Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 158:

?Leon’s smooth return is really good news, and Sui Xiong and the rest have finally let go of their hanging heart, so there is no need to worry about it.

So, the next step is to talk time.

“You are so courageous!” Sui Xiong spit out, waving his tentacles like a big monster in the deep sea in a horror movie, and said angrily, “We told you how strong Yunier is, you How dare to provoke him?! Are you stupid or crazy? Don’t you know how to write the word’death’!”

“I just think that with the help of three magical weapons, you can run away even if you can’t beat…” Leon defended.

“Run?! Run you ghost!” Sui Xiong was furious, and his tentacles turned red. “Are you great to be the three eagles? A sixty-level character put together three pieces of epic equipment. Run to the 80th level copy to pretend to be forceful, believe it or not, all the mobs from the roadside will bite you half blood!”

Leon is silent. Although he doesn’t understand Sui Xiong’s words very well, he still understands the numbers.

“Who is Yunier? He is a strong man who was qualified to fight for the throne of the orc emperor five thousand years ago. He is a veteran predecessor who is as famous as the dog of swallowing the sky and the lion of steel. But those who live for a long time must be amazing! Do you think the three eagles are great? Back then, the **** of eagles was nothing more than a scumbag who was smashed into scum by the Lord of Radiance! The lord of the same name, Yunieruo and the dog of the swallowing sky fought, in other words, people and the **** of the eagle are a class of characters, maybe even stronger than the **** of the eagle…Who gave you nothing? Based on the self-confidence, it makes you think that you can rely on the three relics left by the dead ghost of the **** of eagles to compete with the masters of the same level as him?”

Leon was so confused by the scolding that Sui Xiong didn’t notice that Sui Xiong was secretly changing the concept for a while. Kalisa stood by and said nothing, but kept nodding and nodding her head, using this silent method to increase the persuasiveness of Her Majesty’s criticism. It is also increasing his psychological pressure. With such a two-pronged approach, Leon quickly couldn’t stand it, and honestly bowed his head to admit his mistake. And promised not to trouble that Yunieruo again in the future.

“The guarantee is useless, I have to swear!” Sui Xiong said coldly. “If you dare to run to trouble the dangerous guy again, Steer will crawl into your bed in the middle of the night!”

Leon’s face was earthy and shouted: “This oath is too vicious!”

“Don’t worry about what a vicious vow, as long as you don’t think about breaking it, it’s okay!”

Kalisa also changed her face and persuaded, “Why is it Steer! Isn’t this bad!”

“Stier is the only one to have deterrence!”

Sui Xiong was intimidating Leon triumphantly, when suddenly a tentacle was gently pulled twice. Looking down, he saw a pink pig with a simple smile, gently pulling his tentacles.


It is very embarrassing to be exposed by the suffering master on the spot when talking bad things about someone behind his back. Even if he was cheeky like a jellyfish god, he was dumbfounded at the moment, not knowing what to say.

But Steer won’t give him a chance to think about excuses slowly. She smiled, and the red and blue flames lingered on her body, and in a blink of an eye she became a huge pink pig, lifted up like a city Big fist like a hammer.

“Si…Steel…I have something to say…We are all civilized people…Don’t do it–“


“—Move your feet.”

Fisted the jellyfish **** who didn’t accumulate ethics. With a flash of fire around Steer’s body, she turned into a petite and cute pink piglet and jumped forward. Flew out of the temple.

After a few seconds, Kalisa sighed and said: “Miss Steer is really getting better and better! When did she master this skill?”

“The furnace power of Yuumarumi’s wishing household (the ability obtained by perfect wishing technique)…” Sui Xiong said vaguely.

Kalisa and Leon looked at the bear-like figure he had been beaten so dizzy and hadn’t recovered yet, thinking about the origin of the perfect wishing technique, couldn’t help but look at each other, secretly funny.

What is self-inflicted? This is it!

Because of Steer’s trouble, Sui Xiong was not interested in criticizing Leon, and instead talked about another matter.

“What the **** is going on with the three eagles?” He asked, “I have never heard of it. With three pieces of equipment, a mortal can be turned into a powerful person comparable to a god… The equipment is unheard of!”

“The so-called artifacts. Are they all very powerful?” Kalisa asked, “The swords and armors you made for Leon are also very powerful. Why do you care so much about the three eagles?”

“These are two different things.” Sui Xiong said, “No matter how powerful the artifact is, it can’t generate huge power out of thin air. After all, the user is just a mortal. But the three eagle artifacts are different. It can be given all at once. Leon is enough to fight against the power of the gods, this is completely against common sense, it’s not right!”

But Leon and Kalisa are really not good candidates for discussion, so Sui Xiong can only discuss with Morani.

“…To sum up, do you think it is the eagle **** who has mastered some skill beyond common sense, so he has the confidence to challenge the Lord of Glory?”

Morani put down the blackjack and smiled and said, “How could it be possible! I dare not say anything else. I am much better than him in this trade of blacksmithing! It’s not that I look down on him and I can’t do anything. How can he do it?”

Sui Xiong thought for a while, and became more puzzled.

Morani, as the forging **** of half-orcs, is naturally a professional who cannot be more professional. He said it was impossible, then it must be impossible. If the skill of the Eagle God is so high that even Morani can’t even imagine it, then it shouldn’t be him who was bombarded and killed by the Lord of Radiance, but the Lord of Glory should be killed by him in turn.

