Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 226:

Sui Xiong certainly has a way.

His method is very simple, that is, when Leon stepped into the realm of a demigod, when the eagle **** was about to resurrect, he made a sudden move to imprison the **** of the eagle god.

This method is simple and rude, but it should be very effective.

No matter what tricks the eagle **** intends to play, as long as his divinity is imprisoned, he will not be able to toss it.

As for the question of how to imprison the divinity? Haha, well, Brother Xiong is confident that he is still a bit experienced.

He imprisoned the **** of fear for decades, and finally wiped it out completely. He has practical experience!

All he has to do now is to pay close attention, so as not to miss the opportunity to shoot.

Although he has done a lot of auxiliary work, it is said that the eagle **** should have no way to resurrect, but there are exceptions to everything. If you don’t seize the opportunity, in case of any accident, Leon is really resurrected by the **** of eagles, then it’s really bad!

Leon didn’t know all the tactics and calculations that happened around him. He only knew that he was in a good state now, and his power was rising endlessly from the bottom of his heart like a tide. Every sword was cut out, and he knew it. I feel the power becomes stronger and more condensed.

Each of his swords is stronger than the last one. If it wasn’t for the evil dragon that was constantly getting stronger, it might have been hacked to death by him a long time ago.

(Such an opponent is really fun!)

Leon cheered in his heart, and slammed the excalibur vigorously.

The light of the Excalibur has become blazing white, as if it had been burned to an extremely high temperature. With every swing of it, there was a buzzing sound oscillating in the air; every time it slashed on the evil dragon, there was a deep thunderous thunder.

But in the face of such an attack, the evil dragon actually resisted it, and even slowly adjusted to it.

Its eyes gradually became brighter and calmer. Although the ferocious breath became stronger and stronger, the chaotic smell became less and less.

This is what the Holy Spirit hides in its body and is working.

The Holy Spirit did spend a lot of time in order to completely conceal his identity. He not only shattered his soul, but also hid in his body an important artifact of another deity who had fallen. Once this body is occupied by the evil dragon, the divine tool will shatter, allowing the divinity of the deity to be released.

The identity of the deity is special. His divinity can swallow the divinity of the Holy Spirit and use it to strengthen himself. If all goes well, relying on these divinities, perhaps he even has the possibility of resurrection.

Of course, this possibility is very low, and even if he is resurrected, he will not end well. But the Holy Spirit didn’t care, he had put everything aside, only thinking about accomplishing the greatest cause.

It is inevitable to sacrifice for that great cause.

Mortals can sacrifice, the Holy Spirit can sacrifice, and gods can also sacrifice!

As for whether the sacrificed mortals and gods are willing or not… he is willing as the Holy Spirit. Are others embarrassed and unwilling?

Besides, what if you don’t want to. When the arrow hits the string, he has to send it. As long as he has everything ready and sacrifices, he can’t help others.

Just like those mortals who have been sacrificed, why are they willing to sacrifice? But if the knife is cut down, it is impossible not to sacrifice.

There are also those noblemen sent cavalry who are destined to die. They are certainly not willing to sacrifice, but since they have become pawns on his chessboard, it is not their own decision to sacrifice or not.

Even the chess player has sacrificed himself, do the chess pieces still want to not sacrifice?

Only for the deity who is about to be sacrificed, the Holy Spirit feels a little guilty. But guilt is guilt, he will not hesitate to do things.

He did too many things to be sorry for others, and he didn’t care about one or two more things.

Anyway… he is dead, who cares about the dead?

It doesn’t matter if he is calculating, he is dead, who can take a guy whose soul is broken and wiped out?

The Holy Spirit used to smile happily when he made this plan. Although he himself was destined not to see the situation when his plan was realized, he couldn’t help laughing as long as he thought of its effects.

The Lord of Radiance is also smiling. He stared at the stone monument in the dark and smiled coldly. There was no warmth in his smile.

“There are always people who are overpowered, want to do something inappropriate, and want to fight for something they shouldn’t get.” He said, “You are not the first, and you are not the last. “

Under the stele, a vague will spread out, seeming to be roaring.

“Stop yelling, save yourself some face.” The Lord of Radiance raised his mouth slightly and said sarcastically, “The king of the world, when he is overthrown and guillotined, he often says something. “I am a king, I have to die to save face” and the like. You are much more honorable than the king, how can you not save face?”

The will under the stele returned to calm and no longer roared.

“That’s right, don’t worry, if everything goes well, you will have a chance of resurrection.” After hitting the opponent with a whip, the Lord of Radiance threw out a carrot, “If my plan can be realized smoothly, Then I must be a member of the great divine power, and may also be the strongest among the great divine power. When the time comes, I will resurrect you, what counts?”

But these words did not convince the will under the stele. It didn’t mean to be happy, but rather mocked.

“Haha~IndoMTL.com~even you are taunting me…I know, my thoughts are a little overwhelming, but life is always a bit ideal, just like what a friend of mine said , If people don’t have ideals, what is the difference from Xianyu? Didn’t you challenge me just for your ideals?”

“Speaking of it, do you know? In recent years, I have seen another guy who is very similar to you. But he is different from you. You are good at fighting, and he is good at playing with Yin.” The Lord of Radiance said, ” His skill is really good, he has played a lot of tricks, but unfortunately the layout is always too small to play any earth-shattering drama, which makes me a little disappointed.”

“The most important thing is that his own aura is too small. The shallow ponds can’t grow big fish, and the silt-up river can’t take the big boat. Just relying on that kind of aura, he wants to replace me. Possible!”

“If I have the opportunity, I would like to introduce you to know each other. You must have a lot of common language.” The Lord of Radiance said, “They are all the same and full of ambitions. It’s the same…makes me feel funny.”

After speaking, he turned around and left straight away.

The secret room was quiet again, as if nothing happened.

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