Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 19:

Compared with the ambitious Sui Xiong, Crick’s ideas are much simpler and more practical.

The work he focuses on now, besides new agriculture, is training soldiers.

The last time he was ordered to join the volunteer army to support the Eagle Kingdom, Baron Keene suffered a heavy loss, and even less than one-tenth of more than one hundred people, even the knight Divor Oss was killed in battle. This caused Baron Keene’s vitality to be greatly injured, and it can be said that the elite of the territory’s army is almost ruined.

This account is not difficult to calculate. Generally speaking, a baronian should have three knights, and each knight should roughly have three cavalry, about ten professional soldiers (orion sometimes counts), and about twenty militia. The baron himself should have six cavalry, about twenty professional soldiers, and fifty militiamen. In general, a baronial leader can dispatch fifteen or six cavalry, fifty or so professional soldiers, and militiamen in their early 100s.

The Baron Keene is almost a standard Baron, losing more than a hundred people at a time, which really hurts [无][False] novel ww.qulu.m. If it wasn’t for Creek to still have some money, there are still a few masters in the territory, and they have pulled the Void Mask Church to support them, afraid that they can be looted by bandits and looted the town.

But relying on masters alone is far from enough. Maintaining order, hunting down bandits, patrolling, collecting taxes, checkpoints… all these require manpower. No matter how powerful a master is, they can’t be divided into several people.

So Crick must recruit more troops to fill the gap in the landmen.

After much deliberation, he decided to imitate some of the practices in the history through novels and try to train the army in another way.

First, he gave up his plan to recruit adventurers as professional soldiers. The strength of the adventurers is naturally beyond doubt. But both loyalty and discipline are problematic. Professional soldiers themselves don’t need too much strength. What they need is training and discipline.

Then he also gave up the idea of ​​training the militia. The reason why the militia is called the militia. To put it bluntly, it is ordinary people who have received a little military training. Even if such soldiers have weapons, their combat effectiveness and will to fight are very questionable. When they have the upper hand, they may not be able to catch up with the fleeing enemy. When confronting, they can’t stand the scene. In a disadvantaged situation, they won’t run away and thank God. Instead of wasting manpower and material resources to train the militia, it is better to save these resources and train a few more professional soldiers.

As for the cavalry, there is really no way. Even among the adventurers, there are very few who can ride horses and fight. Most of the adventurers who “can ride horses”, their riding skill is the degree to which they can ride a horse on the road, and they still have to dismount when fighting. Heroes who can ride on horses to fight, or even charge and shoot, are difficult to recruit, let alone training.

In fact, in the entire Baron Keene, there are fewer than ten people with this ability, including the Divor Oss Knight who has been sacrificed.

Since it has been decided. Creek issued a recruitment notice, recruiting soldiers from the entire territory.

However, the requirements for recruiting soldiers this time are different from the past. They do not require “strong body”, “cruel”, and “dare to kill”, but require “honest duties”, “discipline”, and “obedience to orders.”

This request surprised everyone. James Cavaliers couldn’t help even asking.

“My lord, it doesn’t matter if you don’t recruit adventurers as soldiers, you don’t need to train militiamen. But your requirements for recruiting soldiers are different from others!” The loyal Howard James Cavaliers persuaded, “You It is to recruit full-time professional soldiers. Of course, we should ask everyone to be tall and magnificent, and we must dare to fight and kill. That kind of honest communication can only follow orders. Can it be useful?”

Crick smiled and said, why shouldn’t I recruit soldiers who can fight and dare to fight, but there are very few such people in our territory. If they were recruited again, if something happened, there would really be no militiamen. On the contrary, keep them in the civilian population and train them to be militia captains when the manpower becomes more abundant in the future, so that they may be able to help. “

The James Cavaliers were taken aback. He felt that this statement seemed to make sense, and there seemed to be something wrong, but after thinking about it, he couldn’t figure out where the problem was, so he could only leave with a frown. As I walked, I was still talking to myself, mumbling.

Crick smiled slightly, and fooling someone with only nine intelligence is not a challenging thing.

For the Baron Keene, who has just died more than a hundred strong men, it is not easy to recruit strong men who dare to fight and kill, but it is not difficult to recruit honest and obedient ordinary people. In just five or six days, all the 30 people scheduled by Creek were recruited.

According to his plan, after these 30 people have been trained, the remaining 20 villages sent by the 10 people will stay in the town. As for the two knights Charles Oss and Howard James, they both have territories that they can maintain, and don’t need to worry about the Lord Crick.

After recruiting thirty people, it is natural to train them.

According to the past tradition, the training program of professional soldiers generally has three parts: using weapons, wearing armor, and simulating actual combat.

In terms of weapons, professional soldiers are divided into three categories: swords and shields, spears and bows and arrows. Those who use swords and shields are those who are thick but not tall enough. They are the backbone of the army and are responsible for resisting enemy attacks. Those who use bows and arrows are professionals. They are not many and have little lethality, but they can effectively fight the enemy. Morale; as for those with no special skills, learn to use a spear, this is the easiest.

