Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 233:

“Completely adapted?”

“Well, I’m completely used to it.” Leon moved his body and said with a smile, “It’s a wonderful feeling, regardless of the perspective of the world or the sense of self, everything is different.”

“Before adapting, I always felt very weird. But after adapting, I only felt very…pleasant. Haha, joy, that’s how it feels!” He laughed louder.” That guy Shuge made a lot of sense, happy! Really happy!”

Sui Xiong couldn’t help but smile: “I think you still need to adapt for a while.”


“Look around yourself.”

Leon was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that there were many feathers around him, but they didn’t want to fall to the ground. From these feathers, he felt the cordial divine power, blood connected, as natural as breathing.

This is simply his own supernatural power!


“Don’t sigh, you haven’t really mastered your power at all!” Sui Xiong laughed, “Remember when I first went to the land, it was similar to you, and I accidentally got it on the ground. A big hole, where a large area of ​​trees fell, it was like a tornado passing by.”

“What happened later?” Leon asked with interest.

“Later, of course I gradually adapted myself.”

Leon shrugged, expressing a little dissatisfaction with the uninteresting ending.

“Or you can make up for my shortcomings, just go to the world like this, and make a lot of jokes.” Sui Xiongyan said with a smile, “In this case, your children and grandchildren will be very happy, great His ancestors were not only wise and martial, they also left many popular humorous stories.”

Leon’s smile suddenly froze on his face.

“Perhaps many years later, when the descendants of the Igor family-perhaps the Gals family-talked about the great ancestor Leon at dinner, they would say,’Ah, the ancestor must be a joyful heart Only people can tirelessly create all kinds of jokes’…”

(No, only you are like this, I am a serious and serious person!)/

Since Sui Xiong has stepped into the semi-god state, Leon’s mental activities have not been seen through, but by looking at the expression on his face, Sui Xiong can almost guess what he is thinking.

“It doesn’t matter what you think about yourself. The power of time will leave only the most interesting or ridiculous sections of the story.” He continued, “I once heard a story where someone was very brave and fighting. He was always the first to take the lead. In one battle, the belt he was wearing armor broke. Because of inconvenience, he simply took off the armor to fight. The armor of his time was very unfavorable, and it was not possible to wear underwear inside. So when he took off his armor and fought, he was naturally naked. His enemy was a brave warrior, unwilling to take advantage of the armor, so he also took off the armor and fought with him naked. What do you think of this story? Like?”

“It is true that they are two warriors, but are they a bit too stubborn?” Leon thought for a while and said, “Isn’t it more practical to put on the armor and hack the opponent to death?”

Sui Xiong smiled and asked: “Then, do you know how people will evaluate these two warriors almost two thousand years later?”

“Similar to what I said, they are not stupid enough to praise this behavior of taking off their armor on the battlefield.”

Sui Xiong smiled mysteriously and said: “As far as I know, they are called’celestial movement advocates’ and’pioneers of naked body fighting’ in later generations.”

Leon froze for a moment and asked: “I can understand the latter statement. What does the former one mean?”

“The so-called celestial body refers to the ‘natural body’. What does a human’s natural body look like?”

Leon said that he has fully understood.

The power of time is terrible! Horrible!

“I will continue to adapt here until I can completely control my strength!” He said categorically, “Until then, I will not go anywhere!”

Speaking, the wings of light behind him agitated, blowing the fluttering feathers.

Sui Xiong smiled with satisfaction, and sat back in front of the huge “bird egg” immersed in the power of faith.

“The **** of female kingship…wait? After coming out, it will be very interesting…”

“…The **** of kingship?!” The face of the noble **** was livid, and it didn’t look much different from the dead. His hair was disheveled, there was no majesty of even a little god, and his voice was full of impossibility. Confidence and panic, I can’t feel the slightest confidence.

“Impossible! He is already dead!”

The corners of the Lord of Radiance’s mouth curled up in an almost imperceptible arc: “Death? For our gods, is there a real ‘death’?”

His rhetorical question silenced the noble god.

It is true that although the deity will fall, as long as the conditions are right, the fallen deity can be resurrected. Not to mention that the **** of kingship has only fallen for more than three hundred years. In the past years, there has even been a resurrection of the gods who have fallen for tens of thousands of years.

Although the resurrected deities and the original deities are often very different, at least their core priesthood is the same. Many memories and attitudes towards many things are also consistent.

The resurrection of the gods is essentially like the reincarnation of the strong in the world. Despite many changes, it is strictly speaking, the same person after all.

For the **** of nobility, is the resurrected **** of kingship the same person as the original **** of kingship? There is nothing worse than this in the world!

The core of his priesthood is inherited from the **** of kingship. If the **** of kingship is resurrected, it will easily break out a war with him to seize these gods. No, there is no need for war. The **** of kingship has a natural advantage over these priests. As long as he is formally resurrected, many of these clergy will be attracted by the source of power and fall into the control of the **** of kings.

At that time, the noble gods will definitely fall from the level of strong divine power. The best case is to maintain the medium divine power at a weak level. In the worst case… it may be difficult to maintain even medium divine power. Has been falling into the weak and other supernatural powers.

If it hadn’t been for all these years that he had worked hard and had mastered many gods that had nothing to do with the gods of kingship in the past, I’m afraid he might even fall directly to the level of quasi gods without priesthood. In severe cases, he would fall directly Not impossible!

Thinking of that possibility~IndoMTL.com~the **** of nobility can’t help but shiver slightly.

It is not cold in the quiet room, and the body of the deity is not afraid of the cold, but at this moment he only feels completely cold, with an irresistible chill, which makes him want to shiver and find a warm and safe The place, the tortoise is tucked inside.

Looking at him like a bear, the Lord of Radiance shook his head, revealing a little regret and disappointment.

“This quiet room is surrounded by my divinity, and external affairs can’t affect it here. You can rest assured.” He said, “But if you want to continue to be your god, you want to maintain Your current position of power, then you must come out after all. When the **** of kingship is truly resurrected, you must face it.”

“Don’t try to escape, this is a hurdle you can’t get around.”


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