Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 18:

The town of Pyroxene is built on the hill, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one road to enter and exit. This road is not wide, it only accommodates two carriages in parallel.

At this moment, a fallen carriage is traversing the road, and a group of merchants are stopped, trying to lift the carriage in a mess. Pedestrians passing by were also blocked on the road, unable to advance or retreat. The scene was chaotic, with shouts, spitting, and quarrel mixed together, and there were some more grumpy ones, already gearing up as if they were about to fight.

“So troublesome!” Gerrard frowned, clinging together. Although the crowd was noisy, but seeing such a big guy walking, they still separated the two sides honestly and made way for him.

But he didn’t. In the crowd, a pair of malicious eyes were watching him.

This “car accident” on the road was actually arranged by the vice president of the Thieves Guild in Pyroxen Town, in order to test the strength and character of the giant. He has always been cautious in his work, and will never come out easily until he has not figured out the details of his goal; no; wrong; novel www.qule+hand.

The carriage that fell down was a wagon, and it was loaded with iron ore and the like. Although the goods were scattered all over the ground, the car body was not broken, which shows that the materials used are quite solid. However, the horse pulling the cart had been injured and fell to the ground and could not get up.

Gerald frowned, grabbed the frame with one hand, and turned the carriage and half of the cargo over with a little effort. The people around were dumbfounded, and some even pinched their cheeks with their hands, thinking they were dreaming.

The material used for this carriage is very sufficient. The load-bearing parts such as the cowl are hardwood with thick arms, and the cargo on the carriage is also known as heavy ore. This car carries goods, I’m afraid it’s not three or four kilograms. However, in front of this giant, it seemed to be light and weightless, and could be lifted with one hand.

“This guy has a lot of strength!” someone exclaimed.

“Really worthy of being a giant!” Someone admired.

Some experienced adventurers are even more surprised-the giants are inherently strong, but even if they are the best among giants, the big guys called “mountain giants” usually mention two or three. Qianjin, it is absolutely impossible to lift such a half-carriage of goods together with the car!

In other words, this big guy is not only a giant, but also an adventurer with a good level.

Senior adventurers often have much more power than ordinary people, but they are more powerful than ordinary people. Even among adventurers, only some people who emphasize power can do it. It would be even more terrifying if you consider that the force of this thousand catties is more than that of ordinary giants.

Because… the better a race is born, the slower the growth rate will be…

Seeing Gerrard’s performance, “Gray Eyes” shuddered, feeling that his legs were a bit soft. At this moment, he was very fortunate to have brought only a few thieves, not the thugs of the Thieves Guild, otherwise, maybe those **** whose muscles had grown into his head would make a plot when Gerald came to the front of the carriage.

That’s different from dying!

Don’t say that this big guy is a powerful adventurer of the giant race, even if it is an ordinary race, the strength of this thousand catties alone is enough to prove his strength. “Quick knife”? Even if the entire pyroxene town thieves’ guild is joined together, it may not be able to win the fight…

No one in Gerrard is calculating, and the terrifying power of the enemy has brought such a huge shock to the enemy. At this moment, his attention is focused on the old horse that fell on the ground.

This horse is not rusty, and there are many old and new scars on its body. It can be seen that it has gone through a lot of hardships. It is trying to stand up, but to no avail. Upon closer inspection, it seemed that he had broken his back, his hind legs were unable to move, but the front legs were still struggling, and his eyes were full of pain and misery, which made people feel pity.

Gerald sighed. After suffering this kind of injury, neither a man nor a horse can be saved. All he can do is help him relieve the pain.

Since his resurrection, he has become more and more able to feel the pain of others, and his compassion has grown day by day. However, regardless of his sympathy, he couldn’t help the poor animal.

“Do you want to save it?” Sui Xiong asked.

Gerald was taken aback and asked your Majesty, would you like to help this poor fellow? “No erroneous novel network does not skip words.

Sui Xiong smiled. To be honest, I don’t have much sympathy for animals, but if you want to save it, I am willing to help you. “

“Your majesty, your kindness is as warm as the sun!”

“Okay, don’t flatter, put your hand on the injured horse, I will use the bone bracelet to mobilize your magic power to help it heal.” Sui Xiong smiled and said, “To be honest, this guy is hurt. It’s a bit heavy, I’m not very sure, but I can try it anyway, it’s better than letting it die.”

Under Sui Xiong’s command, Gerrard knelt down and pressed his right hand wearing a bone bracelet on the gray horse’s back. Then the blood in his body agitated, mobilizing part of the magic power stored in the magic core and infiltrating the gray horse. Under Sui Xiong’s precise control, these magical powers are like tiny and ingenious machines, righting the injured and misplaced bones of the gray horse one by one, and reconnecting the broken muscles, blood vessels and nerves, and finally transforming them into abundant vitality. It moisturizes its body, promotes its growth, and regenerates the injured part.

In just half a minute, the gray horse, which was dying, let out a happy long hiss, and stood up again.

