Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 205:

The late Earl of House—whether father or son, you can use the word “deceased” anyway, no difference—I don’t know that a small part of their blood comes from one A famous hero.

A heroic character full of tragedy.

This hero was born in a small and declining country, beside a powerful big country, on the other side is a powerful alien.

At that time, it was the early stage of the era of the great pioneering of mankind. With the opening of territories under the leadership of the gods of mankind, the war within mankind was also quite fierce. Many countries, large and small-in that era, the aristocracy system had not yet been established, and many of them could only be counted as the realm of viscounts or even barons for later generations. They also claimed to be independent kingdoms-appeared and died, and there was no single day of war. No longer burning, steel and blood raged across the earth.

In that era, the weak was a sin. The strong were as greedy and vicious as a hungry wolf, and then swallowed by the stronger like a hungry tiger. Even civilians have to learn some fighting skills. Once a knight is left alone, those farmers who seem to be honest and duty will turn into vicious bandits in a blink of an eye, killing them and plundering all their wealth.

And that heroic country committed this “crime.”

Since he was born, his country has been in turmoil. Before he reached adulthood, his father, the king at the time, was forced to participate in a war that was of no benefit to them. Although the war was won, the king died in the war. It is said that the cause of death is very suspicious. The deadly poisoned arrow is more than 80% likely to come from a friendly army.

After the king’s death, another king visited them “friendly”, expressing his willingness to marry the king’s widow as his wife, so that the two countries can be peacefully integrated.

On the surface, the young prince seemed indifferent, but suddenly at the dinner party to entertain the guests, the food was poisoned and the elite soldiers raided, and the king who wanted to take advantage of the fire and the knights under his command were wiped out. Moreover, he moved quickly, leaving overnight for his neighbor’s territory. On the third day, he had announced his marriage to the king’s daughter, completing the merger of the two territories.

As for the king’s son… there has been no record of him in the history books since then, as if forgotten.

The decades that followed were years of conspiracy and war, and blood and sorrow were intertwined in these years. For later generations, there is only one page in the history book, just a few epics, or even a few chapters in a certain epic, but for the young king, it is his life.

He tried his best to maintain and strengthen his country. He exhausted all his energy and displayed the ingenious skills and vicious strategies that were sighed and learned by later generations. Finally, when he was old, his country was already quite old. To be powerful, from the beginning it was roughly equivalent to a baronial, to the point where it surpassed many marquess.

At this moment, however, fate made a little joke on him. Several powerful legendary monsters broke out a war in his capital. The once prosperous country was turned into ruins in just a few hours. The king who tried to negotiate with the monsters died on the side of the road like a wild dog. He was loyal. The knights were messed up all over the place.

As the news spread, this country collapsed, and there is no more to follow.

If it were on Earth, the story should almost end here. However, in a world with gods and demons, souls and ghosts, the story has a little follow-up.

The dead king became the holy spirit of the **** of kingship, and after the **** of nobility replaced the **** of kings, he also became the holy spirit of the **** of nobility.

The follow-up of the story ends here. As for how later generations study the life of the king, how will the great nobles of later generations use his deeds to educate their children, how will the later generations of careerists use his name and descendants to make troubles , These are no longer important.

The only thing worth noting is that among his descendants, there is a bloodline that has gone through several twists and turns, and finally took advantage of the opportunity of the great west of mankind to climb to a high position again and became the founding lord of the Gold Coin Federation-the nine earls one.

This descendant of House is good at training horses. The territories produce high-quality horses. He also likes riding horses, so he won the title “good horse”.

The Holy Spirit is different from the divine envoy. They are already very close to the gods in essence. If they want to enter the world, they must suppress their power to almost nothing. In this form, the only thing that can be used is wisdom. However, wisdom often doesn’t work, or it doesn’t work so well. If there is no power, it is still inconvenient after all. In this case, the Holy Spirits will often choose their own blood-linked descendants to possess them, so as to bypass the theme and face their own limitations, and to some extent they can exert some strength.

Just as the founding monarch of the Scarlet Moon Dynasty chose to possess the “Flower of Iro” Sophie Scarlett, the ancient king chose to possess the contemporary “Good Horse” Earl, Deken Howe. S.

When he was possessed, Derken House was only the son of the previous earl, and he had not yet inherited the seat of the earl. The talent of this young man is mediocre, he has always been honest, and apart from his love for equestrian competitions, there is nothing special about him. But after being possessed by the ancient Holy Spirit, he immediately had earth-shaking changes… all subsequent changes came from this change.

This change has caused a lot of things, and in these things, the changes of the House family and the possible decline in the future are just trivial things.

Early the next morning, the troops set off before dawn.

In the first team of more than 200 people, there are now only about 120 people left. The rest of the people were naturally dead, partly because they were executed by Earl House because they couldn’t get rid of their hands, and the other part was killed in the fierce battle not long ago.

The battle was extremely dangerous. Even if it was an ambush with ingenious means, with less than two hundred people against more than three hundred people, it was not an easy task. So at the beginning of the battle, Earl House displayed his legendary strength, killing the opponent’s leader, a high-level ranger, several officers and a dozen of the best fighters in just one blow.

Although after this attack, he was suppressed from the main plane, but in order to ensure victory, he still used the skill and determination of dancing on the tip of a knife to shoot several times in a row, which not only completely defeated the businessman. Sending that high-speed mobile force also preserved its own combat power as much as possible.

For this, the price he paid was the punishment from heaven—the power of punishment from the enchantment of the main plane. Although not severe enough to fall into the sky, the power of Heaven’s Punishment is definitely not something he can bear. Even if he walks and speaks as usual, he is actually in intense pain all the time. The most terrifying thing is that the soul is constantly being weakened. If this continues, it will not take long before he will completely dissipate and no longer exist.

But he doesn’t care. From the great pioneering era to the present, he has lived too long, too long, and he is a little impatient. Complete death and disappearance in smoke may be terrible to others, but to him, it is actually nothing.

Even the great **** of kingship has fallen. What is the only holy spirit?

Dying for the great cause of the human gods~IndoMTL.com~ He thinks it’s worth it.

What’s more… He has already arranged a plan, and even his “death” itself is part of the plan and can be used.

Of course, this **** high-speed mobile unit was also arranged by him a long time ago, and will die with him at the right time.

After all… it’s all a “necessary price”.

But he didn’t know that his various plans had long been seen by the war gods.

It is still unknown whether his plan will succeed.


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