Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 206:

Sui Xiong was floating in the sky, looking at the smoky village below his feet, his face was rather ugly.

“You should have told me earlier.” He said to Wenner.

Wenner didn’t take up this topic, but talked about something else: “I’m a little puzzled, how do they want to end?”

“For those who die, how many will consider the ending?” Sui Xiong sneered, “I will blast them into a mass of dregs, just to take them to the fat field!”

“No need.” Wenner shook his head. “The rapid mobile force from the Northwest Republic is not far from here.”

Sui Xiong was stunned for a moment, closed his eyes and felt it for a while, only to realize that, as Wenner said, the rapid mobile force of the Northwest Republic was coming at an alarming speed, even though it was still far away. But if you maintain this speed, you can arrive in the early hours of tomorrow morning. Even if they rest tonight and set off again tomorrow morning, it is estimated that they will be able to catch up with this group of noble cavalry by the evening of tomorrow.

He compared the map in his memory, and compared it with the style of the nobles sent fast mobile units, and finally temporarily put away the plan of lowering the thunder and blasting the group of scum.

The matter of the world is best solved by the power of the world. Rather than letting him punish these villains, it is more appropriate to let the mortal army wipe them out in a fierce battle.

If this group of villains die in the hands of the gods, it will only make people feel that they are indeed invincible, and they must be punished by the gods. And if they die in the hands of the human army, people will feel that “they are actually nothing more than that, and it’s not really impossible to deal with.”

The same is dead, but the effect is different.

As for the problem of over-fighting, in addition to the original manpower in the rapid mobile force of the Northwest Republic, seven additional legendary powerhouses were temporarily added. The head is impressively Leon Igor, who is now faintly known as “the first strongest among mortals”.

The brutality of the noble fast mobile force angered many of Sui Xiong’s masters. In addition to Leon, Gerrard, Felix, Herman, Klitto, Asner, and Niss . In addition, Ye Yu, who had originally led the team-a frequent visitor to the previous World No. 1 Tournament Conference, eventually wandered for a few years after winning No. 1 in the world, and then settled in Void City. Not long ago, he believed in Sui Xiong, and when he formed the rapid mobility force this time, he said that if he talks about the experience of the mixed rivers and lakes, there are few who can match him in the world, and he is the one who leads this force.

Eight legendary powerhouses gathered together, including the legendary elementary two (Nice and Ye Yu), the legendary intermediate four (Ferex, Herman, Klitto, Asner), and the legend With such a luxurious lineup (Gerard) and a pinnacle of legend (Leon), Sui Xiong could not think of any possibility of victory for the enemy.

So, let mortals do things for mortals.

Although eight legendary powerhouses are to be dispatched to annihilate these villains, it would be too much for them to spread it out, but after all, there is a fundamental difference compared to the gods.

Thinking about this, Sui Xiong calmed down slowly.

Then he couldn’t help complaining about Wenner again.

“If you told me earlier, at least the people in this village would not die.” He said.

Winner smiled without explaining.

As the **** of war, he has never been a kind man. The casualties of a group of civilians are nothing to him. In contrast, what he cares more about is the powerful effects that can be produced by this type of arms that has never appeared in the past.

Because of the destruction of the rapid mobile force of the nobles, the logistics of the merchants did have a huge chaos, and the front-line supplies had begun to be short. Moreover, the war will of the merchant faction has also been hit, and many small and medium-sized merchants have begun to hesitate, persuading the big merchants to give up fighting and bow their heads as usual.

If it weren’t for the rapid mobility forces of the Northwestern Republic that are already looking to catch up, this battle will surely destroy the noble cavalry forces. In fact, he plans to hide from Sui Xiong for a while and take a good look at the development of things. .

(What a pity!)

He sighed secretly in his heart, and even regretted why he didn’t try to disturb the divination, and delayed the Northwestern Republic’s rapid mobile force to pursue and kill the nobles to harass the troops.

If that is the case, you can definitely see the development of the situation!

But he thought about it again, but he thought it was not bad now.

There are many things. As long as there is the first one, there will be more people who have the same kind of learning. The aristocratic faction has made a head start this time, and in future large-scale wars, this kind of opportunity for rapid and fierce assault on the activity of the troops will inevitably be indispensable.

In comparison, letting the first harassing force in history annihilate in this way is a good ending.

Being besieged and destroyed by a large number of legendary powerhouses led by the number one mortal powerhouse, this kind of ending is quite legendary, enough to make future generations look upon them a bit.

Thinking of this, he was relieved.

At this moment, Sui Xiong frowned suddenly, and said with some surprise: “The leader of that group of gangsters is a bit abnormal.”

The **** of war followed his instructions, and saw Earl House sitting tiredly by the carriage, his face pale, his body trembling slightly, he seemed to be seriously ill, and he seemed to have suffered serious internal injuries.

The maid who was supposed to take care of him by his side has disappeared.

“He should have used some means to stimulate his potential before forcibly displaying his legendary power. Since then, he has been injured and has not improved.” Wenner said based on the impression in his memory.

This impression is naturally wrong, because the earl is not a “mortal man with potential” at all, but a holy spirit who possesses a mortal.

It’s just that although the power of the Holy Spirit is far less than that of the gods, there is no difference in nature. The other party deliberately hid it, and Wenner never studied it closely, so he was deceived by him.

Wenner’s strength is naturally extremely strong. However, during this time, he did not pay much attention to the cavalry of the noble sect. The focus of his attention was the reaction of all parties to this force. If it weren’t for the fact that I couldn’t hide it this time, I would need to inform Sui Xiong, he wouldn’t even bother to observe this unit in person.

Since he will never come, of course he will not be famous.

But Sui Xiong was different. He was angrily checking all the villains one by one~IndoMTL.com~ Naturally, he discovered the anomaly of Earl House.

Sui Xiong had never seen the method of possessing the Holy Spirit before, so he hadn’t noticed it for a while. But he had clearly seen that Earl House’s situation was abnormal-the strength of the soul of this man was far beyond the level that humans could reach.

As the Great Demon King of the Far Sea who once swallowed souls for a living, Sui Xiong’s sensitivity to souls is far incomparable to other gods.

“This man has a problem with his soul.” He frowned and said, “The intensity is too high, it’s not normal!”

Winner was startled and quickly observed carefully, then narrowed his eyes.

“I have seen this situation.” He said coldly, “This guy is not a mortal at all, but a Holy Spirit attached to a mortal!”


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