Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 18:

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In the inaccessible Black Forest, there is another loud noise, and flames are splashing everywhere, accompanied by countless broken stones and iron slag.

Sui Xiong jumped into the river not far away, listening to the sizzling sound of the hot gravel and iron **** meeting the cold water, and couldn’t help sighing.

“How many times has this failed!”

He looked at the scene of the explosion. The ground was in chaos, scattered stones and mud mixed with iron ore and peat, and there were bits and pieces of iron **** mixed in it-this is the result of his “blast furnace ironmaking”.

“What’s wrong with jìng?”

After so many failures, even art students feel something is wrong. Sui Xiong dared to bet on his own integrity that his blast furnace ironmaking technology must have fatal flaws, and it is very likely that something was wrong. But he thought about it, and he didn’t think of what was wrong with it.

Iron ore and coal react at a high temperature to reduce the iron in a chemical state to iron atoms. In his impression, this is what he had taught in high school chemistry classes.

Although Brother Xiong is an art student, he was admitted to college with eight years of experience. The oxidation-reduction reaction is a key point of high school chemistry, so he can’t forget it all.

But… why is it wrong?

He has iron ore; he has coal; he has high temperature. And in order to make the reaction full, he also specially mixed the coal and iron ore evenly, just grind and mix them together.

But why is the result either burning and extinguishing, or burning and exploding?

Where is the problem?

Sui Xiong is not an unlearned and skillless person. He doesn’t come here to make iron without any preparation. Before starting his hands, he also ran to the blacksmith’s shop, inquired about and observed the ironmaking technique.

The ironmaking technology in this world is roughly like this: mix mud and straw to build a smelting furnace with an oval barrel and a short chimney. There are two air inlets and a **** outlet under the furnace. Stone and charcoal are layered on top of each other. Ignite and burn slowly. While burning, slowly add charcoal and iron ore layer by layer.

This is a very slow process and will produce a lot of useless iron slag. It takes a long, long time to burn to get some iron nuggets full of holes. However, hòu has to use a forge to burn these iron pieces red. Slowly forge to remove the bubbles and impurities, and finally get the iron that is actually used.

In general, this method is not efficient and consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. Therefore, the price of iron in this world is very expensive, and even the price of ironware is very expensive.

In fact, bronze ware is still used in many parts of the world.

Of course, in a magical world, it is natural to use magic to solve problems. That is the magic furnace.

Magic can produce amazingly high heat, and naturally it can burn iron ore. After adding the reducing agent, the molten iron can be obtained smoothly, and then pig iron can be obtained, and then carbon reforging is added to obtain wrought iron, and finally the raw iron is mixed to obtain steel.

This method is very efficient in smelting iron, and the quality of the smelted iron is good. The only problem is the high price.

The cost of the magic furnace is staggering. During the operation process, several magicians were needed to assist, and Zhen Guì’s magic spar was used as fuel. Go to Wǎng once to open the furnace. Regardless of success or failure, a few hundred gold coins were dropped.

As a result, the price of steel is still high, and the output is still tragic.

The Church of the Goddess of Wealth once calculated an account, under current conditions, the lowest price iron production method. In fact, let the advanced magician use the “plane travel” spell to run to the earth element plane to directly find the pure iron ore veins…

Sui Xiong also learned that the dwarves inherited a special skill that can raise the temperature of magma and melt iron ore in it. However, hòu uses a secret method to directly extract molten iron from the inside.

The iron ingot obtained by this method is the famous “dwarf steel” or “lava ingot”, which is the most advanced among known steel.

…The output is naturally the lowest.

Let’s not say that the right lava is hard to find. Even if you find the right lava, there are very few masters who can perform that special skill. Even for most dwarves, this skill is just an old one. The legend, no one has seen the real thing.

If it weren’t for the dwarven steel products handed down to the world, I’m afraid that many people would even doubt whether it was spread by mistake.

