Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 20:

Is it a commoner or a lord?

Sui Xiong found that he hadn’t considered this issue for a long time. ?ranwe?n?????????`

This should have been taken for granted. Whether it is his morality as a human being on earth or the necessity to promote the development of the world, he should think and act from the standpoint of a commoner.

However, in recent years, especially with the demise of the Mystic Gods, after the various churches of the Masked Void Gods have launched full missions in the Secret Tower Federation, he has paid more and more attention to the missionary work and gradually shifted the focus of his work.

Even… even the focus of thinking has changed.

Why does he want to help the lords continue their lives? Is it just to expand the influence and spread the church?

In that case, why did he restrict the life extension potion invented by the slime alchemist Wendy? Wouldn’t it be better to directly launch an unlimited amount of potions that can continue to last? As long as you have a firm grasp of the potion, which of those old people dare to fight against him?

He is not who he was when he was now, and he is full of confidence. At least in the main plane, he is not afraid of any challenge, and he is completely able to protect the benefits brought by the life extension potion.

So, should he change the course and change direction?

Of course not!

What’s the matter with those lords who are immortal?

It’s good for them to support their church, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t.

When they die, the next generation of lords may not support the Church of the Void Mask. Even if the next generation doesn’t support it, just wait for the next generation.

Maybe a few generations, this lord family will be dead on their own. On the mainland, the average lord family probably only passed down five or six generations, one hundred to two hundred years later, it was almost finished.

The reasons for the end are various, the most common is war, and the second is political struggle. More than once, several heirs of a certain lord fought openly and secretly, and finally the conflict intensified to kill each other, and then the immediate heir died and became extinct. The king was furious and let the other nobles who were related to his family inherit the land.

Generally speaking, the king can’t point fingers at the lord’s inheritance rights. This is a rule and an unspoken rule recognized by the lord. But like this kind of situation where the successors make a mess, and even the direct line is cut off, the king, as the leader of the lords, has the right to come out to mediate and punish the families that have made trouble and break the rules-this is also a rule, the same is true The unspoken rules recognized by the lords of all walks of life.

So, generally speaking, the noble inheritance rights struggle will pay attention to the rules, and will leave some affection for the loser, and will not hurt the life. However, as the family’s inheritance becomes longer and longer, more and more conflicts accumulate, and in the end it often becomes uncontrollable. As a result, a large family with a long history almost came to an end.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Sui Xiong. Anyway, whether the noble lords are prosperous or unlucky, whether their descendants extend, or their families are destroyed, he doesn’t care. As an immortal god, he doesn’t need to pay attention to these lords.

The most important thing is that he doesn’t want to ignore these people either.

In his opinion, lords are almost the same as parasites, but they are attached to civilians to **** blood, and have no indispensable contribution to society. Look at the earth, where there are no lords generally develop more than there are lords. The place is good. Even if the former has oil at their feet, they have not seen them develop a democratic and prosperous society. On the contrary, a large number of all kinds of weird and crazy ghosts have appeared.

The terrorist organization that has entered the 21st century but still upholds the values ​​and ethics of the 7th and 8th centuries, and eradicates all people who do not accept this set of old and rancid theories, the source of which is lying The free and easy noble lords on the oil ocean.

Of course, among the lords of this world, there are also enlightened and progressive ones, and there are those who work hard for the welfare of the people. But they cannot establish their own practices, and cannot ensure that their ideas and practices will be followed after their deaths, passed on from generation to generation, or even promoted. On the contrary, the death of the government is the norm.

In the eyes of the descendants of those wise lords, the lords of other people’s homes spend time and wine, the lords of other people’s homes are relaxed, and the lords of other people’s homes run wild… Why should I be restricted? Why should I restrain myself from having fun? Why should I work hard?

So bad money drives out good money.

Sui Xiong feels that this kind of thing is insoluble. Anyway, he never learned the solution, whether from textbooks or from the Internet. Even when they were in college, those professors who were well-versed in learning the past and the present could not think of a solution—oh, there was a way, and their way was revolution.

By the way, when Sui Xiong was in university, the two professors who had the most influence on him, one was a thorough humanist, and the other was a determined Bolshevik…

Sui Xiong doesn’t want to make a revolution in this world, he feels that he is really not that piece of material. But he couldn’t force himself to accept and like those guys who stepped on other people’s heads to spend a lot of money and domineering ~ IndoMTL.com~ That’s why he would engage in republicanism a little untimely, and he almost relied on himself to create perhaps this alone. The republic for the first time in the world, and it promotes its continuous progress.

So now, does he want to change?

Of course not!

Thinking of this, Sui Xiong couldn’t help laughing.

“I have been taught…” he said somewhat self-deprecatingly, “I thought I was a discerning person, but after all, it was just a trivial thing.”

After laughing, he bowed to the infinite darkness of the underworld, thanked him, and turned to leave.

The next day, all temples and altars in the Masked Void Church received oracles.

The oracle reminded them not to ignore the core of the teachings of Majesty the Void just because the missionary situation is so good. We must bear in mind that only if we can make the people happy, is the real development and progress, and the foundation of the Void Masked Church in the world. If the importance is reversed for the sake of preaching, then no matter how widely the faith spreads, it will be a failure.

This oracle shocked many chief priests. Many people directly decided to think behind closed doors. Because of the changes in the situation, many chief priests are gradually shifting the focus of their work toward the noble lords. They think that as long as they can persuade the lord to believe in Majesty the Void, the church can be quickly promoted, but they have never thought that faith comes from identification. It is easier said than done for a superior lord to truly identify with the concept of development and progress!

Even if the lord agrees, won’t he change his mind in the future?

Even if he doesn’t change, what about his descendants?

In contrast, it is much more reliable to get people to agree with this concept.

After all, people will always need this aspect.

For a time, the entire Masked Void Church began a large-scale adjustment… (to be continued.)

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