Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 197:

In the end, the whereabouts of these students could not be agreed.

The various forces are arguing, and Sui Xiong, a big boss, has no conclusion, so naturally there is no result.

Sui Xiong didn’t bother to grind his teeth slowly with them, only told them to discuss slowly, and then return to the kingdom of God to continue training.

Yes, that training ground is not in the world at all, but in his kingdom of God.

This is not for secrecy, but simply to save trouble. There are a lot of messy designs in that training ground, and it is somewhat troublesome to make them in reality. But if you have the power to change everything at will in your own kingdom of God, it will be much more convenient.

As the days go by, the new armies of various countries are gradually trained and formed. The situation between the North and the South within the Gold Coin Federation has also become more tense, and there is a tendency for the rain to come.

This time, it was not the aristocrats who had the upper hand and asked the merchants to give in, but the other way around.

In addition to the seven trump cards of the New First Army to the New Seventh Army, the merchants sent more than twenty new troops trained after them. The original seven ace troops were combined and called the New First Corps, and those later trained were called the New Second Corps, the New Third Corps, and the New Fourth Corps.

The combat effectiveness of the Second, Third, and Fourth Army is naturally not as good as that of the First Army, but it is also a real elite unit that can “dare to fight” and “can fight.” The Fifth Army of the First Army was able to win a **** battle in a disadvantaged situation. Although they were not able to fight that way, at least in the case of a balance of power, it was still possible to fight a normal battle.

With these four legions, the merchants naturally have confidence in their hearts. With confidence in my heart, he is much stronger when facing the nobility faction.

Over the years, there have been a lot of bumps and bumps between the two factions of the Gold Coin Federation, and conflicts have occurred from time to time. In the past, the merchants used to be able to tolerate and tolerate, and they tried their best to turn the big things into small things. But now that there are four major legions to rely on, the merchant faction will of course not back down.

Not only did they not back down, they also forced the nobles to back down!

In terms of reason, of course there is nothing wrong with it. It is only natural for the strong to prevail and the weak to retreat. But once the noble faction got used to the upper wind, it didn’t take advantage of it some time ago, and there was already a fire in her heart. At this moment, the merchant faction actually asked the noble faction to make concessions-it is really tolerable or unbearable!

This time, even the nobles who originally wanted peace couldn’t help it. The highest meeting of the sixteen great aristocratic groups quickly passed the resolution to “give merchants a good look”. The next step was to hold a joint meeting of nobles to discuss how to do this “give a good look”. And just what to do.

As there are many people, there will naturally be no secrets. Besides, the aristocratic faction did not intend to keep it secret. Within a few days, the aristocratic faction planned to send troubles to the merchants, and the news spread that the nobles of all parties were being called to the capital to hold a noble meeting.

Naturally, it also reached the merchants’ ears.

“Have you heard that too? The South seems to want to do something.” At the meeting of the big businessmen, one of the largest chambers of commerce in the north, the contemporary president of the “Yemingzhu” Chamber of Commerce, said with a sarcastically smile. The lords seem to think that we are too arrogant and want to teach us a lesson.”

Laughter came from several places, and more than one businessman laughed.

“I don’t understand, where did they get this confidence?” Another president of the Chamber of Commerce shook his head and said in puzzlement, “As for the army, their army is not stronger than our new army. As for the masters, the masters we can invite will never lose to them. Why do they think we are still as easy to bully as in the past?”

“People tend to believe the impression of the past before they have witnessed it with their own eyes. When we do business, don’t we often use this.” An elderly man with a goatee and gentle temperament said with a smile.” Rather, thanks to this practice of’believe in the inherent impression’, we can seize opportunities from time to time to make a fortune.”

The merchants all showed knowing smiles, and others echoed: “Chairman Cliff is right!”

“Speaking of it, maybe this time is also an opportunity for us to make a fortune.” A businessman who was slightly younger than the President Cliff suddenly said, “War is the best way to change the division of interests. . If we can win this battle, we will definitely get a lot of benefits!”

“Don’t say anything else, just changing the country’s power structure is enough to bring huge benefits.” The president of the Ye Mingzhu Chamber of Commerce nodded and said, “Actually, in China, it is neither a **** merchant group nor a **** player. There are still many aristocratic forces. They are all watching to see the power comparison between our two sides to decide which side to support. If we really show enough strength to overwhelm the aristocratic, they must be happy to turn to support us. “

“Yes, everyone pushes the wall down, and it is people’s nature to take advantage of the fire. As long as we win, there are many people who want to kill the noble lords!”

“It’s not even necessary for us to win. As long as we can tie, there will be a lot of people to support us. After all, we are tied in this situation, and with their support, naturally Win.”

“But…you must also guard against spies getting in. The knife from behind is the most dangerous!”

“As long as the key points are not exposed, what if there is a person behind? Besides, how can we expose our backs to outsiders?”

“Haha! That’s right! After all, we merchants have to rely on ourselves! Only when we are sincere and united can we be bigger and stronger!” The president of the Ye Mingzhu Chamber of Commerce cheered loudly to the one who just put forward the term “outsiders” A businessman praised it~IndoMTL.com~Everyone must remember that no matter how good the conditions are and how much benefits those people put forward, our foundation lies in everyone’s union. It is precisely because of the unity of all of us that we can have our current strength and gain more benefits! “

The businessmen nodded one after another, and many of them responded.

The people who can sit here to participate in the meeting are all the old people. Among them, there are people who have worked hard like “Lucky Spikes” Chamber of Commerce President Cliff for a lifetime and achieved a career when they are old, and some have been in their parents since they were young. The world of merchants is not as polite as the world of nobles. Although the bloodline family background can’t be said to be useless, it definitely cannot play a key role. If you want to be the leader of a chamber of commerce, you must first be good enough yourself.

The corpse-position vegetarian person cannot enter the highest chamber of the Merchants Association.

Because they are all characters who have struggled from countless storms, they are full of confidence in themselves. They are also even more dissatisfied with those nobles who only rely on their blood to inherit their family business, but have been suppressing their own talents for a long time.

Now, the opportunity for revenge is imminent, even the most kind businessman can’t help but want to give the nobles a good look!

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