Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 155:

Twelve minutes passed very quickly, and before he knew it, Kabbalah had already summoned another group of envoys.

Because the sacrifice resources are much less, the overall level of this batch of envoys is far lower than the previous batch, and there are even many “white” ones, which makes Kabbalah feel embarrassed by himself. Fortunately, there is another “Golden Class” among them. Although it is not a battleship like the Lion, but only a destroyer, it can at least help a lot.

It’s also very interesting to talk about. This blond girl “Xiao Ao” with her hair curving like a heart-shaped head, her usual attack method is actually-rushing up and smashing it with a potato.

When Kabbalah asked casually “what are you good at” and got this answer, his expression was blank and his mood was broken.

Smashed with potatoes? How powerful is that? Little sister, you are here to be funny!

However, the lion told him very seriously that this is definitely not funny, an ordinary bag of potatoes, in the hands of Xiao Ao, it is an infinitely powerful throwing weapon. If it was hit hard, even if only one shot was hit, it would be enough to make the heavily armored warrior dizzy and stare at Venus, and fell down for a long time and couldn’t stand up.

“Potatoes are so powerful?” Kabbalah was surprised.

“Xiao’ao’s potatoes are amazing.” Lion said with a smile, “That’s it.”

It’s like a thin branch, which can only be used to poke the dung ball on the side of the road in the hand of a child, but it can cut the sword and pierce the armor in the hand of Sword Saint Leon, just like a magic weapon. general.

With Xiaoao’s participation, Lion was more confident, so when she estimated that the manpower was sufficient, she sent a report of “offensive” to Olianne.

Olion, who had been waiting for a long time, didn’t hesitate for a second, and immediately ordered the priests who were praying together to change their tactics and attack with all their strength.

And she herself took out a dark and simple wooden staff, held it horizontally in front of her, and chanted a spell.

Without the defense of the Union Divine Art, the Union Divine Art from the Church of the Noble God immediately raged and swallowed up the position of the Church of the God of Knowledge, but at this time colorful colors rose from Ollion’s body. The light turned into a mask, like a big bell, covering the entire position.

The roaring sound was continuous, and powerful spells blasted on the mask one after another, causing the mask to shake constantly, but it never meant to break.

Seeing this scene, the three legendary powerhouses of the forward of the Church of the Noble God frowned.

“Legendary Golden Bell Jar? Someone actually made this spell legendary!”

“Be careful, the enemy is coming!”

“Hurry up and retreat, go and meet the big troops…”

And just as they were speaking, a dazzling golden light had already risen from the position of the Church of the God of Knowledge, turned into a thunder with seven forked lines, and blasted heavily towards the position of the Church of the Noble God.

Combined divine arts, seven lunar verdict.

This spell is a real legendary magic, and even in the legendary magic, it is quite high-end. Although the thunder with seven forks can only deliver one blow, this blow has seven different attributes, almost There is no means to properly defend it.

To perform this divine art, not only a powerful magic power is required, but also a spell with seven attributes at the same time. Even a legendary priest, few people can do this. Only by gathering a large number of priests can it be displayed through joint casting.

In order to cast this spell, the Church of the God of Knowledge paid a considerable price. For example, the previous wave of powerful attacks from the Church of the Noble God was carried by the elect Ms. Gerten alone. Even though her legendary spells were very powerful, they were also shocked, her face paled in an instant, and blood was flowing out of her nostrils.

But it was worth it, because after the Qi Yao ruling blasted out, the Church of the Noble God had no time to resist.

Of course, they are not without defensive spells. In fact, there are at least four or five powerful combined magic spells covering their positions, which are theoretically sufficient to defend against attacks from the Church of the God of Knowledge.

But this definitely does not include the attack of Qi Yao Judgment.

Thunder light fell. First, “Bu”, “Bu”, “Bu” and “Bu” sounded four times in succession. The four defense spells above the position of the Church of the Noble God dissipated like bubbles, and the four points of Thunder The fork disappeared.

After that, it collided with the spells that several legendary powerhouses saw badly and blocked them. This time there were two muffled noises in succession.

In the end, after losing six forks, the spell that looked similar to ordinary thunder and lightning finally blasted on the ground of the Church of the Noble God.

With a roar, at least twenty priests died directly, and most of them even smoked; the number of people injured and fallen to the ground was double this; the number of people who fell into dizziness and temporarily unable to fight was again Double.

With just one blow, nearly a hundred priests in the Church of the Noble Gods have withdrawn from the battle sequence.

But the attack of the Church of the God of Knowledge is not over yet, on the contrary, it has just begun.

Almost when the priests prayed together and performed the Qi Lu Judgment, the lion had already commanded the battleship-level divine envoys to line up three rows of front and rear camps. With a wave of the scepter, they issued the order.


An order was given, and the divine envoys who looked like ordinary girls lit up one after another, and countless spots of light emerged around them, condensed into a warship outfit with ferocious gun barrels.

This is the battle state of the gods. In this state, their consumption will be greatly increased, and the time they can move in the world will be greatly reduced.

But, very strong!

The roaring sound became one piece, accompanied by countless flares, crimson flames roared across the not-distant distance between each other, and blasted towards the position of the Church of the Noble God.

Although at this time, the legendary powerhouses of the Church of the Noble Gods have vacated their hands, and the well-trained priests have also reacted and started to rebuild the defensive spells, but the continuous shelling is still given to them Caused great trouble.

Don’t say anything else, under this continuous shelling, all the energy of the casters is used to concentrate on maintaining the defensive spells, where can there be more room for offense?

At this time, the envoys who are not good at powerful shelling have already launched a charge under the command of the lion.

Their ship equipment is much weaker than the battleship-level gods, and there is a significant difference in size and thickness, especially the gun barrels on the ships. If the gun barrels installed on the battleship-level gods are heavy weapons that look like copper hammers and large axes, they are just delicate light weapons such as rapiers and daggers.

But light weapons can also kill people.

As long as you stab the key, even the thin sword nicknamed the “little girl’s toy” can kill a sturdy man.

The same is true for those delicate-looking ship-mounted weapons.

There are a lot of these envoys, and Kabbalah is actually still calling in front of the altar-he has now used the minimum summoning standard, and all he summoned are the lowest-level mass-produced envoys with a flash of white light. After being summoned, these envoys don’t have to do anything else, as long as they are fully armed and charge towards the position of the Church of the Noble God.

The advantage of light equipment is that it is fast. With just a word, the envoys who rushed to the front had already approached the position of the Church of the Noble God ~ IndoMTL.com~ and launched an attack.

If the attack power is not enough, then close the range and fight!

The power of this wave of attacks is naturally far less powerful than the shelling of capital ship-class envoys, but because of the close distance and accuracy, the pressure on the defense system of the Church of the Noble God is not weak.

Furthermore…Don’t look at the shelling power of these “Light Patrol Class” and “Destroyer Class” envoys, but they have another very powerful attack method.

“Torpedo!” Holding the scepter, the lion slowly moved forward while giving orders to the envoys who almost rushed to the position of the noble god.

Before this, strange long tubes had appeared on the girls’ ships. The tips of the long tubes were round and without front, and the tail was slightly contracted. There were wings that looked like arrow feathers, floating on them one by one. There was a soft buzzing sound beside him.

With an order from the lion, they rushed out briskly like a fish, like a sharp blade, heavily inserted into the defensive spell covering the position of the Church of the Noble God.

The next moment, it exploded. (To be continued.)

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