Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 171:

This war between the Church of the God of Knowledge and the Church of the God of Nobility lasted longer than everyone expected.

Before the war, everyone thought they would be able to produce results in about a few hours. Even if it develops into a war of attrition, no matter how strong the endurance of the legendary powerhouses is, it will be almost the same for a day and night. Even if the two sides are reluctant to compromise their manpower and slow down, the results should come out after three or five days.

But in fact, they were still fighting until half a month later.

It’s a bit ridiculous to say that a small-scale battle has been fought for so long. Even for those with long endurance, it’s not surprising to fight for so long in a one-on-one situation, but you have to persist in a melee. It’s really not easy for so long.

If someone sneaks into the battlefield to watch, they will find that the priests on both sides are almost exhausted, and only the tireless envoys are still fighting.

This statement is actually not completely correct. Divine envoys are also tired, and when the magic power of the divine envoy is exhausted in human battles, they will automatically perish and return to the kingdom of God to be resurrected-and then through teleportation. The door came to the world and continued to fight.

A mortal can never do such a thing, even a demigod who is immortal and strong. Only a divine envoy who can resurrect indefinitely can maintain this intensity of battle.

“If you continue to fight like this, the matter will be endless!” The chief priest of Garrett no longer looks like he used to be calm and self-assured. Now his face is haggard, his eyes have heavy bags under the eyes, and his spirit is a little bit slightly. Trance. For example, this kind of complaint should be put under normal circumstances, and he will never say it.

But compared to the chief priest of Montero, his condition is much better. The elderly chief priest sat listlessly on the ground, and didn’t even have the strength to stand up. His eyes were already dazed, and the whole person looked like a famous expression on the Internet.

Who am I? Where am i from Why am I here?

They don’t lack food, nor do they have no time to rest. But as the senior members of the Church of the God of Knowledge, they cannot rest for too long. Especially in order to protect the young people who perform joint magic arts, their predecessors must stand up and support the situation.

The fighting style of the envoys is too simple and rude. If there is no command, it is easy to develop into a tragic situation where the two sides will kill, leaving the envoys to kill-no one wants such a situation.

The mortal gods have long since left, and the saints and saints have turned into lifeless corpses. The leaders of the two churches either died or were seriously wounded and unable to work hard. The heavy responsibility of directing the battle naturally fell on the high-levels.

The church of the noble gods is better. The three legendary powerhouses, old, middle and young, take turns taking turns to support this kind of command. The Church of the God of Knowledge won’t work here. Ollion is seriously injured and needs training. Shiryl just surrendered, and she doesn’t have enough prestige to convince people. As for the young people, no matter how good they are, they still haven’t grown up enough. When taking the lead.

So the main command work fell on the two priests, Montero and Garrett.

Commanding battles day after day for a long time is extremely exhausting. Moreover, it is difficult to eat and sleep here, the aftermath of the battle, the roar and vibration, the coercion of the legendary level… all these things make people nervous and tired. A short time is enough, and after a long time, no one can bear it.

Even the three legendary powerhouses of the Church of the Noble Gods are now showing a bit of exhaustion.

“When is this going to happen!” The young man lamented, “I want to go home, eat and drink, and then have a good night’s sleep. Look at my face, what is it like!”

“No way, be patient.” The old man persuaded, “Church duels cannot increase manpower. We have only this number of people left, so we have to hold on anyway!”

“You speak lightly, you don’t care anyway, you are as old as an orange peel… I am a youthful youth!”

“…You are several years older than me, right.”

“Stop arguing!” The middle-aged man who was instructing the envoys to fight shook his hand tiredly, preventing the quarrel between the two companions. “You have the strength to fight, it is better to take a good rest while I am in charge. .”

“Boss, how can I’rest’ in this place!” The young man complained, “The aftermath of the battle of the gods can be clearly felt even if you hide in the secret mansion. The legendary level that keeps flashing past Take a good rest in the aftermath of the battle, let alone people, even donkeys and horses are not so slow!”

The middle-aged man sighed. He also knew that this was a bit difficult. Although the legendary powerhouse is far more powerful than ordinary people, the perception is also more acute than ordinary people. In this environment, even if they want to take a good rest, their instincts will make them unable to sleep at all.

Don’t talk about the young man, even he and the old man can’t sleep well—what’s worse, they don’t have much food. Book drunk fast update Baidu search {half}[^浮^}{^生]

Legendary powerhouses are powerful in combat, and their body naturally consumes much more energy than ordinary people. Although they can draw energy from the outside world to replenish them, but in this situation of being unable to rest well and mentally exhausted, the surrounding energy has become disordered due to the battle of the envoys and the collision of the combined magical skills~IndoMTL.com~they I really can’t absorb much energy, and I have to rely on diet to supplement it.

Unfortunately, legendary powerhouses rarely carry large amounts of food with them. This is especially true of these priests who belong to the church. Because they can usually use several magic arts to make food, whether it is “making water” and “making food” in primary magic arts, or “marching meal” in intermediate magic arts, or “hero banquet” in advanced magic arts. “. It is enough for them to eat and drink well.

But now, the magic power of the priests is all used to maintain the portals and fight against each other with joint magical skills, and they can’t spare any energy to cast a lot of food-making spells. You can only rely on a few magic items to make some food and drinking water to sustain your life. These food and drinking water are of course sufficient for ordinary people, and also enough for legendary powerhouses in non-combat state, but for the three legendary powerhouses who have been in a state of war for a long time and need a lot of food supplements, it is far Far from enough.

Although they are strong and can last for a long time with a little bit of food, no one has to worry about the problem of hungry when looking at the chaos and seemingly endless battle in front of them.

…No, they are already hungry now. What they have to worry about is how long they will be hungry.

On the other hand, the members of the Church of the God of Knowledge are not hungry. After all, they have a lot of manpower, and it’s okay to free up some people to use magical skills to make food and water. In particular, Shiryl and Olianne are both women. They usually like to carry a lot of fruits in their space storage props. They don’t take part in the battle very much, and they are not enough to eat.

While tired, tired and hungry at the same time, this battle, which I don’t know when it will end, has gradually transformed into a competition for endurance between the two top leaders.

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