Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 183:

At first hearing this, Sui Xiong was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the relevant information about Qiao Xiu.

About a hundred years old, he was born as a barbarian in the Northland. He was originally the chief of the “Ice Bear” tribe. He believed in the goddess of the snowfields and blizzards in the Northland, and was also the famous evil **** commonly known as the “Queen of the North”. This goddess is powerful, although it is only a medium divine power, but it has more than once conflicted with a strong divine power without falling into the wind, and it is generally believed that he has a power comparable to a strong divine power. Although he usually brought more disasters than blessings, with his powerful strength and ferocious deterrence, his belief in the North Land was very consolidated, even surpassing the “Elder Shepherd Bear”, the patron saint of the barbarians.

Most people in the Ice Bear Tribe believe in the “Elder Bear Shepherd”, the patron saint of barbarians. However, Qiao Xiu is different. As a strong man, he cannot agree that he is clearly supported by the good gods and barbarians, but he is still fighting against the evil gods of the “Cold Alliance” headed by the “Queen of the North”. The old man who was disadvantaged, so he chose to follow the strong and became a believer of the “Queen of the North”.

In fact, he is not just a believer, but a priest—he is a soul shaman.

Shaman is a type of priest that is unique to areas with relatively backward civilization. They do not directly connect with gods through prayers like priests, so as to obtain divine power and spells. Instead, they first connect with the “spirit” and then through the “spirit”. “Contact the deity. Spirits are generally upgraded from the ancestors of the tribe, or transformed from a powerful creature living near the tribe. They only have their souls left, but they are very powerful, probably possessing the power equivalent to that of a divine envoy.

In the shaman’s belief system, the spirit is the real medium of divine power, and the importance of the priest itself is not high. As long as a tribe has a high-level spirit, even if the shaman’s own level is not high, it can still cast powerful spells.

Some shamans believe in ancestor spirits instead of gods, so you can ignore this step. Although they are more primitive and brutal, they are more like priests.

Qiao Xiu’s spirit is a powerful monster, ice bear. When he had just believed in the Queen of the North, he went out hunting alone. With extraordinary bravery and luck, he hunted down this vicious monster, and thus pleased the goddess and became his priesthood. And the soul of that ice bear was transformed by the goddess into his soul.

If things continue to develop like this, maybe Qiao Xiu will become a great chieftain famous in the North, or a famous great shaman, maybe in a few decades or a hundred years, he may also lead an army of barbarians to the south, Fighting against the orc empire became a record in the history of the “North Wind and Ice Disaster”.

However, it may be a tease of fate, or it may be a game that the goddess does not care about. The ice bear tribe was destroyed by severe cold and blizzard in one winter. Qiao Xiu prayed very hard, even offering his only child as a sacrifice, and he failed to show the goddess a little bit of his mercy.

Finally, Qiao Xiu, who had lost everything, became angry in despair. He crazily hated and cursed the goddess he believed in, and then left the snowy field and headed south.

He has been wandering for several years. Although the hatred in his heart has never subsided for a while, the anger in his chest has gradually subsided. Then he was thinking, thinking about what he should do.

The deceased is gone, and the dead cannot be brought back to life. His goal of revenge is also very difficult to achieve. Is it possible to spend his whole life in hopeless hatred and curse?

In a daze, he came to the Primordial Forest in the south, met the legendary temple that existed at the beginning of the creation of the world, and met the old sage who is said to be older than the gods.

Although the sage was only a fist-sized frog, he gave him good advice, so he decided to change his goal and rebuild the ice bear tribe.

And his plan is to give birth to enough children, and then the children will have grandchildren…So as long as you work hard, maybe after four or five generations, you can rebuild the ice bear tribe.

Many people are very surprised about this. They don’t understand why Qiao Xiu is so obsessed with relying on his descendants to rebuild the tribe. Sui Xiong once asked Qiao Xiu about this question. Qiao Xiu’s answer was “Only my offspring can inherit my anger.”

Can only one’s offspring inherit one’s own anger? Sui Xiong didn’t think so.

However, he didn’t mean to refute, he was just watching Qiao Xiu curiously to see what the big barbarian man could do.

In order to get enough offspring, Qiao Xiu is very indulgent in private life. When he was active in Double-headed Crane City, at least one-third of the female mercenaries and almost all the women of the wind in the city had a fixed or unfixed relationship with him. Later, he joined the Void Mask Church and became the leader of the mobile unit. He used almost all of his income to increase the number of women around him as much as possible, or… to increase the number of children and grandchildren.

As far as Sui Xiong knows, when he became a legendary powerhouse, his descendants had already exceeded fifty.

After becoming a legendary powerhouse, Qiao Xiu converged a little instead. This is because he has absolute certainty that he can live until his descendants thrive, and the number is large enough to form a tribe.

Otherwise, if he still maintains his original style, relying on his identity as a legendary powerhouse, maybe only two or three years, he will be able to have a family that is enough to form a tribe-as a legendary powerhouse, as long as he is not “picky eaters” “, two or three hundred women, it’s really not a big problem…

Sure enough, now he has accomplished his original goal.

Thinking of this, Sui Xiong subconsciously connected with his faith to see Qiao Xiu’s situation.

He saw the eastern part of the northern icefield, adjacent to an ice-covered gorge, with a new tribe.

This tribe is slightly different from the normal northern barbarian tribe. Its location is a little too far north, and there is no pasture nearby. Instead, there is a huge teleportation formation on the square in the center of the tribe.

Sui Xiong recognized the origin of this teleportation formation at a glance—the combination of several sets of magic runes~IndoMTL.com~is the style of Master Satan, the chief mage of the Masked Void Church. If you want to come to this teleportation formation, even if it is not him. I made it by his disciple. The greatest possibility is probably the best among his disciples, Niss Paen.

With the teleportation array, this newly-built “ice bear” tribe can sell their hunting or mining harvests at a suitable price, and then buy enough food. Maybe in the future they can still act as second-hand dealers, buying the products of other barbarians, and then selling them food and daily necessities.

In general, the foundation of this tribe is quite solid.

“This guy Qiao Xiu has finally realized his ideal!” Watching his grandchildren, great-grandchildren and even great-grandchildren hold daily worship in the central square of the tribe, to the huge jellyfish statue carved by the ice Sui Xiong smiled slightly and nodded softly when Qiao Xiu prayed.


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