Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 201:

Wars are not subject to human will.

Although they are reluctant to send those capable officers, the nobles are at least not stingy in paying money. The rapid mobile force of the nobles, with a total of two hundred people in their early years, is indeed well-equipped, even if it is described as “armed to the teeth”.

These people wear all kinds of enchanted armors, and they use all enchanted weapons. There are a lot of various alchemy items, especially the blazing glue used to set fires and the flash dust used to escape. Almost everyone Brought about ten. Their mounts are alien warhorses with the blood of Warcraft. This carnivorous animal can run for most of the day, and after a night of rest, it can run vigorously, which is not much higher than ordinary warhorses. With such equipment, even if they can’t win when encountering a strong enemy, they can easily retreat.

Their leader, Earl House, rode in a special carriage, pulling a monster nearly half the height of an ordinary heavy war horse, with a dark red mane and four burning hooves. When it stops after running wildly, it will emit a dark red mist with heavy breathing. As long as ordinary people breathe in a little mist, they will feel intense fear, and will have nightmares for several days after that. If you breathe in a little more, you will directly become a lunatic. If you inhale more, for example, take a few big mouthfuls in succession, then it will be silent directly-poisoned to death.

This kind of weird monster is said to be the product of a cross between a demon and a horse, and it is said to be a demon sealed in the horse… Anyway, it is not a good thing. They are called “Nightmare”. Although they are not as scary as the real Nightmare Beasts, they are almost the same for ordinary people.

The horse that pulls the cart is so special, and the cart is naturally extraordinary. This carriage doesn’t look big, but in fact there is something else inside. Not to mention sitting alone, even if there are ten or eight people, it can be very spacious. There can even be enough space for a small banquet or something.

Of course, Earl House wouldn’t allow as many as ten people in the carriage. There were only two passengers in this carriage. He himself and a middle-aged maid who was still very beautiful. .

The origin of this maid is unknown, and her identity is very different. She doesn’t even have an official name—because she doesn’t pay attention to anyone other than the earl. She usually sits in a small empty room next to the earl’s study. I was in a daze, sometimes I had something to eat, and sometimes I had a good night’s sleep. There were no rules in life. But only one thing was very strange. Whenever the earl needed her to do something, she would happen to be there, or just walk over when the earl spoke, without any delay.

If this woman is not always dressed as a maid, and she has never shown any signs of martial arts or spells, and there is no vindictiveness or magical fluctuations in her body, everyone would even think that she is the earl’s personal bodyguard.

But there is no doubt that the maid is a maid, not a bodyguard.

The current earl is a very careful person. He almost never lets others approach him. He also strives to be simple and simple when he eats and drinks, mostly to reduce the possibility of being poisoned. There are rumors that this is the same as the previous generation. The sudden death of the earl is related, and it is said that the previous earl was poisoned to death, so the current earl is so afraid of poisoning.

However, there is another saying that behind the death of the previous earl was a little “thinking and fearful” factor…

Earl House never said anything about these rumors. He was neither angry nor guilty. After the loyal knight reported indignantly, he just said indifferently: “Whatever they say, the people will always be stupid. You can’t guess what strange ideas will come up in the fool’s mind. You can’t just think about it because of them. , Just chop off their heads-even though their heads are useless, if you want them to work for me, you have to keep their useless heads for eating and drinking.”

In this kind of thing, Lord Earl is very open-minded. But in government affairs and military affairs, he is very strict. After he assumed the throne, he personally presided over the training work, and three times in the first month he personally hung the lazy soldiers to death. In terms of government affairs, he often spot-checks the accounts of the territory suddenly, and when he finds any problems, he will trace it to the end, and execute a dozen officials, large and small, before and after. Among them, there are veterans who have followed the House family for several generations, and there are also second generations with unusual backgrounds, but in front of the new earl, they all have only one end.

Hang up and beat him to death.

Yes, the new earl punished those who violated his rules quite severely, basically just one sentence, hang up and fight. It just depends on the severity of the situation, from just hanging one symbolic stroke twice, to hanging one whip and one whip casually to death.

Simple and clear, simple and clear.

He used the same method when reorganizing the temporary rapid mobility units.

Three people were killed before and after, and the rest were honest.

For example, they are now strictly implementing the marching system established by Lord Earl, and scouts are sent out for at least fifty miles, no matter what is unusual, they have time to respond.

“Your approach is too impatient.” In the carriage, the maid who said nothing in front of outsiders said.

She has a very calm tone, not the least respectable when speaking to her host.

“I don’t have time.” The earl lay half on the soft animal-skin mattress, with a tired look on his always serious face, “I have been getting stronger and stronger. If I don’t hurry up and finish the matter, , Don’t look at you.”

The maid sighed: “You don’t need to be so anxious.”

“It is necessary to take advantage of this opportunity to crack down on the goddess of wealth, which will help promote the belief in the gods of mankind.” The count showed a vicious look in his eyes, “The country of mankind should believe in the gods of mankind!”

“But to be honest, I don’t think a mere war can hit the goddess of wealth.”

“So I want to expand the intensity of this war. Just let the corpses run across the fields on the battlefield, and let the people shed blood everywhere, let the people complain, and then let the goddess of wealth fail to control the faith and give it to mankind. The Church of the Gods takes the opportunity to grow.” The count sneered, “How can there be such a good thing if a **** swallows faith?”

The maid was silent for a while~IndoMTL.com~ sighed: “You are still… too impatient. This thing could have been done slowly, we all have time.”

“There is no time, time is running out.” The earl shook his head, “There are some things I can’t say. In short, time is really running out, we can’t wait.”

He was silent for a while and said: “The situation in the south is relatively easier to handle. After all, we have the trump card. But the situation in the west is the most troublesome. The Church of the Goddess of Fortune has too much influence here. . If you don’t hit them hard, don’t let them grow in natural and man-made disasters, you really won’t find any good opportunities in a short time.”

“…I still have an unknown hunch, I’m afraid things won’t go so smoothly this time.”

“If it doesn’t go well, it won’t go well, anyway…I didn’t intend to go smoothly.” The count smiled, grinning fiercely, “As long as there are more dead people, whoever is the one who died is actually to me Say it makes no difference!”


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