In this case, what kind of secrets are hidden in the three magical eagles?

“…You said I stole the three eagle artifacts back, let’s study it quietly, how about it?” The more he thought about it, the more he felt like a hundred claws were scratching and scratching in his heart. Zhu said, “The big deal is to return after the research is over…”

“Do you still need to steal it?” Morani laughed, “I stole them and studied them for several years!”

“Fuck! Did you find anything famous?”

“No.” Morani said helplessly, “It’s nothing more than something that can absorb the human belief in the **** of eagles, and then transform it into divine power. It is said that this set of things is not complicated and high-end at all, I closed my eyes I can make three or five sets of it a day. But I don’t know why, the effect I made has never been the same as the original…”

Seeing Sui Xiong’s curious baby look, he simply took out a set of imitation three eagle artifacts. Pass it to Sui Xiong.

I saw this set of “three eagles” and the set of activation state that Leon wore at the beginning, and even can clearly feel a force lingering on it. But take a closer look. I found that the power was much worse than the one I wore on Leon at the beginning, it was simply a gap between heaven and earth.

“Strictly built according to the original version, from material to structure, there should be no difference.” He said, “Of course, in terms of craftsmanship, every blacksmith has his own technique. But I can guarantee my reputation, I The technique will only be more clever than the eagle god!”

Sui Xiong took this set of fakes. After thinking about it, he separated an avatar, took this set of imitations, and arrived at Eagle Wing City through the portal, and flew all the way to the battlefield.

Although Leon has returned, the war has only just ended for a few hours. The armies of both sides are still stationed near the battlefield, and they have to wait for the bodies of their respective fallen soldiers to be gathered before they can exchange prisoners of war before they can retreat.

When Sui Xiong arrived, he was seeing the two sides sending out auxiliary troops to clean up the battlefield. In the twilight. The battlefield was dim, and there were ferocious corpses everywhere, which made people shudder.

It’s midwinter now. The weather was cold, and the blood that had flowed freely a few hours ago had frozen into ice along with flesh and blood, armor, weapons, and soil. Although not too hard, it also caused huge trouble to the auxiliary soldiers. It often takes seven or eight minutes for a few auxiliary soldiers to sort out a corpse, pick up the truck parked next to it, and wait for it to be transported back to Daying.

Looking down from the sky, there are corpses on the huge battlefield, even with Sui Xiong’s extraordinary eyesight. It is also unclear how many people died.

Seeing this scene, he, who originally rushed to steal the three magical eagles for research purposes, seemed to be poured head-on by a scoop of cold water. All the enthusiasm is cold.

“This is…war…”

Stopping on the battlefield where traces of tragic still remained, he seemed to be able to hear the hoarse shouts of killing from both sides. You can hear the neighing of war horses and the collision of weapons, you can see the scene where the weapon cuts the body, blood and life spew out together, and you can feel the anger, unwillingness, helplessness and despair of those dying.

Yes, these are still there. Even though mortals can’t see it, for the gods, this land has been soaked by “war”, and I don’t know how long it will take before it can return to normal.

“It’s a magnificent sight?” A figure wrapped in a black robe appeared next to him, and took two steps back in his watchful eyes, leaning on a long sickle, looking down at his feet like a frozen **** “Although I have seen it many times, but every time I have a new feeling.”

“Why did the **** of death come to the world?” Sui Xiong couldn’t help asking, “Aren’t you supposed to stay in the underworld all year round?”

“It’s just an avatar.”

The black-robed man with a scythe is one of the powerful divine powers, Dior Narus, the **** of death. He established the kingdom of God in the underworld, took all the undead as his followers, and declared that all living have death, and only death is eternal peace.

Among the gods, he is also an existence that is deeply jealous and unwilling to be enemies with. It’s just that although he is powerful, he rarely conflicts with people. Apart from fighting against the goddess of life and being beaten to the streets for thousands of years, he has no clear battle record.

As for the only battle record… the ability to fight fiercely with the goddess of life is enough to prove his power. You must know that so far, even the powerful divine powers have not dared to confront the thunder of divine punishment left by the goddess of life!

The appearance of the **** of death~IndoMTL.com~ surprised Sui Xiong a little. But he immediately understood what the **** of death was here for, and saw that the gloomy **** waved his hand, and the sickle turned into a black air, and it swept around the entire battlefield a few times, like countless hooks, and a lot of them. Many dead souls hooked up, tied to the blade in a row.

“They are dead, and their souls have nowhere to go. Sooner or later they will become evil spirits.” Death sighed softly, “All I can do is to give them peace and let them never bear to live again. The pain of time.”

“…thank you.”

The **** of death laughed, and under the black robe, a pair of eyes seemed to be looking at Sui Xiong.

“This is where my priesthood and philosophy lie. It doesn’t matter if I thank you. In fact, you have beautified my behavior. You must know that almost every one of these souls has a strong obsession. Not even one is willing to go to the underworld. Yes. I took them away forcibly. I don’t know how they will be cursed.”

Speaking, the **** of death disappeared without a trace along with countless souls chained to the sickle.

At this time, the last afterglow on the horizon finally disappeared, and the night enveloped the earth. (To be continued.)

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