In terms of armor, sword and shield soldiers must wear heavy armor, usually inlaid armor, or even composite armor with chains and animal skins; spear soldiers wear thick leather armor; as for archers, conditions If you don’t have any conditions, wear chain mail, if you don’t have the conditions, wear light leather.

This is not to say that the archer pursues agility, so he needs to wear light armor, but the archer stays behind and generally does not need heavy armor.

Although…In fact, archers often have the highest force value, but most outstanding archers are also very strong in hand-to-hand combat, but who will let them go to battle with people! That’s a waste!

When even archers have to draw swords and fight, almost the lord’s life is almost lost. At this time, who can care about others!

But Crick’s approach is very different from others. Among the thirty people he recruited, there was not even a single archer or sword and shield soldier. All pikemen. Moreover, the armor he prepared for the Pikemen was also unique, not the ordinary back leather armor. It’s all chain mail.

Although those chain armors are relatively crude and shoddy, they are still chain armors no matter the quality!

A piece of lock armor, even if it is crude, often requires more than one hundred gold coins. The chain armor of this group of thirty people was almost three thousand five hundred gold coins at once. If it wasn’t for the territory itself to have some inventory, the Eagle Kingdom had returned a lot of relics after the war. Just buying these armors would make Crick a little bit distressed, who is currently not rich in funds.

But I have to admit, thirty soldiers in chain armor. Standing in a few rows with spears in hand, they are indeed mighty and majestic, and their momentum is awe-inspiring.

The training program that Crick gave them is also very strange. It is not the usual practice to stab each other to stab the target, but to start in line and walk together.

“Are these useful?” Wurong Novel Network does not skip words. Howard James Cavaliers asked privately.

Crick wasn’t very sure, but he felt that since people were recruited and money was spent, the experiment should be finished.

Under his order, these soldiers who were farmers or small helpers not long ago stood in line and walked together after eating and drinking, plus physical training such as long-distance running. Generally speaking, they are not like a group of soldiers, but rather like a group of actors.

Not only that, but Crick will visit the military camp every few days and give them political lessons. Tell them, “You fight as soldiers, not to make money to feed, but to protect your current stable life.” Tell them “For soldiers, death is terrible. But failure and escape are even more terrifying.” Compare the hard life, compare the current stable life…In short, try various ways to stimulate their fighting spirit.

But to be honest, the effect is pretty average.

It is true that the intelligence of these soldiers is generally not high, the highest one is only nine, but there are several with seven intelligence. But they are definitely not stupid, and they are not like some old-fashioned Long Aotian novels. The protagonist’s tiger body shook and exuded a domineering spirit, and they all fell down and worshiped, and their loyalty was immediately locked to 100. .

They came to serve as soldiers, in the final analysis, to make money and to live a better life.

For them, nothing is more terrible than death. In fact, they weren’t mentally prepared to kill or be killed at all, and they hadn’t completed the transformation from ordinary people to fighters.

For the general recruitment of professional soldiers, do they emphasize dare to fight and dare to kill? The key is here.

Crick is not in a hurry~ IndoMTL.com~ still trains them to stand in line, walk in unison, physical fitness every day, and still visit regularly to give them lectures and talk.

About a month later, the queues of these soldiers were finally organized, and they looked like they were walking in unison, so the training moved on to the next stage, spear stabbing.

The spear marksmanship is actually a very large system. In general, there are roughly four parts: smashing, stabbing, sweeping, and topping. Smashing refers to smashing with a long spear from top to bottom. It is especially useful when fighting an opponent’s pikemen. To stab is to stab, which is the main method of attack; to sweep is to sweep left and right with a long spear to drive away goblins. Such monsters are very useful when sweeping mobs; the top is to fix the long spear on the ground to form a gun forest that is difficult to make an appointment. This is naturally used to deal with the cavalry, although it is almost impossible to use it.

For a skilled soldier, it would take more than half a year to learn the four main tricks of a long spear. But Crick directly ignored the other three tricks and only retained the collective jab.

Since this way, the training speed has naturally been greatly accelerated, but the combat effectiveness of the soldiers has also been greatly reduced.

Howard James Cavaliers worried again, and persuaded in private, suggesting that they should also train other tricks.

“No one.” Crick said, “First, line up-walk in step-stab. Once you have learned this set, then you can practice your physical fitness, and then put on the armor, and they can fight.”

“That won’t work…”

“Anyway, for the time being, I just want them to kill the goblins.” Crick said with a smile, “No other tricks are needed for the time being.”

The knight of intelligence nine was persuaded again, although he still felt something was wrong. (To be continued.)

Chapter Nineteen

The nineteenth chapter is written by members of [No * Wrong] [Small-Said-Net]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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