Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 18:

Hailaer was not a businessman, but he lived three hundred years old, dealt with countless businessmen, and had already learned the secret of doing business. [Read the latest chapters]

Businessmen are not happy about doing things, and they usually have to make rounds, tricks, and tricks. The most common thing is, suppose you buy 50 gold coins for a thing, and then the quotation must not be directly converted into a profit of 10%. It depends on the situation of the customer and the situation of the store to make adjustments.

For example, if you are a relatively stable roadside stall, selling on the streets of a small town for a long time, then you should report 80 and make customers counter the price. Everyone is talking nonsense. In the end, it is usually 53 to 5 Sold between eighteen.

And if you are in a big city like the High Tower, and you open a luxuriously decorated high-end shop on the busiest street, then you can’t lose shares like this, you should just mark this thing with two or three hundred gold coins. , Put it outside at will, even without bargaining, put on a posture of “small things are not worth talking about, we need to talk about big business”.

With Hailar’s ​​current status and status, coupled with the current situation, it’s almost the kind of “goods are very good, but customers can buy or not, and I have to sell” situation, so he has to dump it first. Furiously, stimulate the high-levels of Mill City, and then throw the second fierce material, stimulate them again, wait until their hearts are shaken and want to agree, but they are really reluctant to pay, then tell their real price. .

In this way, things are naturally settled.

To put it bluntly, this is actually similar to bargaining with street vendors, and you can even copy the lines.

“Sister-in-law, what do you think of this fish? It’s fresh and tender, so good!”

“Uh…is good, how much is it?”

“Five silver coins.”

“…This is too expensive, so many chickens can be bought!”

“Look at what you said, chickens are not rare, they are rare! This is a sea fish, which is not found in the river. In order to bring it alive, I used seawater to feed it all the way, but it took a lot of effort! This time is worth the price!”

“…This is really hard work, but it can’t be sold so expensive! Anyway, if you go to the beach, you always have to bring something back. Don’t you bring something.”

“You can’t say that, it’s very hard to bring this one. I want to bring some groceries, it will save trouble.”

“You have to bring small groceries, and you can’t sell them.”

“Yes, so look at this fish, how good! To be honest, this fish is actually a little different from ordinary fish.”

“Huh? What’s the difference?”

“Think about it, ordinary fish, no matter how you keep them, you can walk hundreds of miles and walk down for more than ten days, but they will all die, right?”

“That’s for sure, fish is delicate.”

“But when you look at my fish, it just happened to be alive and still very energetic.”

“…Didn’t you say, did you raise it well?”

“You value me too much. If I really have the ability to keep fish all the way for so long, can I still mix in the street stalls? Go to which firm to take care of it, OK?”

“…That’s right.”

“So, the key is actually on this fish-this fish, it has the blood of Warcraft!”

“Huh?! Warcraft?!”

“Don’t be nervous! It has a little blood of a monster, just like the scaly horses of the knight masters. It’s not a real monster.”

“…Scared me! Then what are you doing with this?”

“Don’t you know? Eating something with the blood of Warcraft, it is possible to stimulate the power of blood in your body.”

“…It seems that this is indeed the case.”

“Of course, adventurers often eat the meat of Warcraft. The meat of Warcraft is not delicious at all, but in order to become strong, they only hate that their stomachs are not big enough and not enough to eat. Think about it, If the children in your family eat this food and stimulate a little blood power…”

“…is indeed a good thing!”

“Yes, so although it’s a bit expensive, it’s worth it!”

“…It’s still expensive. I’ll go buy a few more chickens so that I can eat for the children to nourish their health.”

“You can’t say that. You think this is expensive, but you can go to the adventurer’s shop to see, what is the price of the meat of the beast meat? It is all settled with gold coins. The big slap is a gold coin! Look at my fish, at least three catties, only five silver coins.”

“…but that’s monster meat.”

