Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 164:

The venue of the public trial meeting was built in the void near the main plane. From a distance, it looks like a half ball. The dome is buckled on the floor, and there are at least hundreds of brilliant divine lights in a circle surrounding it, but the good gods are guarding the surroundings under the leadership of the **** of justice to prevent anyone from making trouble.

The hemispherical shell is an enchantment, and any powerful person beyond the legendary realm cannot pass through it. If you want to forcibly break in, it will not only arouse the defense of the enchantment, but also cause the enchantment to call the police, and then the nearby gods will rush over immediately.

Want to fight hard? Yes, as long as you can beat hundreds of good gods to join forces.

This requirement is not difficult at all, right?

When the God of Justice announced this way, he smiled awkwardly.

Many evil gods went to observe on the spot, and then secretly gave up the idea of ​​messing up this public trial. However, like other gods, they sent out an incarnation of a messenger.

Entering into the hemispherical enchantment, the scene is completely different.

There are flat white stones under the feet, clear blue sky above the head, and there is no cloud in the sky. A round of red sun is high above the zenith, and there is no meaning to move.

The public trial venue is located in the center of this enchantment, and the main style is “fang”.

The square trial stand, the square plaintiff’s stand, the dock’s stand, the witness stand, and the judge’s stand. Opposite the trial stand are the auditoriums, with neat rows of square seats-looking at it, this is a formal trial. In the venue, almost everything is square, and the colors are more solemn, without the slightest meaning of frivolous and easygoing, creating an unusually dignified and serious atmosphere.

On the judge’s bench sits the God of Law, on the plaintiff’s bench sits the Void Mask, and on the defendant’s bench is the God of Fear, which is locked in complex chains by at least fifty or sixty divine powers. There are only witnesses. The seats were empty, and I wanted to wait for the formal trial before witnesses would be in attendance one after the other.

Because the venue is not far from the main plane, most of the powerhouses in the legendary realm can try to visit. Therefore, in addition to the gods sitting in the front row, a large number of powerful people from the world or other worlds were also gathered in the audience. Half of them are out of curiosity, and the other half want to take this opportunity to see if they can meet or make friends with one or two deities, and find a thigh to hug them.

There are few strong men who can step into the realm of legends that are so stubborn that they are determined to rely on themselves. Self-reliance is of course necessary, but what’s wrong with being able to find a backer?

Predecessors support future generations and pass on from generation to generation. That is the right way to pass on civilization.

As the appointed time is getting closer and closer, the audience in the venue is getting more and more. By the time agreed in advance, the huge venue was full, and latecomers had even been seated at least two or three miles away.

At this distance, it is basically impossible for ordinary people to see clearly, but the legendary powerhouses are not. As long as there is no blocking, this distance is not much different for them from being in front of them.

Sui Xiong was sitting in the plaintiff’s stand, watching the sight of the audience that stretched for several kilometers, he couldn’t help frowning.

He really didn’t expect that there would be so many viewers.

But he just thought about it. With a light tap on the tentacles, the white stone floor slowly sinks, layer by layer, and the back row is slightly higher than the front row, forming a step-like structure. shape.

This kind of stepped seating is also very common, but Sui Xiong really didn’t expect that even the “court” would need such an arrangement.

Sui Xiong was relieved by slightly modifying the venue so that even the audience in the last row could see the central trial platform clearly.

After a while, the **** of justice, acting as the host, announced the beginning of the trial.

To be honest, there is not much suspense in this trial. Everyone understands that the God of Fear is dead, nothing more than how to die.

But not long after the trial began, it gave many gods a surprise.

“I am the Oscar of Masked Void. I believe many people here know me, or don’t want to know me, but it’s not important. What’s important is that I will be the plaintiff today.” Sui Xiong took the lead in addressing, “To be honest, I don’t feel that I am a victim of all the evil deeds of the God of Fear. He is too weak to be able to harm me. But as the direct target of his latest evil deeds, the God of Justice considers me to be the most accuser. Suitable, so I just sit here.”

