Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 32:

Every **** has a priesthood and a domain. The former is derived from the power of the world’s roots, and the latter is the mastery of his own power. To obtain the priesthood, you must first understand and master the corresponding power, and improve this mastery Only by reaching the point of reaching the root of the world and accepting the rights and obligations derived from it on this basis can the world be recognized, and this power can be grasped from the height of the root, and the priesthood can be produced.

From a personal point of view, it is enough to raise the power to the domain level-for example, Sui Xiong, he holds the power of multiple domain levels, and these powers can be very good in the battle with the gods. To play a role without fear of being restrained. But from the perspective of the power of God, only by raising the power to the level of the priesthood can the power derived from it be derived, and through the channel of faith, the believers can be granted special abilities.

Let’s take Sui Xiong as an example. He once granted the believers the power of ice. At that time, he personally passed the power point-to-point. But if he raises the power of “ice” from the domain level to the clergy level, then every one of his believers can get the power of ice through prayer-as long as they are pious enough to produce a channel of faith with sufficient strength .

Once the priesthood of God is established, believers can gain strength through prayer widely. Now that you have the power, you will naturally use it. In this process, trouble often ensues.

Morani’s priesthood includes “mining”. He is also the only **** in the pan-orc **** system who has this priesthood, so many orcs and half-orcs miners believe in him. Mining often involves digging deep underground. In this process, it will inevitably conflict with underground monsters. Although the orcs have excellent dark vision, dark vision alone is far from enough to work and explore underground. Therefore, in the conflict, it is most of them who suffer.

These miners are just ordinary people. In the foreseeable future, it is impossible to have the power comparable to adventurers, so how to properly train them so that they can easily encounter danger underground Escape has always been a headache for Morani.

He has also discussed this issue with other gods in the orc **** system, but the orc gods disagree with his worries.

“What does the dead have to do? Anyway, the little guys are very capable of giving birth.”

“Yes, there are no undead people who mine.”

“Morani, you think too much, we are not a nanny!”

The general position of the orc gods is the evil camp. They despise life and value power. They regard barbarism and viciousness as a symbol of bravery, and do not care about the death and injury of believers. On the other hand, Morani and his wild gods are a group of gods in a neutral or even kind-hearted camp, and respect for life is their consistent attitude. The conflict between the two different ideas made Morani’s worry look stupid and weak in the eyes of the orc gods.

If it hadn’t been for this “steel lion” to be able to fight, almost no one among the orc gods could have beaten him, I’m afraid they would even laugh at him!

Morani was completely disappointed with these colleagues. He has been thinking about how to solve this problem. Until today, he has no solution.

He can organize believers to explore the danger in the underground labyrinth of Masked Void Playground, and gain experience of conflict with underground monsters under the premise of safety. Although this experience is rather one-sided, it is better than knowing nothing!

However, there is still a problem to be solved.

“My believers are generally not wealthy…I will find a way for their training fees.” Thinking of the money issue, the powerful wild gods are also somewhat embarrassed, “I will go to the outer planes in a few days. Look for it, find some gold or something.”

“Talking about money is tacky!” Sui Xiong smiled and shook his head. “When you helped me, did you talk about money?”

“We can not talk about money, but believers have to talk about money.” Morani said, “Your playground always needs maintenance, right? Maintenance costs, workers’ wages, including transmission fees for safety , These are all for money.”

Sui Xiong was stunned by what he said. After thinking about it, it seems that this is really the case.

No wonder Snow was always so irritable when business was bad before…

So the matter was almost settled, Morani dispatched the bodies of the wild gods to search for wealth on the outer planes. The avatar is organizing believers to go to the Void Mask Playground in batches to receive underground exploration training.

This is also attributable to Sui Xiong’s effort to create a huge teleportation array. The gods only need to obtain the teleportation array password from him, and then allow him to open the corresponding permissions to activate teleportation from anywhere on the main plane. Send the believers directly to the playground.

As for the training, they can also use the teleportation array to reach various capitals first, and then return to their respective mining areas.

This process will naturally incur a huge cost, mainly because it will consume a huge amount of magic power. But for the gods, magic is not a problem at all.

After finalizing the matter, Sui Xiong and Morani walked together and asked the enthusiastic ranger about the management of believers.