“They are all made into jerky! Anyone who knows how to do it knows that if you eat it fresh, the effect will be good! Here, just like my fish, you buy it back and eat it alive, it’s best!”

“…but it’s still expensive…”

“Yes! You are my regular customer. I will give you one more step and sell you three silver coins. But there is one thing. If your child really stimulates the blood, you have to take care of me in the future.”

“It’s done! Nothing to say!”

…The above paragraph is a scene I saw by chance on the street when Hailar was returning from the Highest Tower not long ago. When he had an idea, he had inspiration.

It’s actually the same thing. People sell marine fish that “hopefully eat the power to activate their bloodline”, but he sells “hopeful longevity or step into the realm of legend”.

To put it bluntly, everyone bought the same thing, hope.

I hope this thing is worthless to some people, and worthless to some people. And the same person, he would dismiss some things, but he would desperately pursue other things.

Hailaer himself is, in order to continue his life, over the years, he has no idea how much effort he has spent, how much pain he has suffered, and how many risks he has taken.

Don’t talk about the far away, just say the nearest. If it wasn’t for the sake of life extension, he was a good city lord who ran to the northwest border and made the idea of ​​a strong man with divine nature?

Do you die!

Generally speaking, people who die in this way are sure to die. He is lucky. Not only did he not die, he also got benefits. But this benefit comes at a price, no matter how kind your Majesty Void Mask is, he will not be tolerant to a mortal who deceives him. If he can’t achieve results, the consequences… he doesn’t even dare to think about it.

So along the way, he is pondering and deliberating, perfecting his plan.

The final plan is such a plan.

From the actual implementation effect, this plan should be considered a success. The senior officials of Mill City discussed briefly and decided on the strategies of “invite the Void Masked Church to preach”, “establish a temple of the Void God System”, “strengthen communication with the Northwestern Republic”, and “strive to promote mutual friendship”.

Although it is worse than the best result, this result is enough to make him go to the Majesty of Faceless Void.

Moreover… In fact, this result may be the best, and everyone can accept it. He doesn’t have to worry about stimulating the high level of the Federation, especially the teacher’s rage to clean up the door; His Majesty Void Mask can also smoothly spread the church to Mill City and surrounding areas.

As for the future, as far as the immortal **** is concerned, as long as the head is opened, the rest is nothing more than water milling.

The deity never lacks time.

In fact, Sui Xiong thought so too. When he got a report from Hailar and learned of the results of the Mill City high-level meeting, he praised Hailar greatly.

“Very well, this is the beginning that pleases me.” The phantom of the jellyfish floated in front of Hailar, and said in a smiling voice, “Don’t worry, just develop it slowly. As long as the end The result is good, I don’t care about spending more time.”

This is exactly the same as Hailar’s guess, which made him finally relieved and relieved.

After Sui Xiong finished contacting him, he began to think about another thing.

With my own ability, it is entirely possible to fight for the development of the church by helping the elderly lords continue their lives. I believe that in the face of the temptation to live a few more years, such things as preaching in a small way shouldn’t count as much.

At least, it’s nothing to most lords.

Of course, there are people in this world who regard faith as extremely important, and would rather die than make concessions in this regard. But among the nobles, such people should be relatively few. Among the older aristocrats, there are even fewer of them-on the one hand, the moral standards of the aristocratic groups are generally a bit low, on the other hand, such upright and stubborn people are often not easy to live long…

This kind of bad money driving out good money is definitely not a good thing for the territory, and it is also harmful to the entire aristocratic group. But for Sui Xiong who wants to start a large-scale mission, there are only benefits.

As long as he sets the exchange terms a little lower, most nobles will probably be willing to make such a deal.

The only problem is…Is it really good for him to extend the lives of the nobles on such a large scale?

Sui Xiong is most worried about this problem.

The question is big or small, and it is not small. Although he will no longer easily help people change races and step into the realm of legends, the continued life on a large scale will always affect the order of the entire society.