Sui Xiong’s plan is to develop a low-cost and high-efficiency ironmaking technology. In his impression, even in backward areas on the earth, steel is definitely not a rare thing. Don’t you see the African tribe’s vendetta, is it all with a machete?

Of course he certainly didn’t know that those machetes were all “Made-In-China”.

However, it is really not easy to come up with such a technology!

With a deep sigh, he flew out of the river and cast his spell again to build the blast furnace.

“The explosion is because of poor ventilation. I should work harder on ventilation…”

Obviously, I have to continue.

This reality may have a major impact on the future development of this world, but in fact, the person presiding over the reality at this moment is only a fighting incarnation of Sui Xiong, and his body remains in the “sanctuary” of the kingdom of God, and he is doing it. A big event.

“Oscar, are you going to incubate eggs?” Weyer looked at Sui Xiong, who was lying motionless on the ground, and asked with a smile, “The hen hatches the egg by putting the egg under the body, but you hatch the egg. It’s really weird to put the egg on top of the head!”

Sui Xiong couldn’t help but smile, and said, “This is not an egg. Have you ever seen someone who can hatch a **** in an egg?”

At this moment, he was lying on the ground, his body turned into a circular tray with a recess in the middle, and in the center of the tray, a white light cocoon was placed steadily in it. From the bottom of the tray, powerful divine power continuously flows into it; dozens of tentacles are connected to the light cocoon, on the one hand, they play a fixed role, and on the other hand, they channel and fine-tune the divine power to make subtle adjustments to the things inside the light cocoon.

Because the light cocoon is opaque, no one can see what’s inside. In fact, it’s useless even if you can see it clearly, because it’s just chaos inside, and there’s nothing in it at all.

The thing in this light cocoon is the “loving angel” that Sui Xiong swallowed when he attacked Cloud City.

The predecessor of the Loving Angel was the God of Healing. One of the gods was very good at healing spells, and even became a kind **** of the priesthood. However, this deity was always lucky. For some reason, he fell into the hands of the sun god, was robbed of the priesthood, and transformed into an angel.

Sui Xiong swallowed it at the beginning, and got the inheritance from the death of the sun god, so he constructed such a system and used himself as the biochemical modulator of the evil doctor. Attempt to return the loving angel to the original and return to the original **** of healing.

This incident seems to be just a few words, but it is extremely difficult to actually do it. He failed several times in succession at the beginning, and the Loving Angel was also blown into chaotic fragments. Fortunately, he was fully prepared beforehand and wrapped the Loving Angel in the cocoon. No matter how he failed or exploded, the material was not lost, and he was able to continue working hard and try to improve it in the direction he wanted.

But even the material is not lost. His divine power and energy are also to be consumed. After all, if the light cocoon debugging slot is regarded as a machine, even if the loving angel as a material in the machine can be intact, the supernatural power as the mechanical power and the energy required to control the machine will always be consumed continuously.

So he has to take a break every time he passes, let himself breathe slowly, and at the same time summarize the research experience of the previous period, so that he can start the next stage of reality.

“How long are you going to do?” Morani asked curiously. “It looks like it will take a long time, right?”

“Three days is not short, and a hundred years is not long.” Sui Xiong said with a smile. “Anyway, this is my most important job in the next few years. When will it be successfully transformed, and when we will add a nanny to our team, when will it be finished.”

“It will take a long time…I have asked someone during this period of time, from the sun **** who captured the healing **** to the appearance of the loving angel. I am afraid that thousands of years have passed.” Weiye said.

Sui Xiong sighed and said helplessly: “Actually, I am already riding a tiger. If I stop debugging, the divine power and divinity of the loving angel will be lost a lot, and the probability of success next time will be greatly reduced. So even if it costs No matter how much time, I can only bite the bullet and go on until I succeed.”

“Also… In fact, this debugging work is also very good for me.” He continued, “In the process of debugging, I also learned a lot of things and summed up a lot of valuable experience. So no matter how long it is, it is not a waste of time.”

