Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 166:


“The facts of the crime are clear, the evidence is solid, and the crime is confirmed!” The God of Law said once again, announcing the establishment of another crime by the God of Fear.

This is the 198th day of the public trial, and nearly 700,000 crimes have been verified.

Among the more than 1.2 million crimes committed by the God of Fear, most of them are those that do not require detailed verification. On a certain day, he instigated or cooperated with other evil deities to activate such and such evil This kind of thing is well known in the Pantheon, and there is no need for further verification.

If you verify even those, you are mocking everyone’s IQ.

What needs to be verified is some crimes that are not well known to the public or have particularly serious circumstances.

The gods don’t need to rest, the public hearings continue like this. A crime has been proven one after another. From time to time, there are more than half of them that just mention names to make the content clear to the gods. No further verification is needed. By now, there are already more than half of them. The crime was verified.

As for how these crimes will be summed up in the end, it is almost beyond question how serious they are and how cruel they are punished.

The God of Fear sat slumped in the dock, completely giving up resistance. He knows that he has completely lost, and there is no room for resistance anymore. It is better to take advantage of the last moments to enjoy the preciousness of life.

However, this kind of “enjoyment” is really a torment.

The determination of every crime surprised him, knowing that his little time was lost a little bit.

At this time, he thanked him for doing enough bad things over the years, and it took so much time to determine one by one, so that he could live a little longer.

“It’s good to be alive…” The God of Fear has completely ignored the trial, just slumped weakly on the chair of the dock, staring blankly at the divinely transformed blue sky and red sun


After an unknown period of time, He suddenly shouted: “I protest! Why is there not even a cloud in the sky here?”

Sui Xiong, who was busy verifying his crime, was stunned and looked at him suspiciously.

“Since there is a sky and a sun, why are there no clouds?” the **** of fear asked plausibly, “and there is no wind! It’s ridiculous!”

“Does this have anything to do with your crime?” Sui Xiong asked.

The God of Fear did not answer, but repeatedly emphasized the unreasonability of the sky.

In the front row of the auditorium, the **** of the sky blinked and found that many gods were looking at him.

“Huh? What does this have to do with me?” He asked in confusion and depressed.

But who calls him “the **** of the sky”? Under the gaze of the gods, he had to sigh and wave his hand, so many large and small clouds appeared on the monotonous blue sky, flowing without rush. A gentle wind was also blowing in the empty trial conference venue.

Solved the problem, the God of Fear sighed with satisfaction, and returned to the previous half-dead appearance, slumped on the chair and stared at the sky.

“This guy is not stupid, right?” A **** mumbled, “I always feel that his mind is not normal.”

“You are not the only one who thinks so.”

“Yeah, I think so too!”

“Nima, I thought it was just me!”

“Haha, me too!”

It’s no wonder that the gods think so, that the God of Fear doesn’t look like a person with a normal mind—well, a **** with a normal mind.

Sui Xiong stared at him carefully for a long time, and asked repeatedly, but couldn’t get any answer. In the end, he sighed helplessly, ignored the suddenly nervous guy, and continued the trial.

Time passed bit by bit, and when all the crimes were verified, the gods secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This is probably the longest trial in the world. The entire trial process is more than 300 days. Considering the time required for the final sentence, I am afraid it will be almost a year in the world.

Trials in the mortal world can sometimes be entangled for a long time. Most of them happen when the two sides have a fierce debate and constant argument on whether the crime is confirmed or not. The vast majority of the crimes of the God of Fear do not require argumentation at all. As long as they explain briefly, everyone can be sure that they are established. Only a few crimes require witnesses to be summoned. The efficiency is high enough to embarrass mortal courts.

However, the number of crimes committed by the God of Fear is too much!

One hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-nine!

If the human court comes to try, it is estimated that several sets of judges and plaintiff teams will be prepared, and everyone will take turns to take turns. Otherwise, I am afraid that the judge and the plaintiff will be exhausted before the outcome of the trial comes out.

Fortunately, deities are not tired, at least not tired from this simple and easy work. Sui Xiong and the God of Law were stunned to pass these 1,276,449 crimes one by one, showing them one by one in front of the gods and the legendary powerhouses of the mortal world, and then They will be confirmed one by one


This process is very long. It was so long that many legendary powerhouses in the mortal world could not support it when they heard half or even a small amount of time, and they went to rest one after another.

There is a special lounge in the public trial conference venue. The layout of the lounge is relatively simple, just like ordinary guest rooms. Whether it is a mortal or a deity, if you want to rest, you can only take a break in this simple guest room. Fortunately, even mortals who have the highest requirements for living conditions know that they can’t pay attention to this with the gods, but no one jumped out to stab them, and took a rest honestly, and then continued to listen to the trial.

One year, for the eternal and immortal gods, is almost like a flick of a finger, even for the mortals—the life span of the legendary powerhouse is calculated in the “millennium”, which is a trivial matter. One year, no one can afford it.

And the time of this year is an unbearable suffering for the God of Fear. He had tried to find a way to send depression, but in the end all the methods had no effect. Now he just slumped in the chair blankly, opened his mouth slightly, his eyes were dull and motionless.

If it weren’t for his divine light to be stable, everyone would suspect that he was dead.

“Okay, all the crimes have been verified.” The God of Law said solemnly, “Now, I will pronounce the convictions for these crimes. But before the sentence is pronounced, according to the rules, I have to inquire, be present Who else wants to add to these crimes? Or raise an objection?”

The gods, look at me, and I look at you, shaking their heads.

Supplement? There are more than one million crimes, so what else to add!

Objection? Who has gotten into the water and raises an objection here! Do you want to die?

However, someone actually stood up.

“I have objections!” A lean deity with a black robe stood up, “Most of the crimes of the Lord of Fear, there is no relevant law. Since there is no relevant law, it is considered a crime. It is conclusive, and the crime cannot be convicted!”

Huh? !

Is it really terrible? !

The gods were in an uproar and looked at this dissent one after another. A **** beside him suddenly exclaimed: “You are the **** of shadow and assassination! You are not dead?!”

The god, who was completely covered in a black robe, simply took off the hood that covered his head~IndoMTL.com~, revealing a pale, haggard, black-haired girl with a serious injury and unrecovered face.

This face, everyone has a lot of eyes, because for a long time, even the unlucky ghosts who died by his sword have only seen black figures.

“Yes, I am the **** of shadows and assassinations.” The only loyal subordinate of the **** of fear admitted frankly, “I know what you want to say. Since I came today, I have no plans to leave alive! But, I have objections to this trial!”

“There has never been a clear written law among the gods, and there is no content against gods in the legal provisions of mortals. So even if the crime of the Lord of Fear is confirmed, you can’t condemn him! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? “

He is not afraid of the malicious and even hateful gazes around him, standing in the audience with a posture that can be called pride, staring at the trial stand, watching Sui Xiong and the God of Law, and shouting loudly.

“This trial can only end here!” (To be continued.)

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