It will also affect the attitude of the gods.

Of course, the one who is most likely to have a fierce reaction is the **** of death.

The doctrine of the **** of death believes that death is not a terrible thing, but just like birth, it is the inevitable destination of life. From birth to death is a complete cycle. Therefore, the **** of death and his followers are extremely disgusted with spells such as “arousing the dead” and “creating soul-bound corpses”, and have been working hard to fight the necromancers.

Sui Xiong used Tuya’an before, and the most fierce opposition to the large-scale use of skeleton labor was death.

At the time, he was really worried about whether Death would launch a battle against him-the master of the underworld, although he rarely shot, was extremely powerful. He himself is a powerful divine power. Although his subordinates do not follow God, there are a large number of semi-god-level dead spirits. In particular, the underworld connects countless worlds. How many strong people have been bred in them since ancient times? What a deep background? No one knows what to do.

You don’t see, even if the Glory Lord who has led humans to defeat several races, never contradicts the **** of death?

Furthermore, even the militant warlord, he hesitated again and again before collecting the subordinate **** who possessed the priesthood of death, and even went to the underworld in person and made a careful discussion with the **** of death. That decision.

This shows the deterrence and strength of the **** of death!

Sui Xiong really doesn’t want to have a conflict with the **** of death, they have already had a big conflict, and if there is another one, I’m afraid they will really fight!

Furthermore… The conflict with the Lord of the Mysteries at the beginning has caused him to be blocked from the ability to cast spells. If it were not for the later softening of the attitude of the Lord of the Mysteries, I am afraid that he is still a barbarian who can’t cast spells.

If there is a conflict with the **** of death, with absolute control over “death”, what will the **** of death do?

Sui Xiong can’t remember it for the time being, and he doesn’t want to think about this issue in depth.

Because he really is absolutely, in any case, resolutely can’t, toss about it anymore!

Now his plate is getting bigger and bigger, every move is related to the lives of countless people. If he tossed out some monster moths, even if he could win every battle, there was no guarantee that the people under his command would not be unlucky.

For example, in a certain **** battle, a certain deity hits a certain village or town in the Northwestern Republic at will…

Especially, the **** of death is not an ordinary god. The souls of most people in this world will go to the underworld after death. Even if the gods add up, only two or three out of ten can be fished out, and the remaining seven or eight. After all, Cheng will enter the sphere of influence of the **** of death. If Sui Xiong angered the **** of death, even if people didn’t come to fight him, just a little bit of the post-mortem treatment of the people in the Northwestern Republic would be enough to make him grin and have a headache.

Don’t be afraid of the magistrate, just be in charge!

His male brother is immortal, but the people of the Northwestern Republic will always die!

This is like a famous saying, “I would rather offend the murderer than the saver”, because the murderer may not kill you, but the saver will most likely save you.

Sui Xiong has seen a practical example before crossing: He is a middle school classmate~IndoMTL.com~After junior high school, he went to a technical secondary school and studied nursing. Five years later, I became a nurse and worked in small hospitals near Sui Xiong’s home. One time there was a medical disturbance in the hospital, and everyone was upset by the troubles. I don’t know how many people suffered from that bastard. Everyone endured it at that time, and only murmured secretly, “Una bird man, don’t teach you to commit the crime to the Sajia”-later that product really committed the crime to them, and he himself fell ill, a rather troublesome disease.

Not to mention the follow-up of that incident. In short, Sui Xiong learned two very profound lessons from this.

First, never offend doctors and nurses.

Secondly, if you are really offended, you’d better move.

But in this world, if you really offend the **** of death, it doesn’t matter where you move!

So after thinking twice, he finally made up his mind and set off for the underworld.

Although it may irritate the gods of death, and may even suffer a bit, but if you want to say it is so reckless, you can help people live on a large scale without saying a word…

Hehe, it’s better to ask.

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