storm in the upper class of the country, and the number of people who died is difficult to count.

As the saying goes, “loyalty is synonymous with weakness.” Human gods are by no means weak, so loyalty can’t be said. Faced with those guys who are unwilling to even verbally express their opinions or want to bargain, they have only one choice, which is the butcher knife.

Since the king, at least 60% of the nobles in the entire country have been killed, and once sentenced to death, it is not individuals, but entire families!

When Uther Jean, Lord of Radiance, was a **** of vengeance, he was a vengeful god! The most powerful generals under his men are all ruthless people who kill people like hemp!

Since you want to kill, you must cut the grass and remove the roots. If you don’t do this, how can you stop the future troubles, and how can you let the guys who want the first end of the mouse give up?

In the words of the Lord of Radiance, “I am not good at buying people’s hearts, but I am very good at those who want me to buy them and want to bargain with me to give up”!

Through this cleansing, the current glorious country is completely the world of the beliefs of the gods of mankind. (To be continued.)

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