“I know that everyone thinks I am very annoying, so I skipped the other nonsense. There is no need to introduce anything. I believe that whether it is sitting in the judge’s seat or sitting in the law god-for the time being, it is considered’sitting’ Right-everyone knows the **** of fear in the dock. So let me get back to business -“

Sui Xiong paused for a while and said loudly: “As the plaintiff in this case, I represent the victims who have been violated by the God of Fear in the past tens of thousands of years. After a period of investigation and sorting, we I have compiled a list of the heinous crimes of the God of Fear. Here, I sue him for crimes of 1,276,449!”

One hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-nine crimes? !

There was an uproar in the audience, not to mention the legendary powerhouses dumbfounded, even the gods were stunned.

Is this too much?

Although the priesthood of “fear” has existed in ancient times, its history is too long to be verified. However, the contemporary God of Fear has only been around 120,000 to 30 thousand years since it was enshrined. In the 120,000 to 30 thousand years, this guy has committed more than 1,270,000 crimes? Wouldn’t it be more than a dozen piles every year!

Wait… Ten times a year, it seems, it seems, maybe…it’s normal.

Thinking of this, the gods regained their peace.

Why does the God of Fear live long? If you live long, naturally you will do more bad things. Even if the figure of more than one million is amazing, it is actually the same in the average time of more than 100,000 years.

A **** in the audience couldn’t help but ask: “Is there so little? He does bad things ten times a year?”

Many gods nodded secretly. In their impression, the God of Fear and his subordinates really did all the bad things. It is really appropriate to describe them as “no evil, no evil”.

Such a group of villains do bad things ten times a year? You must be teasing me!

Sui Xiong did not stop the audience from asking questions, and he also replied: “In fact, we initially collected an astonishing number of crimes, but after some screening, we found that most of the crimes were committed by his men. Yes, there is no direct connection with Him. These crimes are summed up by us, and summarized as’supporting the weaker evil gods and those villains, and acting as an umbrella for them to commit evil crimes’.”

“Then you can’t take him lightly on this one!” The previous **** said indignantly, “If he hadn’t supported him, many heinous sins would have never happened!”

“Don’t worry, we will judge him strictly in accordance with the law.” Sui Xiong smiled and said, “Even if I’m not reliable, can you still trust the judge on the bench?”

The gods smiled and nodded, and the trial venue gradually became quiet again.

According to the traditional legal procedure, Sui Xiong should read out a document at this time, listing the defendant’s crimes one by one. However, there is really no way to enumerate the more than 1.2 million crimes in this way, so Sui Xiong had to talk about it roughly, and then transferred the right to speak to the judge.

The face of the God of Law is still old, but compared with the withered of the past~IndoMTL.com~ His face and body are obviously more energetic and energetic now. After listening to Sui Xiong’s narration, he turned his head to look at the **** of fear without comment.

“As a completely neutral deity, I am neither biased towards good nor evil.” He said, “So, here, both parties have equal rights to speak and debate. The God of Fear, as this case Defendant, do you have anything to defend yourself?”

The God of Fear had apparently thought about it a long time ago, and even though his face was full of worry at this moment, he did not hesitate to answer immediately: “Of course I have to defend—as everyone knows, I am a member of the evil deity. What I follow’ ‘Evil’ and’goodness’ are one of the most basic laws of the world. I think that the balance of’goodness’ and’evil’ is an indispensable benchmark for maintaining the normal operation of this world. Use’goodness’ to judge ‘Evil’ is tantamount to distorting the original laws of the world, and it simply cannot be established!”

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Almost all the audience did not expect that the God of Fear could even make such a counterattack when it was almost considered to be fish on the cutting board, and suddenly raised the topic to the height of the law of the world.

If his defense is true, I am afraid there is really no way to convict him this time! (To be continued.)

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