Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 31:

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There was another loud noise, the tall furnace exploded, and the red iron **** and hot coal flew everywhere, but not even a little fell on the big green jellyfish that was close at hand.

Because Sui Xiong has set a trigger magic on himself in advance, once he is attacked, he will immediately transform into an incorporeal state. Although the power of the blast furnace explosion is amazing, it can’t hurt an incorporeal existence.

Of course, the incorporeal cannot directly attack the existence of any entity, and the “untouchable” point is fair to each other.

After a while, the smoke and dust gradually subsided, and the hot shards on the ground gradually cooled down. Sui Xiong turned from an incorporeal body to a physical body, looking at the mess on the ground, and sighed deeply.

“What’s wrong with the jìng?” He said to himself, “Obviously, I have improved so many times, I think it should be fine…”

At this moment, he tilted his head slightly and heard a voice from Palin.

“My lord, today is the day when the retirement ceremony is held, please don’t forget to participate.”

He was stunned for a moment, and he held his tentacles to calculate the time, only to realize that he had forgotten the days before he knew it.

Since he visited the frog elder, he took back the avatar and concentrated on studying the blast furnace. Unknowingly, so many days passed.

If it hadn’t been for Palin’s reminder, perhaps he would have forgotten the important event of the retirement ceremony. When the ceremony began, when everyone prayed to him, he reacted, and ran to the venue with dismay… That would be a shame!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help laughing a few times, and hurriedly cleaned up. Hurry to the Void Mask Playground.

The deity walks very fast, especially when returning to his temple. After a while. Sui Xiong has already arrived at the Void Masked Shrine located in the southernmost center of the amusement park to meet the priests and pastors who have been waiting here.

See my own deity descending. The priests and pastors were all rejoicing. They sang hymns excitedly, and repeated the hymns that Leon had plagiarized from the book of the God of Eagles and changed their faces. I don’t know how many times they repeated the hymns. If Sui Xiong couldn’t bear it, let them stop, I’m afraid they can keep singing.

These guys are not ordinary people, each of them has at least the level of intermediate adventurers. They are really full of breath, and their lung capacity is conservatively estimated to be more than 10,000. They have to go to the earth. All of them are the kings of swimming, the kind of one who dived for a hundred meters in one go. If you don’t stop them, they just sing and sing like this, and it will be fine for days and nights.

…They can stand it, Sui Xiong can’t stand it!

At this time, a simple and solemn platform had been built in the square of the amusement park. The two hosts had already arrived on the stage, and the guests who had been invited to watch the ceremony took their seats. Many curious tourists and residents gathered outside the guest seats.

The service members walked around in the guest seats like butterflies and flowers, bringing fruits and drinks to the guests. The fruits are cut into pieces and stuck with toothpicks. It tastes very square, and the drinks are based on everyone’s taste, except that no spirits are provided to avoid getting drunk. There are other kinds of things.

Onlookers without seats also have benefits, and there are dining tables on both sides of the venue. Provide drinks and fruits. Of course, the texture and variety are far worse than those of the guests. After all, there are differences between closeness and sparseness, and the principle of differentiated service is universal in any world.

But such benefits are already satisfying enough. A tourist from a southern country took a glass of a drink prepared with dried frosted fruit from the world’s ice and snow world, and drank a big sip and laughed. He said to his family: “This is in the restaurant. One cup costs two gold coins. Take advantage of it for free now, drink two more cups!”

His son took a skewer of grilled ground dragon meat in each of his left and right hands. He ate his mouth full of oil. He looked at the Ruther-like father with disdain, and said, “Dad, why are you so careless about money? The ground dragon meat skewers are usually available in limited quantities. There is no xiàn to provide today. Of course, I should eat now!”

“Earth Dragon is also a Warcraft after all. Isn’t it okay to eat too much?” The mother holding a small cup of dessert asked worriedly.

The father froze for a moment, looked at his son who was eating vigorously, thought about it, and smiled.

“If there is a problem, will they provide it with no amount?”

The son is very open-minded and said nonchalantly: “Is there a pastor next to here? Even if something goes wrong with eating, it’s okay.”