It suddenly dawned on my friends–it turns out that he can gain a lot no matter whether he succeeds or not. It’s no wonder that he has been working hard during this period, and he didn’t mean to retreat.

Sui Xiong rested for a while, and then began to mobilize his divine power again, using his soul power to control them finely, trying hard to reconcile the already chaotic divinity in the cocoon, trying to form a complete structure.

Of course, this structure is not arranged indiscriminately. It is necessary to combine them into the priesthood of “healing”.

This is an extremely difficult thing. Even if he has obtained the information about the healing priesthood from the sun god, it is not easy to draw a gourd.

You don’t see that there are many famous paintings in the world, but there are not many good painters who can copy the famous paintings exactly like the original ones.

The information that the sun **** gave to Sui Xiong is really all-encompassing and profound. It forms a complete priesthood system, which can be used as a basis to build a simple but at least complete world. Coupled with the domain knowledge that contains almost all the known categories, it can be regarded as a professional encyclopedia for gods-and it is of the highest level.

However, Sui Xiong himself, for the time being, has not yet been able to use this encyclopedia freely.

It’s not that there is a lack of divine power, but a lack of knowledge.

Many things that are taken for granted to a deity as powerful as the sun god, and those common sense things that are so simple that they don’t need to be explained, for Sui Xiong, they need to study and figure out on their own, and there is no way to do it overnight.

…But it is precisely for this reason that the benefits he can get from this information are far more than powerful divine powers such as Le Feng.

When the sun **** was dying, he copied several pieces of his own wisdom and experience at one go, and entrusted it to all the powerful existences or potential masters that he thought might threaten the Lord of Radiance. Among them, the main gods, such as the orc gods, the natural gods, and the war gods, have their original abilities compared to the sun gods, even if they are not as good as the sun gods, and they are even better than the sun gods in what they are good at. clever. For them, this information may only supplement minor issues that they didn’t care much about, or it may just provide some valuable ideas on some difficult points where they don’t need to work in that direction, nothing more.

Each of them is so powerful that they have their own path. No matter how great it is, he will never change his path.

As the saying goes, if I learn from you as a dragon and become a snake, if you learn from me as a phoenix, every strong man has his own understanding of power and the world, and has their own ideas and pursuits for the way forward. It is nothing more than one step more than them, and in the end, they were defeated by the Lord of Radiance, which greatly reduced the correctness of this step. In this case, how can those powerful gods rely too much on this truth? What about false information?

But Sui Xiong is different. Although he also knows many fields and divine powers, he is still the first brother among the gods in general. The information that the sun **** gave him is like a complete set of scientific and technological information for a new country that is poor and white, plus a lot of precious real data. Although the highest-level things may not be correct, at least things up to the “world-leading level” are not only complete, but also informative.

After getting such a set of information, all that is left is to gradually learn and understand according to my actual situation, integrate them, and improve my hard power.

If one day ~ IndoMTL.com~ Sui Xiong can learn all the information given to him by the sun **** and learn it thoroughly, then he must have stepped into the level of powerful divine power, and he can pursue the powerful divine power by himself Above, the realm called “great divine power”.

Perhaps… among the many documents sent by the Sun God, the information given to the powerful divine powers is actually in vain. The one who can truly realize his dying wish and bring trouble to the Lord of Radiance is given to this The inconspicuous part of the Jellyfish God who doesn’t even have a priesthood.

Perhaps… Many, many years later, Sui Xiong may indeed embark on the path of pursuing the highest level because of this information, and there will be a battle with the Lord of Radiance at that time.

Of course, that’s all a long, long time later. For Sui Xiong now, the most important thing before him is nothing more than two things.

First, adjust slowly without rushing, and strive to turn the Loving Angel back into the God of Healing as soon as possible, and add a powerful nanny to your team.

Secondly, seize the time and work hard, strive to complete the research and development of the blast furnace as soon as possible, start the era of steel in the territory, and sound the clarion call of the industrial revolution! (To be continued.)

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