Managing believers is a compulsory course for all gods, and it is also a problem that Sui Xiong has been worrying about before. He felt that since the believers believed in himself, prayed piously and prayed for refuge from him, he should bless them as far as he could. But this means that he will be restrained by believers and will inevitably be restrained in future conflicts with the enemy-for example, the black dragon with a problematic brain, if it is not for the **** of justice, he really does not know how to deal with it. The guy might attack.

The **** of justice doesn’t care about this question, because he doesn’t need believers at all. He believes that “justice” is temporary rather than eternal. When people encounter a situation that must be chosen, the concept of justice will burst out. And most of the time, people don’t need justice. So his doctrine is “When people need justice and are willing to sacrifice for justice, I will support them and give them the power to uphold justice.”

If this is not the case, what should I do?

Chill! If his incarnation happens to be nearby, just take care of it. If he can’t control it, forget it.

“Although I am a **** of justice, I will never be bound by morals.” When Sui Xiong asked him for advice, he said, “The legitimate interests of mortals should be maintained, and so should my legitimate interests. Being defended, this is justice! If my interests are harmed for the benefit of mortals, how can it be considered justice?”

To put it bluntly, his attitude is “good gathering and dispersing”. He does not pursue long-term faith, nor does he maintain the organization of believers and churches.

That’s why he can run across the world smartly, no one can do anything with him.

“Then what about your Kingdom of God? How do the Holy Spirits settle?” Sui Xiong asked.

The **** of justice laughed and said nothing, Sui Xiong immediately realized that he had asked questions that shouldn’t be asked, and he apologized.

This is the greatest secret of the **** of justice, and it is also something that the gods who are opposed to him have been puzzled by it. How can it be revealed?

In short, from the side of the **** of justice, Sui Xiong could not learn the knowledge of managing believers. The other gods who had a good relationship with him were not good teachers.

Although the God of Redemption is old, he is an old servant street. In the long years, He has never been able to have a large number of believers, and He has never had disputes with any god, so he has never considered such issues.

The goddess of the ocean… That is a negative teaching material. Even if his successor, the Mermaid Princess, doesn’t know how to manage believers, he completely hands off this matter to the demigods under his command, as well as several survivors in the kingdom of God. The old holy spirit, as for what they do…hehe, it’s nothing more than the six-character mantra anyway.

You do things, I don’t worry.

Sui Xiong has the heart to learn from him, but he really doesn’t have such a powerful character. The only omnipotent person who is now holding the name of the chief priest of the church, is serving as a consul with someone else.

Leon himself expressed his willingness to return to the playground to work more than once, but Sui Xiong couldn’t agree—Miss Kasally Riley didn’t know how many times she prayed to the gods and prayed to which **** would only help. She blesses love. As a **** whom Leon believes in, Sui Xiong himself has received her prayers more than once.

Although he thinks Leon doesn’t seem to have much interest in that beautiful girl, he thinks about it carefully. Leon is already in his 30s. If he wants to be placed on the earth, he is definitely a golden bachelor of older young people. When he arrives, he should consider starting a family. Age. It’s rare for a girl with good conditions to chase him down. As his eldest brother, how could Sui Xiong take down his brother’s desk?

So not only did he not agree to let Leon return to the playground, but he secretly made a bottle of magic potion that can keep youth and delay aging~IndoMTL.com~ so that Katsari can stay youthful, so that he can be with Leon Slowly love the long run.

“If a year doesn’t work, then ten years, if ten years don’t work, then a hundred years… Anyway, don’t worry, I won’t let you die before that stupid boy.” In the dream of the beautiful city lord, the green jellyfish uses tentacles He patted his chest vigorously, so as to ensure, “I can’t help you with the love affairs, so leave the logistics to me!”

Unconsciously, he harvested a very **** believer.

Morani listened to him chattering and talking, his face was full of smiles.

My new friend, I usually live very lonely… It’s so happy to see someone who can talk to him occasionally. I must always sit alone on the altar and have a deep relationship with the believers. The deep barrier.

The huge difference between gods and mortals makes every **** who wants to be affectionate with believers very distressed. Why do the gods often form a **** system? Naturally, there is the meaning of alliance and mutual assistance, but more of it is actually just a group of lonely people huddling together for warmth.

“Oscar, are you interested in joining the wild gods?” He asked with interest during lunch break, “I don’t intend to control or control who, our gods are mainly just for everyone to chat and communicate. .”

“Looking at your look, I think…you need some friends who can chat and communicate frequently.”

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