“Gosh! I saw it?!” someone exclaimed.

“Is this big guy a priest? There are priests in the giants?” A senior adventurer couldn’t help but suspicious eyes.

“Furthermore… the priest’s healing spells come from the gods. Which great **** is so philanthropic and spends his divine power on healing a horse? Is it a centaur?” .

“Bah! The centaur is a demon, OK! He will only ask believers to arrest people for blood sacrifice…”

“Is it a druid?”

“I have never heard of giants and druids…”

“But I have never heard of a priest in the giants.”

“The druids will never cast spells to save an old horse, they will only help the old horse to get rid of it. Have you ever been in contact with a druid!”

In the crowd, the gray-eyed eyes stared like pigeon eggs, staring at the bone bracelet on Gerrard’s wrist.

Just now because he wanted to assist Gerrard in casting spells, Sui Xiong’s power came out from the bone bracelet, and he saw some clues.

“There is an extremely powerful idea on the bracelet, so powerful that it can even cast healing spells! No, it is not an ordinary healing spell, it is a restoration spell, it can heal broken bones, muscle tears, and even break The broken hands and feet are connected to the magic! The horse’s spine must have been broken before, and it was cured so quickly… This giant is not a **** priest, he is a blessed one! Just now the **** he believed in was himself. Let’s do it! That bone bracelet is a sacred object of their sect! Oh my god, I actually want to steal a holy object with a true God’s will! Fortunately, I haven’t done it yet…it must be the golden finger (the **** of thieves) protecting me So that I did not make a fatal mistake…”

He suddenly woke up, closed his eyes hurriedly, did not dare to look at the bone bracelet on which the deity’s will resided, turned and left. Before leaving, I didn’t forget to send a message to my men and asked them to retreat together.

After a while, he returned to the Thieves Guild in Pyroxene Town and reported the incident to the president with a pale face.

“?! A holy thing that hosts the true God’s mind?!” The calm old man was so scared that his heartbeat stopped for a while, “Are you sure you read it right?”

“Absolutely can’t be wrong!” The vice president firmly assured, “President, you think, can heal a broken spine in a few words, is this a spell?”

Without waiting for the president to speak, he continued to talk about restoration! It is a magical technique that is more advanced than the healing technique and the healing technique. The average priest cannot perform it at all. Even a powerful priest must hold the holy emblem and pray for a period of time to display it. And what about the druid? They only cast this spell for longer-but the giant simply omitted this process… This is completely unreasonable. The only explanation is that it was not him who cast the spell at all, but the mind in the bone bracelet. “

“Perhaps… the bone bracelet is a powerful magic item that can produce healing effects equivalent to restoration…” The president said in a deep voice, “Although I have never heard of such a magic item, perhaps Druids can do this…”

Grey eyes shook their heads and asked the president, no matter how powerful magic items are, the number of times they can cast spells per day is limited. In the case of restoration, it is estimated that it will be once or twice a day. If you have such a treasure, would you waste its only chance to heal a horse every day? “No erroneous novel network does not skip words.

“Of course not!”

“Yeah, no one can. Even the most philanthropic people, when they are about to leave the town and step into the wilderness, they absolutely dare not waste it like this.” The vice president sighed and said, “Can be so careless What is wasted is only those great existences with endless divine arts.”

One, the cabin is silent, the first and second in command of the Thieves Guild in Pyroxene Town, you look at me~IndoMTL.com~ I look at you, looking at each other.

After a while, the president laughed and said it was okay…we haven’t had time to start. “

“Yes! Fortunately, we didn’t have time to make a move.” The vice chairman looked fortunate, “Thank God!”

“Wait…I have another idea.” The old cunning president rolled his eyes, but he had a bad idea again, “You said… we will reveal part of the news to our old opponents. , What will the result be?”

The gray-eyed eyes gradually lit up, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled.

“President, this idea is really clever! With the greed and viciousness of those guys, he will definitely attack this lone giant…”

“Or I’m the president, you’re just the vice president!” The president also smiled, “I can’t wait to see those **** hitting the stone head-battered! “

In the cabin, two sly foxes laughed together.

On the road outside the town, Sui Xiong is admonishing Gerrard. Someone was spying on you just now, and I’m afraid he wants to count on you. It was only afterwards that you probably saw your extraordinary strength, and then retreated. “

His perception ability is much stronger than Gerrard, and the hostility of the thieves’ guild people was discovered by him almost at the beginning. It’s just that since the other party didn’t turn the hostility into killing intent, and didn’t take any actual actions, he was too lazy to do it.

You can’t go back if you don’t make a move, and the necessary reminders are still necessary.

He sees Gerald, a bald guy (no, it’s not a bald anymore) getting more and more pleasing to his eyes, of course he doesn’t want this capable man to encounter accidents.

In fact, he has, it seems, seems, maybe… Gerrard is actually very good!

Chapter Eighteen

The eighteenth chapter is written by members of [No * Wrong] [Small-Said-Net]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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