Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 3:

After a pleasant morning in Keene City, after lunch, Sui Xiong went out to the Viscount of Samat. Δ㈧㈠Chinese Ωnet Ww*W. ┡8⒈Zw. COM

He didn’t plan to meet with the Keene leaders, nor did he have the idea of ​​meeting the believers-in his current capacity, it was a bit embarrassing to do these things. “Mask in the Void Oscar” is not suitable for meddling in such trivial matters, while “Holy Spirit Crick Keane” is suitable for appearing, but it is harmful and unhelpful to appear.

Over the years, his help to Keenling has remained at a “friendly” level. Apart from secretly helping Anna, Stephen and Romon to prepare some life-saving cards, he didn’t do much on the surface to attract people. Up-and-coming thing. Considering the relationship between Crick Keane and the Holy Spirit, His Majesty, Masked Void, it is actually somewhat strange.

But there is no way. In many cases, the appearance of coldness is not a bad thing. On the contrary, being too intimate can cause trouble.

If Crick pays too much attention to his relatives and friends, although it can provide a lot of convenience in small matters, it will make those truly powerful enemies pay attention to them and even target them. In that case, they are at greater risk.

Compared with risk, a little convenience is really not worth mentioning. It is unwise to let them take huge risks for this benefit.

So after careful consideration, Sui Xiong finally decided to keep a certain distance from them, and even made a strange appearance on the surface, in order to dispel some people’s thoughts that shouldn’t be.

If Crick’s feelings can be hurt, his enemies will naturally not hesitate to attack Keene collar. But since Crick didn’t really care about it, it would be inappropriate to show his feet about this matter.

To put it bluntly, this is also a game.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting.

It takes two days to ride a horse from Keene City, the mansion of Keene, to Samat Manor, the mansion of Samat. It will be there in half a day. As for walking, it takes four to five days.

This distance is the minimum limit for a baronian territory. If it is less than this limit, not only will the property be scarce, but more importantly, the safety of each other cannot be guaranteed.

At the level of technology in this world, unless you use magic communication props regardless of the cost, it is almost at the level of “communication basically depends on roaring”, even the flying pigeon does not pass the book. Therefore, if there is a war and there is not enough distance between each other’s territories, the army will arrive day and night, and the attacked party will not even have time to convene an army.

Of course, those who break the rules will be punished, but what does that have to do with the dead?

Therefore, there must be a certain distance between the territories of the two nobles. This is an unshakable rule.

Special horses have to run wildly for a long time, for Sui Xiong, it is just like walking in a garden. After lunch, he went out of town, and in about ten minutes, he came to Samath Manor.

He didn’t use flying or teleportation on this road, he walked over it step by step, completely down-to-earth. But it was different from ordinary walking. Every time he took a step, he walked a distance of at least a few dozen steps or even hundreds of steps equivalent to an ordinary person. However, the figure did not flicker at all, it was steady and fluttering. Even the pedestrians on the same road didn’t realize there was any problem at all.

As for whether they will suddenly wake up at some point in the future, and then learn from the way Sui Xiong walked at that time, and then learn the wonderful magic called “Shrinking Earth”, it depends on them. Luck.

Different from Keene City, Samat Manor is relatively simple and rude. It was originally just a knight’s manor. After Viscount Samat chose it as the mansion of the fief, he first used the power of magic to lift the old manor as the core out of thin air and used it as an inner city for lords and officials to live in, and then set up around it. Residential houses and various buildings form the outer city. Outside the outer city, there is a thick wooden fence with a horse-repelling structure. Outside the fence is a circle of trenches with considerable width and depth. In order to avoid breeding of mosquitoes, slaked lime is sprinkled in the trenches, but instead of irrigation, there are special drains.

In general, this manor looks crude and crude, but in fact, regardless of the area, planning layout, and defense capabilities, it is actually pretty good. Apart from not being very attractive, it has no other shortcomings.

There are two roads into the manor, both are suspension bridges. Fully armed soldiers guarded both sides of the suspension bridge. Looking at their burly figures and ferocious looks, they knew that they were definitely not comparable to ordinary militiamen. Especially the cold light flashing in their eyes from time to time makes many civilians feel terrified, let alone making trouble, not even those who dare to fight haha.

The black-eyed Sui Xiong has a slightly special appearance, but it is not dazzling. He claimed to be a traveler, paid the gate tax, and walked over the suspension bridge leisurely under the watch of the soldiers, without any nervousness at all.

“This kid seems to have a problem.” A soldier whispered, “He is too calm!”

“No ghost in my heart, of course calm.” The veteran next to him disapproved.

“But… his dress and appearance is nothing like a traveler!”

“It’s not a problem.” The veteran said with a smile, “If you were a spy, would you dress up like him and claim to be a traveler?”

“Of course not! That would be like saying ‘I’m suspicious’ on the face.”

“That’s right, don’t treat others as fools.” The veteran smiled and patted the shoulders of the recruits around him. “If you dare to do this, you are either a fool or a strong man. This guy It doesn’t look like a fool, of course it’s the latter.”

“Is a very powerful player? Do I need to report it?”

“…Do you think our captain can’t tell?”

“That’s true…”

The captain they were talking about was one of the important cadres under Thun Samath, Lande Thu.

This surname is very strange, no matter the pronunciation or meaning. Because its owner is not an ordinary person, but an aboriginal from the swamp, a half-dragon.

A half-dragon is a cold-blooded creature with a human-like torso and a head with dragon horns, big mouth, and sharp teeth. Their bodies are covered with thick scales, which can provide protection comparable to medium or heavy armor. They have amazingly strong bodies. Although they are not tall, they are powerful enough to compete with ordinary monsters. But relatively speaking, their movements are not very flexible, especially in cold weather, they will appear a little lazy and lethargic, if it is colder, they will even hibernate.

In view of this, half-dragon people like to be active in the south, the more south the better. Samat Manor is already south enough, so even though Captain Lande doesn’t seem to be very energetic, at least he doesn’t mean to hibernate.

He stood in the middle-level room of the watchtower and stared at Sui Xiong, who was walking leisurely on the street through the window, with alert and gloomy eyes.

“This person is not easy to deal with.” said his deputy, a ranger close to the advanced level.

Land nodded, and said in some jerky common language: “Let the soldiers pay more attention to him, but don’t disturb him. As long as he doesn’t make trouble, we will assume that we haven’t seen anything.”

This is a very popular practice~IndoMTL.com~When facing the strong who can’t afford to provoke, soldiers in most territories will choose this way.

Hearing Rand’s order, the deputy was startled and asked in surprise: “He is so strong?”

“I am only worried that I still underestimate him.” Lande said quietly, “Although I can’t find any evidence, I just think he is very strong, strong, and unimaginable… In short, let’s be careful. What will be wrong.”

Land’s profession is very peculiar. He is not a warrior or a ranger, but a shaman—a spellcaster from the wild world, a special priest who is intoxicated by soul and spiritual power.

Shaman is one of the core of the wild society. They have multiple positions such as mage, priest, physician, priest, etc., and can communicate with ancestor spirits, gods, and natural elves. As a shaman who was already close to a high-level peak, Lande was almost perfect in terms of ability, except for his face was a bit dark and his luck was a bit bad.

So for a moment, he vaguely felt the unfathomable power hidden beneath Sui Xiong’s mortal appearance.

I have to say that although he is usually unlucky, he is quite lucky on the key issues.

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