Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 16:

There are many strange creatures in the world, and among them, there are several kinds of people who can charm people with singing.

It’s a coincidence that both mermaid and siren have this ability, and both live in the sea. So some people who don’t understand them compare the two, or even confuse the two.

Of course the sirens have no problem with this matter. They only care about eating people. As for what people think-do you care about bread thinking when you eat bread?

But the mermaids have opinions, big opinions!

“Eating meat?! This is a slander on us!”

Well, what they care about is not the question of cannibalism, but the dignity of being a vegetarian.

Among the marine creatures, mermaids are one of the few vegetarian species. Maybe there are one or two freaks who challenge all kinds of meat, but most of the mermaids are vegetarian. They are keen to study the flavors of different seaweeds, which has derived the famous “Sea Platter” catering genre. Just because of the difference in living environment, this catering genre is only spread among aquatic species, and humans rarely dabble on it.

Sui Xiong only learned of the existence of this catering genre from Vie, who specializes in eating, drinking and playing, when he was chatting not long ago. He was surprised at this–he thought that mermaids would at least eat fish and shrimps. What.

Leave aside the question of diet for the time being, there is actually a difference between the singing of a mermaid and the singing of a siren.

The siren’s singing is lingering and tactful, full of provocative meaning, which makes people listen to the blood, especially young men. Except for a few strong-willed people, almost no one can resist this temptation. Hey, defeat alone! Words! Brother

Whenever ocean-going sailors hear their singing, few people can resist the temptation. Often, all the people in the boat are red-eyed and panting, rushing into the water, swimming in the direction where the singing came from.

As a result, it is natural to deliver food to your door.

Singing is the siren’s means of predation. People who are confused by singing and sent to the door, whether it is humans or other creatures, will all become their food.

The singing of the mermaid is ethereal and distant, making people feel so excited to hear them, falling into a kind of dazedness that is like sleeping but not sleeping, like waking up and not awake. When they wake up, they often feel physical fatigue, but they are very refreshed.

This is because the mermaid’s singing is essentially a spell unique to their ethnic group. This spell can regulate the spirit. Although the cost is a lot of physical energy, which makes the body tired, there is no other side effect. , And physical fatigue is easy to recover.

Therefore, there are often powerful wizards flying into the deep sea to record the singing of mermaid with magic props, which are used as props to relax and refresh the spirit in the study of spells. This kind of thing rarely flows out, and the price is quite expensive.

Like today, at least tens of thousands of people listen to the singing of the mermaid together. Even if you look at the long history, things rarely happen.

There are also many people in the square who are particularly strong-willed, or wear props that can resist charm, and the singing of the mermaid does not make them intoxicated. But the incident itself made them puzzled.

These people are knowledgeable and can naturally distinguish the singing of a mermaid from a siren. But even the most knowledgeable of them, I have never heard of someone coming to the shore to sing…

The mermaid clan is not only strong-tempered, but also masterful. Even the prince of a country, or a legendary powerhouse, can’t secretly catch a personal fish and go back to sing to himself-but some people are addicted to the ethereal singing and move directly to the deep sea.

The mermaid went ashore to sing. This kind of thing seems to happen only in the legend. And as long as this kind of thing is involved, it is all those heroes who have left a lot of color on the history books.

For a while, many eyes were turned towards Lei. Even some people who wanted to watch the show with malicious intent before could not help but correct their attitudes, either in awe or murderous intent.

Everyone knows that if there is anyone in Gals City who is qualified to be a great hero in the annals of history, it is definitely not this handsome knight!

Of course, the chief priest of the Church of the Harvest Goddess was not charmed by the singing of the mermaid, but his face suddenly became gloomy.

Originally everything went smoothly. Seeing that the Vase City Lord was about to succumb to the pressure, how come out of the mermaid again!

What’s more troublesome is that the mermaid’s singing sounded, and everyone was immersed in the singing. When the singing ended, people were tired, so the celebration naturally ended naturally, and there was no way to talk about prayer.

He has no doubt that Lei will seize this opportunity. The lord is a vase, but this consul is not. If you don’t grasp a good opportunity, then it’s not “Galth’s watchdog”!

Gars’s watchdog is the nickname given to him in private by those who hate Ray. It means that he is as loyal as a dog, guarding the door, and no one wants to sneak a little bit of advantage from Gals.

Originally, everyone thought that this chaotic and chaotic city would become a place for adventurers to make ill-gotten gains. Many **** organizations have sent people to grab the land and share the benefits. As a result, these guys who wanted to follow the crooked ways either fled in a panic, or died under Lei’s sword.

The main priest came with this idea. Fortunately, he was lucky. When he came, he happened to see Lei chasing and killing a group of followers of the tyrant monarch (the **** of fear). At that time, thunder and fury rushed into the crown, riding a flying dragon to chase and kill for nearly a hundred miles, killing all the villains with complete tactics and animal husbandry, and two high-ranking powerhouses in the middle, and the corpses were brought back for public display.

