Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 24:

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To encounter Baron Crick Keene, who has an acquaintance with zìjǐ, in the Kingdom of Your Majesty in the Void, not the God of Literature and Art, is naturally a surprise to Master Damved, but for Sui Xiong made the decision after careful consideration.

Many of Crick’s policies and specific measures are very worthy of recognition. He and zìjǐ are originally one, they have roughly the same ideas, and they do many things in the same way. Anyone with experience can see that there is a significant connection between the Baron Keene and the Northwestern Republic, and can guess the identity of Crick.

Holding on this matter will only make people and the gods more suspicious–especially for heroes like Crick, whose souls do not know what to do after death, and the gods have long been very suspicious, even Yorga Brother Deman is tracking his whereabouts. In order to dispel everyone’s suspicion, it is necessary to let Creek appear several times, just to find the right time.

This time Master Darm Wade invented an important spell, which is extremely helpful to improve social productivity and improve people’s living standards and deserves commendation. Sui Xiong also finally found a suitable opportunity for Crick to play.

Under the guidance of Crick, Master Damweid met Sui Xiong who was busy in the test field.

“Your invention is really amazing!” Sui Xiong praised him as soon as he met, “With your achievements, there must be a page that belongs to you in the history of world civilization!”

Dam Wade blushed immediately and hurriedly said: “This is actually not my credit. I was able to research this spell. On the one hand, it came from the guidance of Lord Keene, and on the other hand, it came from the information published by the Church of the God of Medicine. I only achieved some results by connecting the two with a little inspiration. What is truly remarkable is Lord Keene and His Majesty the God of Medicine.”

Sui Xiong smiled and patted his shoulder with his tentacles: “Don’t be humble, Crick told me about you. Back then, when you were at the Baron Keene, you were very keen on agriculture and have always been enthusiastic. Help him promote the advancement of agricultural technology. There are so many powerful wizards in the world, and probably more than your level than my tentacles, but why did those powerful wizards fail to achieve this result, but you did it? ?”

Dam Wade froze for a moment and shook his head blankly.

“The key lies in the different direction of’intentions’.” Sui Xiong said, “Most of the mages pursue either personal strength, or the so-called’truth’, or the happiness of pure research. But you are different. Although you have left the Keene collar, you have not given up on your concern for agriculture, nor have you given up on the research that seems a bit crude and derogatory to a noble mage. Just ask, which mage in the world will come and go all day long. In the field, with the soil, crops and even feces and urine?”

“This great achievement is destined to belong to you!”

Mage Damved was silent for a moment, and laughed silently.

“You really surprised me.” Sui Xiong said again, “When I learned that you have researched the root of the soil’s fertility, and invented the safe removal of harmful components from domestic waste , The spell that quickly turns it into fertilizer, I am really surprised!”

“Do you know? I’m actually studying this too. Although my experimental field grows much better than yours by virtue of supernatural power, I haven’t been able to achieve results that can be widely used in the world.” Sui Xiong said, “As a mortal, you beat me in the same field of research, and beat me, who is a strong person even among the gods. Here I admit that you are a better researcher than me. And congratulations on your success.”

Dam Wade’s eyes lit up, and his unspeakable sense of success and satisfaction filled his mind, making him want to laugh, sing loudly, and even find a tavern regardless of his identity. Get drunk quickly.

“Your spell is really amazing! I have studied it carefully. It has a very clever concept. It can not only distinguish the bacteria that are helpful for turning garbage into fertilizer, promote their growth, but also reduce the harmful ones. To eliminate the bacteria and avoid possible pollution and epidemics, the two steps are completed in the same spell. All that is needed is a mage who has not yet stepped into the middle level-this is precisely the problem that I have not yet been able to overcome. The method I came up with can only be achieved by approaching a high-level wizard.”

“Before I saw you, I had been thinking about what level of genius is the mind that can make me too far behind? Now I understand that the key to the problem lies not in the mind, but in the heart.” Sui Xiong smiled and said, “You have a dedicated heart, a scholar who does not care about the treatment or the opinions of others, and is dedicated to research; you also have the heart of a hero who cares about the peasants, the people, and the people in the world. Heart!”

Mage Damwed smiled, but didn’t know what to say.

He never noticed that zìjǐ was so great, and he always felt that Majesty the Void had too high a rating for zìjǐ.

“Okay, let’s end the chat.” Crick interrupted Sui Xiong’s endless speech with a smile, “Your Majesty, you summon him, but it’s not just to praise him.”

Sui Xiong laughed, and with a wave of his tentacles, the surrounding scenery changed from a test field to a chamber. Then he looked at Damweid seriously and asked: “What reward do you want?”

Dam Wade froze again—not because of the development of things, but because of Crick’s attitude towards Sui Xiong.

He thought about it, instead of asking zìjǐ’s doubts, he said the reward that zìjǐ wanted.

As a mortal, on the one hand, he is pleased with the continuous results of the research of zìjǐ, but on the other hand, he is also distressed as he grows older, and his energy is gradually inferior to the past. In any case, he is already an old man nearly sixty years old after all. For him, who stays on the high-level threshold and has not made progress for many years, his life has come to his twilight years. If it is fast in three to five years, if it is slow in ten or eight years, his mind and magic will begin to regress in a comprehensive way, and then maybe he can After a few more years, I want to continue my research, but it is no longer possible.

Perhaps this achievement will be the last glory of his life.

He was not reconciled.

So he did not pretend, and said plainly that he wanted a longer life and youth so that he could continue his research.

Listening to his wish, Sui Xiong smiled and nodded: “Life and youth, these are not problems. I have a suggestion. Are you interested?”

“What proposal?” Damved curiously asked.

“Since the fall of the Goddess of Harvest,’Fengshou’ and related priesthoods have collapsed. Over the years, no one has been able to inherit these priests. I know you lack zúgòu research and understanding of the field of’Harvest’~IndoMTL.com ~But if you want, I think you can change the direction and try to build the priesthood of zìjǐ from the perspective of’agriculture’.”

Dam Wade was stunned, almost unable to believe Zìjǐ’s ears.

“You…what did you say?!”

“I mean, if you want, I want to help you fight for the priesthood of’agriculture’ and become the **** of agriculture in this world.” Sui Xiong said, “Of course this is a good thing, but there are also troubles… once’ When the priesthood of agriculture is established, the priesthood of Harvest will be divided into a large part. At that time, the new harvest **** will be hostile to you. Unless you can surrender him, you will have to do one in the future.” /

“What kind of trouble is this!” Damn Wade exclaimed, “I am willing! I am willing! I am totally willing!”

He yelled so loudly that the blue veins on his neck jumped out, and his eyes are now extremely bright, full of passion and desire.

Seeing the light, Sui Xiong couldn’t help laughing.

It seems that there is great hope for this matter… (To be continued.)

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