Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 32:

Cheng Yuan has an urge to wait, he wants to prove whether his idea is correct!

Opening his eyes, Cheng Yuan took a deep breath. To prove whether his thoughts are correct, Cheng Yuan must first find something to experiment.

Cheng Yuan looked around, and set his eyes on his mobile phone.

His mobile phone is an ordinary domestic machine, and the system is Android. Putting the phone on the table, Cheng Yuan looked at the phone, his mind slowly entered the crystallization of technology.

No matter when, the feeling of technological crystallization will always be so shocking!

Quickly converging his mind, Cheng Yuan didn’t dare to be careless. He turned his eyes on his mobile phone and slowly entered the crystallization of technology.

The outline of the phone formed in his mind. In an instant, the strings on the crystal of technology began to surge, and they were closely connected with Cheng Yuan’s consciousness. As long as Cheng Yuan enters here, if he has any thoughts, they will all Quickly disassemble the combination, and then extract the thoughts in Cheng Yuan’s consciousness and input them into Cheng Yuan’s mind.

Seeing that the string has changed, Cheng Yuan’s heart tensed. He didn’t dare to be careless. The functions of the phone flashed through his mind quickly. Although the specific details of each item were vague, the general function was very accurate. Cheng Yuan, your thoughts, the characters in the crystallization of science and technology crazily surging, one by one disassembled, combined and then connected into a line, and quickly rushed towards Cheng Yuan!

Seeing this string, Cheng Yuan felt nervous and excited!

What’s nervous is that he doesn’t know if he can bear it, because it is like a needle compared to the torrent of strings before!

Incomparably small!

But the content of knowledge in it made Cheng Yuan dare not care.

On the other hand, he is also very excited, and his idea seems right! Because there is only one string in front of him!

In the tense and excited anticipation, the string swishes into his brain!

In an instant, countless unfamiliar knowledge poured into his brain, and Cheng Yuan’s head was stunned by the filled feeling of swelling. But soon, Cheng Yuan discovered that there was no sort of scientific and technological knowledge that had originally entered the brain, but at this time it was automatically divided into pieces and stored there.

In the past, after Cheng Yuan gained knowledge from the crystallization of science and technology, the knowledge was scattered in his mind, like random graffiti, one piece on the left and one piece on the right. But now they are as if they have been integrated by humans, and every kind of similar knowledge is neatly arranged and divided.

Like the science and technology tree, biotechnology is divided into one type, intelligent technology one, and mechanical technology one.

Here, many people don’t understand. Anyway, they all exist in the brain. Isn’t it the same distribution?

In fact, this is quite wrong.

The human brain is extremely mysterious. Everyone has different ideas, and everyone has different wits.

Why, everyone is a brain, why are some people smarter than themselves, and he seems so stupid? Why does the teacher ask, the other party can react so quickly, but can only answer after thinking about it for a long time?

This is the reason!

It’s like a clean room, where the things are arranged regularly and neatly. As the host, you know exactly where the things are placed. When you want something, you can take it out without having to search for it.

On the other hand, in a chaotic room, although you know that things are in the room, it is very hard to find, and it takes a very long time!

As for how to make the brain do this, Cheng Yuan naturally does not know, that is the gap between genius and ordinary people.

Don’t be unconvinced, and don’t be jealous.

Genius is always different.

Fu Cheng Yuan now knows that he also has this ability and is more powerful.

However, the neat arrangement of knowledge only surprised Cheng Yuan for a while. What really excites him is that he really has knowledge about mobile phones in his mind!

Moreover, this knowledge seems to…

Cheng Yuan’s breath suddenly stopped, his face was full of shock!


The next day, Cheng Yuan came to the company early. He was very excited. The experiment last night made him understand that he may not need to rely on movies anymore if he needs technology in the future, but he can’t get rid of it completely. After all, it’s in his brain. Before the capacity is increased to the point where he can find technology at will, he cannot think of many technologies himself. He needs to rely on the brainstorming ideas in the movie to fill his shortcomings in this area!

Just sitting down, Zheng Jia ran in hastily before Cheng Yuan even took a sip of the water.

“Boss, good news!” Zheng Jia’s face was full of joy, and the usual dignity was gone at this time.

Looking at Zheng Jia who was extremely excited, Cheng Yuan in a good mood also smiled and asked, “Ms. Zheng, what good news?”

Zheng Jia smiled and told Cheng Yuan what happened on the Internet last night.

It turned out that last night, after the Internet’s “Millions of Loans for College Students Buying Luxury Cars” was fermented, more and more people paid attention to it.

As time went by, after the excavation of the folk gods and the deliberate guidance of Zheng Jia, Cheng Yuan’s detailed information was finally put on the table!

The previous inaccurate report has been debunked, but no one cares about this inaccurate report, because this is the inertia of the media, they can ask you anything to attract people’s attention. Now, netizens have become accustomed to this.

What they care more about at this time is what happened to Cheng Yuan!

A freshman who was just eighteen years old, what exactly did he come up with to get the people above to approve a one million loan?

