Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 29:

The next day, the weather was not good, gloomy, and the north wind was strong, and the flakes of snowflakes swept across the earth, blowing on those people whose clothes were not thick enough, like a knife cut. Please search to see the most complete! ‘S novel

But this kind of weather is a good thing for the Darling Sweeping Army. In this kind of weather, goblins can’t send sentries. Even with the leadership of the chief, goblins with backward civilization can’t prepare for sentries. Thick clothes enough to keep out the cold, but if you don’t have thick clothes, come out to watch in this kind of weather? In less than half an hour, it will be cold enough to collect the corpse.

Even if the goblin chief arranges a sentry, the sentry can only hide in the hole and get out from time to time to take a look. In this kind of weather, the alert effect is almost equal to zero, and two or three experienced scouts can solve them all.

The fact is indeed the case. The middle-level thief under Baron Dahl acted alone early in the morning, and then at about noon, he came back and reported: “You can act after lunch. I have confirmed the two places of the goblin. The sentry will be killed in advance at that time.”

Baron Dahl was not surprised by such a result. With the skill of the thief, it is common to achieve such a fact, and it is strange that it cannot be achieved.

So he ordered the mopping up army to take a short break, eat and drink, and fully recover physical strength and spirit, and then march along the route that the thief had already marked, and annihilate the group of goblins in one go.

The priests of the Church of the Void Mask are behind the strikers of the Sweeping Army. In front of them were fifty heavily armed soldiers and two knights. And not far behind them, there are almost the same number of shooters.

As for Baron Dahl, he is a bit further behind, being protected by the remaining fifty soldiers and knights to ensure safety.

The servants naturally follow at the end. The militia formed by the ruffians and rascals stays on the outside, and the pure servants formed by the poor are on the inside. In general, Baron Dahl did spend some thought to avoid personnel as much as possible. damage.

For him, this may be just to prevent damage to the morale of the army, but for the priests of the Masked Void Church, Baron Dahl fulfilled the agreement very well, so they will also fulfill the agreement well.

“Well, if the opponent is just some goblins, it is really not a big battle!” A paladin said dumbly, “I killed a lot of goblins when I was a farmer. This thing is too easy. Dealing with it is not an opponent at all.”

Looking at his sturdy body like a bear, and the heavy armor that is enough to overwhelm ordinary people to the ground, you know how strong he is. Such a strong man, even if he does not know any martial skills, can easily defeat a goblin. Not to mention that he is already close to the intermediate level, enemies of the level of goblin, as long as they don’t encounter chiefs and shamans, even groups of goblin warriors will not be able to withstand a blow in front of him.

In the story, there are often heroes with one enemy and one hundred, and even sweeping the army, and restricting the enemy to the level of ordinary goblins, it will not be difficult to defeat him with one enemy and one hundred. Sweeping a thousand troops or something, you can also try hard. The only thing that can’t be done is probably Wanfu is invincible.

“Don’t be mean, be careful.” The Kalabar priest frowned, and said, “Also, pull down the mask. If you get an arrow in the face, no hero can withstand you. Goblin shooters. Often dipping the tip of the arrow in the poop, you don’t want to go head-on with an arrow that has passed the goblin poop.”

The threat was indeed strong and powerful. The paladin who was as strong as a bear immediately shut up, pulled down his mask, and completely shielded his face.

After a while, he couldn’t help but say: “This mask is good for everything, but it’s a little boring.”

“The mask is absolutely not stuffy, it’s because you have a smell on your body.” Priest Kabbalah said lightly, “Just take more showers.”

“…No wonder, I haven’t taken a bath very much these days!”

“Everyone hasn’t bathed these days.” The older pastor smiled and said, “Adventure is like this. It smells or something, just be patient. If you need it, wait until the battle is over. If my magic power is left, I can make you a “magic trick” to purify it. It’s somewhat effective.”

“Magic Trick” is an entry-level spell. It can do some supernatural things, such as slightly raising or lowering the surrounding temperature, slightly making food and drinking water more palatable, and making clothes cleaner… …And so on. No matter what kind of effect is not obvious, it can only be said that it is better than nothing. Generally speaking, its main purpose is to perform various magical methods similar to those on the earth in conjunction with the same entry-level “illusion art”, such as blooming dead branches, appearance of various colors, light and shadow, or music out of thin air.

However, if this spell can go further, it would be terrible-the famous high-level spell “Variation” is its evolution, and further, it is the prestigious among the legendary spells” Manifestation technique”. If there are conditions for the final step, it is the power of the deity, supernatural power, changing reality.

In wizards, this spell is a basic skill, and almost no wizard can’t. But among priests, only those who major in the field of “wisdom” or “spells” can master this spell.

The elderly pastor, in his field power, happens to have “wisdom”.

So as long as he has sufficient mana, he can indeed use some “magic tricks” for everyone. Although the effect may not be great, it is better than nothing.

Getting his promise, the strong paladin immediately became happy, patted the thick breastplate with his left hand wearing iron gloves, laughed and said: “Then I will wait for your magic. Haha, I’m really fed up with the smell! Heavy armor is good for everything, but it smells too bad!”

“Just say a few words less.” Another paladin who also wears heavy armor sighed, “I didn’t think it before, but now it’s getting more and more uncomfortable by you!”

Everyone laughed and didn’t take the upcoming battle seriously~IndoMTL.com~ To be honest, this battle really doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously by them.

When they arrived on the battlefield, the battle had already begun. The goblin tribe that had lost their sentry did not notice the arrival of the sweeping army at all, and suffered a loss at the beginning, and was so dizzy by the rain of arrows falling from the head that they could not organize a decent battle at all.

This is the disadvantage of backward civilization. If it is a relatively highly civilized group such as orcs, there will be at least a circle of walls or fences around the tribe, and there is no way that people will be so easily faced with a burst of arrows. But the goblins are not so smart. Their tribes are just caves or haystacks. Only the “great chiefs” and “noble shamans” have tents. To be honest, in this kind of weather, tents may not be as good as caves.

The hole in the ground has a good anti-arrow effect, but the haystack is completely useless. In addition, there are also old rivers and lakes in the sweeping army who are experienced adventurers. First, there was a roar, and the goblins came out of the hole or the haystack in panic, and then the arrows were like rain, so the effect was better.

Just the first wave of attacks, the goblin tribe became a mess.


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