Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 157:

“Annihilated the forward of the Church of the Noble God?” Ollion couldn’t help but smile when he got the news, “Very good! So the advantage is on our side!”


   Originally, the two churches had their own strengths, but after all, the Church of the Noble Gods has a deeper foundation and has a certain advantage-if you use numbers to estimate, the two parties are about four or six. But after several waves of battles, especially the forward who just wiped out the Church of the Noble God, the strengths and weaknesses have been reversed, and it is still four or six… But the Church of the God of Knowledge has become the “six” one. One side up.


  Olion laughed, and then returned to calm and seriousness.


   “Advantage” and “victory” are two different things, let alone a 60% advantage, even if it is a 99% advantage, as long as you don’t really win, there is no real meaning.


   And she also noticed that her own problem is not small.


  The explosive power of the envoys is indeed very strong, and the power of this wave of attacks is very impressive. But behind the onslaught, it was an astonishing consumption. Now many divine envoys have fallen into exhaustion, and they can’t fight again without taking a break, and even after a break, it is difficult to break out the stormy offensive just now.


   The Church of the Noble Gods suffered a lot of blows, but none of the legendary powerhouses was lost, so there would be no bones at all. For this kind of large church that has been established for hundreds of years and has several temples in various countries around the world, the manpower under the legend is not a big deal unless eight thousand people die at a time.


   So don’t look at such a lively fight, and there are certain results, but it’s far too early before the battle is truly divided.


   “Kabbalah, speed up!” she ordered.


   Kabbalah smiled bitterly and nodded, but couldn’t think of any way to speed it up. The summoning team headed by him now summons three times a minute on average. It’s almost too fast. Do you want to speed it up? Where else can this go?


   On the other side, the Lion also asked the battleship-class angels to temporarily reduce the attack frequency and take a short rest. She continued to move forward, walked closer to the enemy line, and observed carefully.


   looked for a while, she frowned.


   The Church of the Noble God is indeed a three-hundred-year old church, and it has more than three thousand years of establishment as the predecessor of the Church of the King’s God. Although the forward was annihilated, only three legendary powerhouses escaped, but they are a little bit. He didn’t panic, instead, he completed the reorganization in less than a minute, adjusted the divine power position, and built the magic shield again.


   And this time the magic shield is different from the previous ones. It is colorful and divided into several areas. If you look carefully, there are several layers inside and outside, which are obviously adjusted for the previous attacks.


   For such a magic shield, if the envoys concentrate a little attack, of course they can break it, but there is no way to make it completely collapse, which will cause the magic backlash.


   “It’s not easy to deal with…”


   Lion sighed, waved his hand, and commanded the envoys to adjust their formation and attack methods with their minds, and saw a continuous stream of low-powered shelling, pouring in all directions of the spell shield.


   She wants to use this method to test and see if there are any loopholes in the second protection of the Church of the Noble God.


   After a moment, she concluded that she once again commanded the envoys to launch a stormy attack. Countless artillery fire fell on the magic shield guarding the position of the church of the noble god, making it flickering and shaking like water waves, breaking several gaps in just a few moments.


  Under the shield, the face of the chief priest of the Church of the Noble God is sinking like water. She coldly looked at the wounded who fell to the ground all the way, and then at the legendary powerhouses with frowning brows, her heart became more and more annoyed.


   Obviously, most of these legendary powerhouses have already retired, and it is impossible to expect them to fight to the death.


  If they were willing to work hard, how could the situation be so bad!


   She resisted the urge to growl, took out a delicate wooden box, put the box in front of the idol of the noble god, and worshipped before opening the box.


As soon as the    box was opened, a roar resembling a tiger roar and a dragon roar sounded in the hearts of everyone, as if countless wild beasts roared out of it.


   But when I look at it carefully, there are actually no beasts or monsters inside, only a gem that radiates bright light.


  ”Sky Wrath Stone?!” The legendary powerhouses who knew the goods and the high-ranking priests exclaimed together, and took a breath.


   This gem is called the “Sky Wrath Stone”, which was made by collecting the power of the king’s power when he assassinated the king’s god. It is enshrined all year round in front of the idol at the headquarters of the Church of the Noble God, absorbing the power of faith. Once it is used, it has the power equivalent to the real god’s action, and it has almost reached the limit that the human world can accommodate.


   Over the years, it has only been used a few times, each time it can defeat the enemy.


   The chief priest of the Church of the Noble Gods brought this treasure to the table for the sake of getting it right. She shouldn’t have used this treasure, but she didn’t expect that the hint of premonition before she set out was really efficacious, and it really came to the time when she needed to use it!


   glanced around coldly, she took the Skywrath Stone out of the box with both hands and held it high.


  ”God’s anger is heaven’s anger, and God’s punishment is heaven’s punishment!” She shouted loudly, and the gems in her hand were brilliant, “In the name of God, come down with heaven’s punishment!”


  In an instant, a dazzling golden light rose from the center of the divine power position of the Church of the Noble God, turned into a huge fist, and slammed it toward the Church of the God of Knowledge.


  Legendary magic, the fist of heaven’s punishment.


  This spell is very famous, and it is almost one of the legendary magic spells with the highest “play rate”. In the past history, at least a dozen churches have used it. It is powerful and stable in structure. As long as the cast is completed, there is no need to worry about being countered or cracked. Moreover, the divine giant fist looks cumbersome, but in fact it is extremely flexible and can track opponents better. There is no other way besides hard block. .


   But it’s easier said than done if you want to make it hard!


   This spell can burst out a large amount of magic power at once, and its power is extremely amazing. And its power has no limit in theory. More investment means more power. In history, there have been churches gathering thousands of priests to pray together, and finally it was presided over by a legendary powerhouse. A record of completely flattening a large-scale city.


  Attention, it was completely flattened, and there was no debris left.


  This kind of thing, even with the nuclear bombs on the earth, is difficult to do!


  Lion and Orion both knew this magical technique. When they saw the golden giant fist appear, their complexion suddenly changed.


   Can’t think about it, the lion immediately made all the divine envoys attack the giant fist~ IndoMTL.com~ Now it’s not time to cherish magic power. If you have one point of power, you must use one point, otherwise, if you can’t stop the fist of heaven’s punishment , Everyone is going to die.


   Ollion ignored the internal injury she had just suffered, and once again activated her strongest defensive spell, and the golden bell-like mask once again appeared above the position of the Church of the God of Knowledge.


   She had just finished casting the spell, and the golden giant fist had already been smashed slowly against the almost violent fire from the angels.


   Two legendary spells clashed head-on.


   There was no earth-shattering noise, nor a vigorous explosion. The “Legendary Golden Bell” shook violently and disappeared without a trace, while the “Fist of Heaven’s Punishment” became dim, before it had time to fall. On the ground, it was completely dissipated in the shelling of the envoys.


   And as a result of this blow, Ollion’s body shook violently, and she barely stood still with the support of the priests around her, but the blood had flowed out from her eyes, nose and ears, turning her white His face turned into a hideous scarlet.


   She wanted to speak, but she opened her mouth and sprayed a lot of blood before she could say anything. (To be continued.)

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