The chief priest was terrified. As soon as he entered the city, he asked what was going on, only to realize that the group of people was accused of forcing the residents to borrow usury, and then plundering wealth with terrible interest.

After confirming the news, he was silent for a long time, and finally gave up all the plans he had originally planned, and honestly became a simple priest.

Even the trivial matter that seemed to him to be unworthy would cause a riot, and even the death of a large number of followers of the tyrannical monarch. This knight who claimed to be “Thunder” was not a good deal, so don’t Good to hit him!

After that blow, he was already discouraged, and only after the persuasion of his friends did he pluck up his courage again…

That’s the result.

“People are not as good as the sky…Perhaps this is the arrangement of fate…” The chief priest sighed deeply and bowed his head to Lei, who was still between him and Kashally and looked stern and unrelenting. Apologize, and then slumped back.

Lei breathed a sigh of relief now, knowing that a great difficulty had passed.

After this time today, Kasally and the Church of the Goddess of Harvest have officially turned their faces. Moreover, this trial failed, and the Church of the Goddess of Harvest must be honest for a long time. However… time is now on their side. The longer it drags on, the weaker the influence of the Harvest Goddess in Gals City. Perhaps next time, they will no longer have to rely on the help of Majesty the Void, but on their own. Strength is enough to cope.

“Your Majesty, your majesty is truly unfathomable!” He admired from the bottom of his heart, “Unexpectedly, even the nobles of the deep sea would obey your orders!”

Sui Xiong laughed twice, tacitly acquiescing to this incident.

Well, it seems correct to think about it. The mermaids will come to congratulate him. Naturally it is his face. Of course, this incident is his credit…

After a while, the singing stopped, and a mermaid girl in formal clothes escorted several big men with obvious characteristics of aquatic animals to the square and gave gifts to the revived city of Gals.

“Consultant, you are your majesty’s substitute in the world, and that majesty is our majesty’s guide. Knowing that you are working hard to promote the revival of Gals City, I am here to represent the sea of ​​storms Of people wish you success in your career.”

Lei smiled and nodded, and accepted the gift with his own hands.

Gifts are not very precious, but the meaning they represent is not trivial.

The power of the distant sea is ruled by the sea kings, and each sea king has its own name under the rule of the sea king. The storm sea refers to the far sea in the east, roughly from the dead desert to the blue moon kingdom, the corresponding sea areas belong to The scope of the “Sea of ​​Storms”.

The mermaid’s congratulations as the official representative of the Sea of ​​Storms undoubtedly means the kindness and support of the Sea King. With the support of this demigod who has lived from ancient times to the present, the revival of Gals City is really just around the corner!

Leave aside, just being able to safely proceed with maritime trade is a huge economic growth point!

But the mermaid girl didn’t finish her words. After Lei accepted the gift, she said again: “Our Majesty is unifying all the people of the sea and will soon develop our forces near the sea. In order to strengthen mutual cooperation, I hope that an embassy can be established in Gals City to facilitate the exchange of information. Of course, if you don’t mind, I also hope that another business hall can be established to exchange information.”

Lei smiled reservedly and nodded, and agreed to the matter lightly, looking bland. But the savvy businessmen next to them were already excited with wide-eyed eyes and panting. If it weren’t for the occasion, I’m afraid they would have cheered for a long time.

Formal diplomacy!

Commercial hall!

Oh my god! The former means that Gals City has the qualification to communicate with Dignity Storm Sea on an equal footing, while the latter means an incredible and incredible profit!

If you combine the two… If you combine the two…

“Perhaps…Gars City will not only revive~IndoMTL.com~, it can go further!” After the celebration, a loyal official next to the Riley family said excitedly to the Lord of Casali, “We Riley The family’s long-time wish, the cause that the old city lord could not accomplish, will be realized in your hands!”

Kasally was at a loss and didn’t understand what he was excited about: “The higher the status, the more money, of course it is a good thing. But didn’t we be like this before?”

The official explained to her excitedly: “No matter how prosperous and powerful Gals City is, it is only a subordinate of the Blue Moon Kingdom. But now, as long as we can get the support of the Sea of ​​Storms, we can leave the Blue Moon Kingdom and become an autonomous city. Territory!”

“Is there any advantage to that?” Kasally asked.

The official was silent for a long time and sighed helplessly.

My lady really can’t support the wall with mud, maybe…I can only pin my hopes on the next generation of city owners.

Well, the Lord Knight is perfect, and the next generation of City Lords only needs to inherit half of his talents to settle down.

So he was relieved immediately, with a vision for the future, and absolute confidence in the beauty of his own lady, he was enthusiastic about his work…

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