Situations like this are everywhere, and it’s rare to encounter such affordable benefits, and tourists are happy. Residents nearby have also chosen some of their favorite foods and waited while eating and drinking.

Although there are no seats, they are also very satisfied.

As for the guests, most of them are very knowledgeable. Even if the fruits and drinks provided by the Void Mask Playground are really high-end, it will only surprise them a little at most, and they will never be so excited.

Of course, some of the guests were very excited and even shocked.

For example, Raif and them.

Reif sat uncomfortably in the guest seat and looked around. The guests around him knew that he was a big man. In contrast, he was just a small worker, and his identity was so different.

He always felt that sitting here was a huge mistake. I was always worried that the sturdy man would come over in the next moment, grab him, and threw it far into the ditch next to him.

The same is true for several workers near him, all of them frightened and fidgeting, their faces full of horror.

“I always feel that something is wrong…”

“Yeah, we are sitting here, right?”

“Would you like to sneak behind you? I think it’s good to stand up…”

Ferex, who specially asked Mrs. Teague to arrange his seat in front of them, heard their whispers, funny and angry, and turned his head and said to them: “Don’t underestimate yourself! You know! , You are all selected as “outstanding workers” to observe the ceremony. Don’t look at you sitting down today, maybe one day, you will also be on the high stage as representatives and receive the much-anticipated honor!”

Reif and the others were stunned. You look at me, I look at you. Looking at the simple but solemn high platform, I felt 10,000 in disbelief.

“The mayor. Are you kidding us?” Raif asked anxiously.

Ferex couldn’t help but smile and shook his head: “Your eyes saw me making a joke? Your Majesty the Void Masquerade is very important to the promotion of the status of workers. You are all the best workers in the future. It is indeed very possible to receive recognition. This is a sure thing.”

“But…but…we are just ordinary people…”

Ferex shook his head and pointed his finger to the sky: “In front of the gods, who is not an ordinary person? Whether it is nobles, adventurers, workers, farmers, for the great eternal and immortal existence, Is there a big difference?”

Reif thought for a while, and whispered: “The difference is still quite big. The rich can donate more money…”

Ferex laughed: “Money? Your Majesty Mask of the Void doesn’t care about that. The last thing he lacks is money… Do you know? Under this playground. There is one living in a rock cave. The dragon, she is responsible for keeping the vault for your majesty. Guess, how much money is in the vault?”

Reif and his companions looked at each other, and a worker carefully guessed: “Ten thousand gold coins?”

The unit “ten thousand” was just learned by them during this journey. Before that, they would only count with “five” and “ten”-most farmers are about the same and can not count at all. It’s good to count to thirty by mistake. Those who can count to a hundred are simply intellectuals, thousand? Million? They don’t have this concept at all.

When the temporary teacher describes these concepts to them. They spent a lot of time to understand this concept and asked the teacher to cite several examples over and over again.

But it is exactly the same. They have a special awe of the huge number of “ten thousand”, whenever the word is spoken from the mouth. I feel that I have also become a bit great.

Ferex didn’t have the same idea as them, she smiled slightly and shook her head: “What is ten thousand gold coins! This number is too small. Guess again.”

Reif and the others looked at each other blankly. “Ten thousand” is already an unimaginable number for them. Is this too small? So how much money is stored in that underground vault!

Ferex saw their blank look. I guess they couldn’t guess either. They sighed and said, “I don’t know the exact number, but it’s just that I happened to have something to go there last time and talked with the dragon guarding the vault. At that time. I saw that behind her, the golden coins were piled up like a mountain, at least as high as three stories. I didn’t go in and look at it carefully, and I don’t know.”

Reifu thought about the scene like that, swallowed and vomited, and asked: “Then…what is the jìng?”

Ferex took out a gold coin and spread the small metal disc flat in his palm: “Look, a gold coin is so big. It is piled up into a hill at least three stories high. How many gold coins will it be?”

She smiled, then sighed softly: “I don’t want to count, it will make me feel depressed.”

Although she doesn’t care about money, but seeing such a huge wealth, the innumerable gold glittering under the illumination of the magic stone… Whenever she thinks of it, she can’t help but fascinate her, too. She couldn’t help but feel deeply envious and jealous of the dragon holding the bedding and sleeping on the pile of gold coins.

