Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 178:

While the Church of the God of Knowledge is actively preaching, the Masked Void Church has also started preaching in the Secret Tower Federation.

Of course, they will not **** believers from the Church of the God of Knowledge, but if they meet people with the same ideals, proper preaching is naturally not indispensable.

Rather, it is incredible that such priests do not preach when they meet the right opportunities.

Not only that, the United Church of the God of Medicine and the God of Healing is also preaching. Although the effect is not obvious, the number of their believers is indeed increasing.

About half a year later, this wave of preaching gradually passed away. The belief gaps that were originally left by the fall of the mystery gods were made up and divided, and the religious structure of the Secret Tower Federation has also undergone tremendous changes.

At this time, something that was both surprising and some natural thing happened.

Grey Tower City, once regarded as the sacred city of scholars, publicly declared the belief in the **** of knowledge and culture as the local official belief, and announced that it was incorporated into the Northwest Republic and became an enclave of the Northwest Republic.

This is actually nothing. Legally speaking, the Secret Tower Federation is not a country, but an alliance of cities built around the Mage Tower. His structure is loose, and cities can join and exit freely.

The establishment of the Thunder Principality and the Dhaka Merchant League accompanied the separation of several cities from the Secret Tower Federation.

Only later, the Federation used various methods to transform these two countries into its own vassals, and played down the impact of that incident.

But now, Grey Tower City announced its separation from the Union and joined the Northwestern Republic, but this topic has once again been brought up.

The key to the solid unity of the Secret Tower Federation for so many years lies in the great master of the new spell system, Master Imia Lamperus, as the spiritual leader. But now that Master Lampelus has passed away, the heads of the Secret Tower Federation may have good strength, but they don’t have that powerful influence and appeal. The country with them at the core does not have the natural sacredness.

So with the separation of Grey Tower City, many other cities have their own ideas.

It didn’t take long for H Jinta City to announce its seceding from the federation and its self-government.

This city has fully believed in the **** of nobles not long ago and has become the domain of the church of noble gods. The order of the Secret Tower Federation is difficult to issue here, and it is not taken seriously. Now it was nothing more than taking the last step, tearing off the last fig leaf.

The independence of the two cities in succession irritated the top officials of the Secret Tower Federation. More than one high-level people proposed to use military forces to solve the problem, suppress these two cities by force, and eliminate the separatists.

But when the real meeting discussed whether to use force, the great magicians hesitated again.

The use of force is not a trivial matter, but a major matter related to the fate of the entire country. It not only consumes a lot of money, materials and manpower, but also causes huge damage.

More importantly, if you win the fight by force, it doesn’t matter. If you lose, the Secret Tower Federation will lose the final rule of the two cities and can no longer prevent their independence.

No one can bear this responsibility.

So they discussed it, discussed it, and discussed it for more than half a month, but they still couldn’t make up their minds.

Many senior executives even think that maybe it’s not bad to drag on like this. Anyway, as long as the Federation does not recognize the independence of these two cities, they cannot be regarded as truly independent. If there is a chance in the future, it is better to force them to give up their independence.

But this idea is obviously too wishful thinking and naive. Because not long after, new cities showed the momentum of independence.

Moreover, the cities showing this momentum this time are not one or two, but five or six. Together, its sphere of influence almost covers a large area in the northern part of the Secret Tower Federation, and together it may have about one-tenth of the entire Federation.

At this point, the leaders of the Federation finally could no longer pretend to be an ostrich, and they could no longer stand it any longer.

So, something that has never happened before in history happened-the Secret Tower Federation issued a ***, ordering various cities under its command to launch and mobilize troops to prepare for military encirclement and suppression of those independent areas.

With the convenience of a large number of spellcasters, the army quickly gathered up, and a large amount of materials were ready before then, ready to go.

“This is destined to be a fierce war, and it will go down in history.” When the army was deployed, the legendary mage who served as the coach said enthusiastically, “We will use a great victory to prove The Federation is definitely more than just knowledge and wealth. The power of magic is unstoppable when used in war!”

He said this a bit early, because a few days later, on the way to Jinta City, they encountered an ambush, damaging their troops.

The scale of the ambush was small and the damage to the army was limited, but the impact on morale was huge. Originally, the soldiers felt that “we have a great advantage”, and even “as long as the flat push is over, we will win.” But the facts tell them that their advantage is not as big as imagined, and the enemy can definitely not be defeated just by pushing it flat.

As a result, the legendary mage immediately became cautious. He allowed the troops to change their previous momentum of advancing vigorously ~ IndoMTL.com ~ marched slowly without any haste, and walked only about forty miles a day on average.

At such a slow marching speed, the army’s ability to guard against ambushes and surprise attacks is naturally greatly enhanced, and the consumable materials are also greatly increased. Especially with the extension of the time of sending troops, the atmosphere of anxiety and uneasiness in the military is increasing day by day.

The legendary mage naturally discovered this, but he couldn’t help it.

The Secret Tower Federation has been at peace for too long. Although they have an army, they actually don’t have many outstanding military talents.

Otherwise, who would let a legendary mage who was supposed to sit in the magic tower and do research all day to be the coach?

This master’s combat effectiveness must be very strong, but it is a pity that personal combat effectiveness and the ability to lead troops to fight are not the same thing.

After more than ten days, the army finally arrived at Jinta City slowly and began to attack the city.

This siege is only half a year old.

The strong defense of Jinta City has long been built, and it has received support from the Church of the Noble Gods from all over the world. Although they were lagging in strength and resources, with their firm beliefs and the support of the faithful, they blocked the Secret Tower Federation army from attacking again and again, and steadily defended the city.

Later, the legendary mage also saw that there was little hope of breaking through the city, so he simply turned to siege, hoping that Jinta City would be cut off through the siege, morale was low, and he had to surrender.

However, in a magical world, facing a city supported by a large number of priests and various spellcasters, this approach is not reliable.

On the contrary, the morale of the besieged army continued to decline. After a short half-year delay, the army could no longer support it and had to announce its withdrawal.

In this way, the independence of Jinta City has almost become an established fact.

Together with several cities such as Grey Tower City, they completed their independence smoothly…

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