Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 215:

   Legendary pinnacle is really extraordinary. As soon as Leon took a shot, he almost split the immortal dragon in half with one sword.

   Seeing this scene, Klitto and Asner both smiled, but Sui Xiong and Wenner, who were watching the battle in the sky, shook their heads at the same time.

   “It’s useless,” Wenner said.

   “The real battle has just begun.” Sui Xiong said.

   The eyes of the two gods are naturally not comparable to those of mortals. Even the legendary powerhouses are far behind them. In their opinion, that evil dragon can’t be regarded as a dragon at all, or even a creature-can it be regarded as a creature if a piece of meat is forcibly combined with magic power according to the memory? Of course not!

   Facing a guy who is not actually a creature, an attack in the usual sense is useless. To really hit it hard or even knock it down, what it takes is not to chop it into two pieces or crush it into pieces, but to cut off or destroy the magic that constitutes its body.

  As long as the magic power continues to be immortal, no matter what the body is destroyed, it can quickly recover. Ordinary damage not only can’t knock it down, but will make it gradually wake up and master its true power.

   For example, now, after being almost split in half by a sword, it is a little awake.

   This kind of injury, which is fatal enough for any living thing, touched the originally chaotic soul of the dragon, and made it start to regain consciousness.

   Of course, even if you regain consciousness, it is no longer the red dragon that was sealed under the demon statue, but the half-demon evil dragon that was contaminated by the abyss and merged with the soul fragments of the Holy Spirit.

   The body of this evil dragon comes from “Earl House”, a mere mortal body, of course, can’t provide so much flesh and blood, and the rest is all spawned by magic. This body was originally an intermediate fighter, but after being transformed by the Holy Spirit, it almost reached a high level. After magical catalysis and deterioration, it has been further improved and stepped into the legendary level.

   Even so, such a body is not enough to support the powerful power from the soul. Just like a child can’t wield a sledgehammer, he just stepped into a legendary body, unable to display the true power of a god-level soul.

   Therefore, it was slammed by Klitto and Asner, and after encountering Leon, it was almost killed in a flash.

   But… it almost ends here.

   After recovering a little sober, the evil dragon’s first reaction was to let out a wild roar, and at the same time, powerful magic power burst out on it. This magical power was chaotic and innocent, but it was surging and frightening. Because the magic power was too strong, a very violent shock wave erupted, and the cage made by Leon’s twisted space was smashed to pieces, and the aftermath turned into a violent wind that swept in all directions.

   Leon frowned and the sword light flashed, protecting Clitto and Asner. I saw the sword light swaying in the air, as if waving in the water, bringing up ripples, tearing and cutting the wind, creating a safe area.

   And those noble cavalrymen are miserable. They don’t have a legendary pinnacle to help save their lives. Even though everyone tried their best to withstand this gust of wind, all their methods failed to work. Whether it was magic items, armor, or their own vindictiveness, they all vanished in front of the gust of wind, and even their bodies and souls vanished with them.

   Of course, the soul is immortal. Even if it is beaten to dissipate, the basic particles that make up the soul will return to the sea of ​​souls. Just being beaten like this, let alone rescue, even if you want to use divine power to resurrect, it’s impossible.

   is just the aftermath of the explosive momentum, just swept lightly, and forty or fifty noble cavalry, together with their equipment, vanished, as if they had never existed before.

   Not only that, as the evil dragon’s momentum erupted, the ground was constantly torn apart, and the dust was swept up by the violent wind and rushed to all directions, turning into a billowing wave, and a plume of smoke rose into the sky, accompanied by a stern whistling sound. At least rushed up to a few kilometers, even from a long distance, you can see clearly.

   “You go first.” Leon stared solemnly at the evil dragon hiding in the whirlwind and the plume of smoke without blinking. He waved his hand and gave an order to his two disciples. After thinking about it, he added: “Let others stay away from here, notify the Satan Master, come as soon as possible if possible, I may need his help.”

   Klitto and Asner have just witnessed the roar of the evil dragon with their own eyes, and the horrible scene where dozens of nobles sent cavalry were wiped out by the wind easily, and they were a little uneasy. Now that the teacher is so serious, they are even more worried. .

   They are not the kind of stupid idiots who refuse to talk back and forth several times at a critical juncture. They nodded immediately, urged their anger to the extreme, turned them into two rays of light, and ran towards the direction they were coming, for a moment. It disappeared without a trace in between.

   So, in this empty wilderness, on the ground that was being torn apart by the evil dragon’s aura and gradually turned into a big pit, Leon and the evil dragon went one-on-one.

   “I haven’t encountered an opponent of this level…” Leon’s eyes were full of excitement, and he activated a string of things similar to a bracelet on his left wrist.

   Along with the fluctuation of magical power, a set of gorgeous full-body armor appeared on his body. The azure pieces of armor were intertwined to form a dense armor covering the whole province. Each piece of armor had golden runes. Carefully It seems that every rune is different~IndoMTL.com~ They are connected to each other to form a wonderful magic circle, giving this armor many magical abilities.

  As long as they wear it, even children can wander around the battlefield where there is a rain of guns and arrows. And if it can fully arouse its power, it will be enough for a legendary powerhouse to support a demigod for a moment.

   Not only that, but the armor cloak is even more amazing. There are wind and clouds flowing on the blue outer side, just like a daytime sky, and countless brilliance flashes on the dark inner side, like the night sky. The violent hurricane was blown in front of him and was absorbed by the cloak. Not only was it unable to blow it, but it made the “stars” inside the cloak more shiny.

   Then, Leon’s hand flashed, and a delicate helmet appeared. He put on a helmet for himself, and as the protective face fell, the whole person seemed to be isolated from this world. There was a sense of alienation that he stood there clearly, but it seemed that there was no general alienation at all.

   Finally, he drew his sword.

   The style is very ordinary, but it is extremely strong. The hilt and the buttress of the sword are inlaid with a few gems, forming a wonderful balance between the rune and the gems of the sword. With the power of this balance, it can be instantly Turn all Leon’s grudge into a terrorist attack.

   This is the full-body equipment of Leon Igor, the chief priest of the Masked Void Church. It was created or remodeled by Sui Xiong himself, and was clearly named as the “legacy of the void” artifact suit.


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