(That guy…must be the happiest dragon in the world…)

Countless gold coins.

This concept left Raiff and the others at a loss. They tried to think about the huge Jinshan, trying to use the superficial mathematical ability they had just learned to calculate how much they were studying, but the calculations, besides making themselves dizzy, Not even the slightest result.

But thanks to this calculation, their original nervousness was greatly relieved, and their mood finally calmed down a bit.

“…In short, don’t worry, don’t burden yourself.” Felix watched as it was almost noon, and the ceremony was about to be held, and whispered, “Eat when you are hungry, and drink when you are thirsty. You may be shí for a while. I still don’t understand the meaning behind this ceremony, so just treat it as if you’re here to join in the fun and eat free food.”

“That’s OK?” Reif asked worriedly.

“Didn’t I just say that the Masked Void Church has money.”

Thinking about the huge golden mountain mentioned earlier, Raif and the others immediately relieved their minds, grabbing fruits and drinks with all their hands, and ate and drank.

They only ate for a while, and the sun moved to the center of the zenith.

On the high stage, the two hosts looked at the sky, nodded, and at the same time raised their wands. The special wands glowed softly, shed a burst of brilliance, and made every guest and audience feel refreshed. .

“Void Mask Playground, the first employee retirement ceremony begins now!”

The two hosts come from the Masked Void Church and the God of Fortune Church respectively. They are both veterans of the shopping malls. Not only are they good-looking, they are also very eloquent. Based on the outline that Sui Xiong had prepared in advance, they devised a whole set of rhetoric, and talked about “retirement” very loudly, making all the guests and the audience awe-inspiring.

In their mouths, the old workers have exhausted their youth and all their energy for the construction and prosperity of the Void Mask Playground. Now that they are old and can no longer work as they did when they were young, it is time for the playground to pay them back.

According to the regulations formulated by Sui Xiong, every employee of the playground will automatically add a small sum of money to their personal pension account when he receives every salary. Accumulate over time, and accumulate year after year, and get a considerable fortune.

The money will not be given out at a lump sum when they retire. Instead, it will be given out every month on average for ten years.

The reason why the time is set to ten years is because ordinary people in this world generally live to be about sixty years old. Retire at the age of fifty, and by the age of sixty, wouldn’t it be exactly ten years?

Of course, there may be people who will not live to be sixty, and there may be people who will live beyond sixty. Sui Xiong’s approach to this is that for those who fail to live to the age of 60, the extra pension will be combined into the funeral expenses and distributed to his designated heirs; and those who live to be 60 years old, don’t worry, there are some in the amusement park. Money, don’t care about paying months or even dozens of months. Even if you have the ability to live to be a hundred years old, it is nothing more than paying an extra 480 months of pension. For Sui Xiong, he really doesn’t care about this amount of money.

When the host had elaborated on the system formulated by Sui Xiong, the audience was silent, and the guests and the audience were all stunned.

Not only that, almost all the gods who paid attention to this ritual also fell into contemplation~IndoMTL.com~ After a while, the goddess of spring first issued an oracle and asked the church to choose a region of zé and try to learn the void Follow the church’s approach and implement a retirement pension system. Then one after another good gods issued oracles one after another, trying to learn from Sui Xiong’s practice.

The gods have lived for a long time and have accumulated a wealth of experience. There are many things they couldn’t think of at first, but once an example is placed in the front, they can quickly sort out the clues in the middle, analyze the pros and cons, and draw conclusions that are beneficial to them.

The retirement pension system proposed by Void Mask, at first glance, seems to increase expenditure, but it can greatly enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the church, and enhance the status of the church in the hearts of ordinary people.

When a person knows that he can be old-fashioned, he will of course be grateful to the church that provides this benefit. Not only that, things in the world do not suffer from widowhood and unevenness. Some churches can provide retirement and old-age care, and some churches cannot. People will naturally have a tendency and will naturally make choices that are beneficial to them.

This is the most dà benefit of this system for good gods! (To be continued.)

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