Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 216:

Leon was very cautious and put on a full set of equipment for himself.

Since the equipment was made, he has not worn it once in the world except for a few interviews in the Sui Xiong Kingdom of God.

In these years, he has never encountered a powerful enemy who needs to put on a whole set of artifacts and equipment by himself. Ordinary enemies, he doesn’t even need to draw a sword, he can defeat them with a wave of his hand. Even the stronger generation, he can at best just grab an ordinary sword in his hand.

I have never encountered anyone who can force him to take out a magic weapon to fight.

In Leon’s heart, it is actually a bit regrettable. The strong all yearn for a good opponent who can fight with them happily. The reason why many legendary pinnacles and even the powerhouses of the demi-god realm want to leave the main plane, a big factor is also to avoid the main plane. Under the influence of enchantment, fight freely. But Leon, as the chief priest of the Masked Void Church, must not leave without authorization. Once he leaves the main plane, the church will immediately be without a leader, and I don’t know how many disturbances will happen!

So Leon can’t go. Since he can’t go, he can’t find many suitable opponents. Except for challenging several gods such as Woll from time to time, and being beaten to the ground in distress over and over again and again, lying on the ground to learn a dead dog, there is no more battle worthy to him.

The current battle is far less dangerous than challenging the gods, but those gods will be merciful, and the evil dragon in front of them will not.

Challenge to the gods, although the defeat is almost stable, but even if he loses, the gods will accompany him to exercise, and it is only natural to help him with treatment. But if the challenge to the evil dragon fails, things are… much simpler.

People are dead, and the ashes are gone, and the white land is really clean, of course simple.

But it was this danger that made Leon more vigilant and…excited.

In the face of such a battle, facing a powerful monster that may be the pinnacle of a legend or even a demigod, Leon finally couldn’t help it. The terrifying evil dragon had a good “conversation”.

Although… the result of the dialogue is mostly doomed…

After a while, the evil dragon’s roar finally stopped, and the storm and tornado that swept around gradually subsided. As the dust fell, the bottom of the big pit that was torn by the evil dragon’s aura finally ceased to rise. , And gradually returned to calm.

In this calm, the evil dragon widened his eyes and stared at Leon, who was also growing strong.

Although its brain has not fully recovered, it can still clearly feel the strong sense of danger from Leon.

This battle is also a matter of life and death for it.

In the sky, Sui Xiong and Wenner looked at the battle that was about to begin, and their expressions were somewhat nervous.

Sui Xiong asked: “Whose do you think Leon and that dragon have a greater advantage?”

“In this situation, I don’t know.” Wenner said, “At this level of battle, neither side has any strong protection. In such a battle, almost no one can resist attacks of the same level. , The final battle is often just a flash of lightning, just like the description in some knight stories.

According to those descriptions, as long as Wu Jie took out his true skills and exploded with the blood of justice and friendship, he could definitely kill the half-demon dragon.

But Wenner knew it was impossible.

No matter how morale is boosted, Leon is always a mortal, and there are limits to the power he can display.

Compared with the evil dragon, his ultimate strength is still a bit big.

Fortunately, with his martial arts, he no longer needs to face the evil dragon. As long as you give full play to your advantages and fight as flexibly as possible, even if you can’t win, at least you won’t lose very badly.

At the very least… not to lose and die.

On the ground, a huge pit sank in, like a small dried-up lake, and like a trace left by a huge meteorite hitting the ground.

In the center of the pit, a knight wearing a gorgeous armor is holding a long sword and confronts the evil black dragon surrounded by it.

The aura of the two sides did not increase indefinitely, but this situation of confrontation of aura, just for a while, made both sides feel a lot of pressure and exhaustion.

This exhaustion naturally does not come from the body, but from the heart.

Preparing to fight with such concentration at any time is a huge burden for both the knight and the dragon.

(The only thing to be happy about is that I didn’t ride a dragon over here.)

Leon couldn’t help but smile.

(If I bring the mount, maybe just the aura of this guy will make the hapless green dragon unable to hold it and run away…)

There is no malicious element in his smile, but the evil dragon understands it as a provocation.

So, it let out a terrifying roar, and its entire body disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Leon.

It’s impossible to imagine that that huge body can initiate a charge with such an invisible movement.

But this speed is not great to Leon. He took a half step back with his left foot, held the sword in both hands, and slammed it to the side. The sword was charged with amazing power. The evil dragon who wanted to knock him down or even kill him took aside, easily dissolving the power of its charge, and even almost made it fall to the ground.

(Strange, this guy is not as strong as I thought…)

Leon was taken aback for a moment, and just as he calmed down slightly, he felt a strong crisis.

He didn’t even think about it, his entire body turned into blue smoke, and disappeared without a trace just before the dragon’s tail reached him.

The next moment, his voice appeared next to the dragon’s neck, and the two-handed sword was like a huge axe, slashing heavily on the dragon’s neck.

The dragon roared with pain~IndoMTL.com~The scales on the neck bloomed with colorful light. In this colorful light, there were waves of ripples spreading out.

By this time, Leon had already backed up several steps, to the point where he could escape at any time.

Such a sword hasn’t received much effect, so whether it is for his own safety or for victory, Leon feels that he should retreat first.

At least… Get out of this pit first, and at least find a flat ground to fight.

The ground of this pit is slightly inclined. Although the problem is not serious, it does affect performance.

If you can get to the ground…I will definitely be able to exert even more powerful strength!

Thinking about this, he simply rushed out of the pit that was rushed out by the evil dragon’s aura, stood outside the pit, set up his posture, and stood ready.

“I couldn’t give you a beautiful beheading just now, then, let’s do it again.” With a loud voice, he ridiculed the evil dragon in the pit, “Come here and let me help you cut it beautifully. Last sword!”

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