They are curious!

However, when they were curious, a documentary-like video appeared on various forums. The title “The Real Secret of Million Loan College Students” instantly attracted all netizens who paid attention to the matter.

Qiao Cheng is one of the people who have been paying attention to this matter. He has just graduated from university for less than two years. He is an employee of the technical department of a technology company. Due to work reasons, he has a lot of free time, so he is usually fine. If you do, you will browse the news online.

When he first saw “Millions of Loan College Students Buying Luxury Cars”, a wave of curiosity arose in his heart. After he finished reading this report, his curiosity turned into anger!

Why there are always so many assholes!

With anger, he relied on fairly good technology and successfully found the information of the young man above through the pictures on the report.

After reading Cheng Yuan’s information, he suddenly understood that he was deceived by this report!

But after discovering that he was deceived, Qiao Cheng was even more curious. How did this man five or six years younger than himself do it?

From that moment on, he has been paying attention to this matter. When this video with the title “The Real Secret of a Million Loan College Student” appeared, he was on the night shift and became interested and did not hesitate Clicked in.

At the beginning of the video, a person was talking about the introduction. This person, Qiao Cheng, knew him and was the protagonist of the previous incident, Cheng Yuan!

When he saw him, Qiao Cheng’s eyes lit up and looked carefully.

“…With the rapid development of science and technology…the rapid speed of life has gradually brought the health crisis closer to people, and as work illnesses become more serious, health has become people’s primary concern. But how do people quickly learn about themselves What about the current condition of the body? How to respond to certain situations that arise? China is a country with a large population. The large number of people also means that the hospital is overcrowded, and the high cost is beyond the reach of some office workers. For this, I thought about it. It.”

Looking at Cheng Yuan’s green face on the screen, and listening to his pertinent analysis, Qiao Chengyue felt more and more correct, especially now that the cost of going to the hospital is really outrageous. A simple cold and cough can be enough. Five or six boxes of medicines are prescribed, and registration fees are added. It is impossible for a series of fees to be seven or eight hundred.

But at the end, what is the “it” that Cheng Yuan said? Qiao Cheng’s mind was fascinated by the fact that the picture quality was not so high, but the full hour of video.

As the video played, Qiao Chengyue became more surprised when he watched it. At the end of the video, when Cheng Yuan interacted with something he made by himself, his mouth was already surprised enough to stuff two goose eggs!

“This is fake!” Qiao Cheng murmured, and then he quickly called his best friend in college. For verifying the authenticity of the video, his best friend can be said to be an authority in his social circle. of!

“Mouse, hurry up, show my brother something!” Qiao Cheng shouted anxiously as soon as the phone called.

“I wipe, fat man, don’t you know what time it is now? I have to go to work tomorrow!” The person Qiao Cheng called as a mouse suddenly complained on the other side of the phone. The mouse’s exclamation rang again on the phone, “Hey, it’s two o’clock in the morning, you fat guy, don’t you let me sleep if you don’t sleep!”

Qiao Cheng listened to the scolding of his best buddies, but didn’t take it seriously. They had experienced this kind of thing a lot, and they were used to it. He hurriedly urged: “You hurry up, how can there be so much nonsense? Isn’t it okay for Fat Brother to invite you to a barbecue this weekend?!”

When Qiao Cheng said a treat, the mouse on the other end of the phone no longer complained, and his tone was filled with joy: “This is what you said, a fat barbecue on Minzu Street on weekends.”

“Got it! You hurry up, I will send you the URL, and you will see if the last paragraph is true.” Qiao Cheng agreed, and urged again.

If the last part of this video had not been processed, Qiao Cheng, who had already been in this line of work, would have imagined what a huge reaction it would have!

Soon, after Qiao Cheng anxiously waited, after nearly 30 minutes, the mouse finally replied to him, “The video has not been processed, and the last thing is true!”

When I heard it was true~IndoMTL.com~Qiao Cheng was shocked!

This is a properly black technology. Cheng Yuan won’t get any extraterrestrial technology, right?

Qiao Cheng’s thoughts are the same thoughts that many night owls have in their minds tonight, that Cheng Yuan won’t really get alien technology!

Of course, that’s how they think about it. After all, Cheng Yuan’s information is very clear. He has been very good in studying since he was a child. Otherwise, he would not be admitted to Huaxia University of Science and Technology. An institution that has strict requirements on scores and backgrounds!

There are many similar institutions in Huaxia, such as Huaxia National University of Science and Technology. Such institutions have higher requirements than Huaxia University of Science and Technology. They do not directly recruit foreign students. Every time they recruit students, they will choose from within, even if they find talented students. , It will be strictly reviewed when recruiting!

This kind of school is definitely not as famous as Huaqing and Peking University, but it cannot be said that they are not excellent!

So Cheng Yuan, as a student of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, has also shut up many people who want to question. After all, you want to doubt, yes, you can enter the Huaxia University of Science and Technology like him first. If you fail to do something, it does not mean that others cannot do it.

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