Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 170:

The moon has set in the west, and the east is pale.

In the woods not too far from the Green Tree City, the sound of fighting was continuous, and it could be heard even near the city wall.

On the observation platform next to the city gate, a soldier wearing a simple half-length armor looked at the direction of the fight, with a little fascination in his eyes, but more worried.

The gods are fighting against the mortals. The two churches are fighting over there. It is said that more than ten legendary powerhouses have come. If this is really crazy, the aftermath will be blasted to the green tree city with a slightly crooked shot.

Of course, Green Tree City is protected by a magic circle, and it may not suffer much damage, but if the magic circle can’t hold it, he must be the first to be unlucky.

“Oh! Worry!”

“What are you worried about?” A friend under the observation deck heard his sigh and asked curiously, “I made my wife angry in the morning, and I have no food for lunch?”

“You have no food!” The sentry said angrily, “I’m worrying. What if a sword or magic strikes this way?”

The sentinel under the observation platform was stunned for a moment, pondered for a moment, and said: “There is nothing to worry about, if it comes over, there will be a magic circle blocking it.”

“What if the magic circle can’t stop it?” the worried sentinel asked, “If it can’t be stopped, wouldn’t it be our first luck!”

“Can’t stop…then it will only be bad luck.” His friend said with a wry smile, but after thinking about it, his brows opened again, “In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of, the attack of the legendary strong, then How powerful it should be! We must die in an instant, there will be no pain.”

“…Thank you for your comfort.” The sentinel on the lookout chuckled, then turned his head and stared at the fierce battle.

After a while, he said again: “Oh! If I’m strong enough, then don’t worry.”

“Is it a bit too late to figure this out? If you worked hard when you were young, chances are you will be very strong now.” Their captain happened to pass by here and snorted and said, “You are older than me.” I’m almost ten years older. I’m going to be at your age and I’ll probably be at a high level. But look at you, I haven’t even reached the middle level!

“When I was young, I didn’t work hard, what’s the use of sighing now?” The captain said more and more angry, “Don’t say when you were young, just now, every time you train, you make excuses to run away… Just rely on your attitude , How can you become a strong one?”

“I heard people say that if someone picks up a treasure, or eats some wonderful fruit, he suddenly becomes a strong one…”

“You can daydream slowly!” The captain shook his head and left without curiosity.

“Captain, wait!” The soldier patrolling under the observation deck chased up and asked about the topic just now.

After listening to his question, the captain thought for a while and said: “Your worries are unnecessary. No matter how powerful the legendary powerhouse is, it is not wasted. In the battle, they have to take every point Power is used to defeat the enemy. If you can’t do it, you will probably lose your life. What you are worried about is that the aftermath of the battle hits here and destroys the magic circle that protects the city of Green Trees. This kind of thing is purely nonsense.”

The sentry was relieved, saluted, and hurried away.

After he walked away, the captain frowned and looked at the direction of the sound of fighting. After a long time, he turned around again. After walking a section of the street, I came to a house that was not very wide, but was neatly packed.

“Teacher, are you there?” He knocked on the door and asked.

The door of the concealed house opened, one eyebrow and beard were all white, and the bald old man with a rickety back came out. His face was full of wrinkles, but he couldn’t hide the evil look. When he was young I think it must be a fierce person. But looking at the kindness between his eyebrows and the way the neighbors smiled and greeted him after seeing him, it proved that the relationship is very good, and it is not a badass at all.

The captain of the patrol gave a salute and asked: “There are now two churches fighting outside the city. It is said that there are more than a dozen legendary powerhouses together. I am a little worried. I want to take a look. Do you think it’s okay?”

This bald-headed old man is also considered a legend in Greentree City. He was an ordinary thug in the past. Later, he got an adventure by chance. From then on, he changed his evil spirits and did a lot of good deeds. He also received the gift of the **** of justice. One of many high-end powerhouses.

He has been wandering for many years and he is very knowledgeable, so when the patrol captain is worried, he naturally comes to him for inquiries.

“Which two churches?” the bald old man asked.

“The Church of Great Educators (God of Knowledge) and the Church of Honorable Ladies (God of Nobility).”

“Don’t worry.” The old man said, “Great educators are good deities, and honorable ladies are lawful deities. Their followers will not attack the town and kill innocent people.”

“…Didn’t you tell me before that the faction is not very reliable?”

“This is true if there are few people. If there is only one person, the good people may do evil, and the chaotic people may also obey the order. But the more people there are, the less likely it is to act against the camp.” The old man smiled and said “If so many people from two churches gather together, if they do something inappropriate, they will not look good on their own face. So you don’t have to worry at all. The strong one regards their face more than our lives. It’s much more important.”

The captain of the patrol was silent for a while, sighed, and said: “If I could become a legendary powerhouse, that would be great!”

“It’s not easy. At least in our Secret Tower Federation, it’s not easy.” The bald old man also sighed and said, “On our side, only people with good backgrounds can get enough resources to have the opportunity to learn. To those advanced knowledge and skills. Your talents are very good, and you are very hardworking, but these alone are not enough after all.”

“Then what should I do?” the patrol captain asked.

The bald old man thought for a long time, pulled the students into the room, and whispered: “If you really want to become stronger, go to the Northwest Republic and find people from the Void Mask Church.”

“Find them? What’s the use of finding them?”

“Thirty years ago, I was still a worthless thug at the time. I met Majesty Masked Void by chance and got his enlightenment, so I changed my previous mistakes… These years~IndoMTL.com~I Asked to walk straight and right, and did not live up to his teachings back then, you went there, prayed to him, thanked him for me, and asked to join his church by the way… There should be a chance to learn those advanced skills. “

The patrol captain was taken aback and asked curiously: “Teacher, have you seen Majesty the Void Mask?”

“I have seen it. I have not only seen him, but also Leon Igor, the’King of the Seashore’, and Stil Geltten, the’Medical Master.’ She smiled and said, “There were actually four people who were instructed back then, but in the end it was only me who really got on the right path… Anyway, I should say thank you. It’s a pity that I am getting old and can’t go far… …”

Only then did the patrol captain understand, and nodded repeatedly.

Early the next morning, after he had resigned, he saluted his back, rode a horse, and said goodbye to the teacher, he hurried out and headed for the highest tower.

To go to the Northwest Republic, of course, it is more appropriate to use the portal of the Supreme Tower.

Until this time, the sound of fierce fighting and fighting from the woods outside the city is still going on, there is no meaning to calm down…

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