Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 151:

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According to the original plan of the God of Fear, it is not the time to attack.

Divine warfare also has common routines. Generally speaking, it is necessary to send divine envoys as much as possible to consume the opponent’s divine power. When the opponent’s successor is weak, the gods will be allowed to participate in the battle and strive for victory in one breath.

The reason why a routine is a routine is because it is efficient and has a great chance of winning. But the routine is not static. When encountering special circumstances, the modification should naturally be modified.

For example, now.

Seeing the **** of freshwater fish monsters and fishing hindrances-the guy Sui Xiong jokingly called the “God of Parallel Imports”-was suddenly caught by a tentacle, and was abducted straight away among the thousands of horses, fearing The God of God did not have time to save him, and when he was furious, he couldn’t help but sigh secretly.

He knew that things couldn’t go on according to his plan.

His original plan was for the evil gods to besiege the “sanctuary”, no matter how strong the barrier of the kingdom of God is, it is impossible to stop the cooperation of so many gods. When the kingdom of God is broken, there will be hundreds of evil gods. With a swarm, coupled with the fear of the gods and the war gods sitting behind, no matter how much the Void Masked gang has, they can only be defeated.

A group of gods besieged a kingdom of gods, wherever there are any special tactics, just go up.

In fact, he is not worried about winning or losing. What he is worried about is whether he can catch the jellyfish by then and don’t let it run away.

But Sui Xiong unexpectedly opened a door on the barrier of the kingdom of God, and sent a large number of envoys to pose for a positional warfare, breaking the plan of the God of Fear.

The original siege turned into a battle of positions, which made the God of Fear, who was accustomed to “everything under control” a little unhappy, but he adjusted his plan in time—this situation was only in the war of the gods. It’s the most common. It’s nothing more than a routine. Everyone is trying to consume divine energy.

He intends to let the evil gods and Masked Void and their partners fight the gods war, so slowly consume the divine power, let’s talk about it for a year and a half. When both parties are tired, he will lead the elite troops that have been well-reserved for a long time to appear on the stage, break the “Sanctuary” in one fell swoop, and obtain a brilliant victory.

However, he did not expect that Sui Xiong unexpectedly used the sea of ​​fire and a large number of divine envoys to raided, and used the means of concealing the sky, and suddenly caught an evil deity alive.

As a result, not only the morale of the evil gods is greatly reduced, but everyone is at risk. You can think of Xiàng, they must be more cautious in the next battle, and they dare not reveal the slightest flaws-don’t even try to grasp the slightest chance of victory.

Fighting like this, the predetermined plan to “consume the magical powers of Masked Void” has come to nothing.

If the enemy cannot be given enough pressure, the consumption of divine power will be slower-of course, the slower is still being consumed after all. Maybe a hundred and eighty years of work can also be used to fight the Void Mask and the team of divine power. Not necessarily.

But the God of Fear can’t wait!

Not only was he unable to wait patiently, but He didn’t dare to wait that long.

The strange jellyfish god, Masked Void, grows so fast!

From his first appearance in the eyes of the world, he has now called his friends and friends to become a force, and he has also cultivated three obedience gods, which only took a few decades.

If more than a hundred years pass, maybe he will really step into the powerful divine power, bring out a variety of new gods, and may even form a powerful **** system…the worst Test lǜ, this guy may become a banner for the good gods and organize an alliance of good gods like the alliance of evil on his side.

In that case, the God of Fear really has no chance of winning.

Of course, he can also wait for a while, don’t worry, just ditch it first, and ditch it until he finds that the strength of the Masked Void group is increasing, and then attack outright, maybe that is the safest choice.

However, the **** of fear does not want to!

He felt that he was at a disadvantage.

How does this work! As a symbol of fear, He must have an absolute advantage!

So after testing, he outrageously decided to launch a general attack.

With an order, the evil gods had to move forward slowly even if they were unwilling or uneasy. In order to ensure safety, they called as many envoys as possible to protect themselves strictly. Many evil deities also connected their divine powers together to form a temporary whole, so as not to be attacked by the weird big jellyfish again.

Behind them, the fear deity is also slowly moving forward, bit by bit towards the “sanctuary”. Naturally, the war gods will not be left behind. The huge battleship carries the warriors of the entire gods, and it also moves forward unhurriedly, following the camp of the evil gods.

So there was a very shocking scene on the battlefield. In front of them, the countless army of gods, like a mountain, slowly moved towards the boundless sea of ​​flames. Later, although the number is small, the momentum is amazing. The alliance of evil gods in the world is like a giant pushing a mountain. At the end are the gods of fear and war. They follow the alliance of evil gods from left to right to suppress them.

The original raging sea of ​​fire faced the army of divine envoys who were filling their lives at any cost, and suddenly became a little stretched. Although the mass-produced **** ambassadors came from all directions and tried all kinds of methods to attack wildly, it was difficult to shake their battles.

This time, the Alliance of Evil Gods is determined to break the “Sanctuary” in one go. Not only are the number of envoys more than before, but they also receive the blessing of the gods, and their combat power has risen straightly, and it has already exceeded.” The limit that the Burning Legion can handle.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Sui Xiong secretly sighed after a short test, urging his divine power, and took back the vast sea of ​​flames outside the gods, together with countless mass-produced **** envoys, into the kingdom of God. All of these are pure flame energy, which can be converted into divine power for use.

Seeing the boundless sea of ​​fire and countless mass-produced gods slowly disappearing, Sui Xiong’s momentum has grown a bit, and friends can’t help but look in secret.

Although it is said that converting all kinds of energy into divine power is something that almost every **** can do, the conversion speed is so fast and the conversion efficiency is so high, it is unheard of.

“It’s an Oscar, this method is really clever…no, it’s amazing!” Morani praised, and then asked, “It looks like it’s time for a decisive battle. Wouldn’t you refuse us to help now?”

Sui Xiong turned his head and smiled: “How is it possible! I’m not a fool. I’m a smart person who would never do things like dying to face and suffering.”

The gods also laughed, all dressed up and ready to fight.

This time, even the civilian “Celebration Boy” Vier put on a set of lightweight armor, took out a colorful flowing harp in his hand, and wore a thorn on his waist. sword.

“I’m not surprised that you can use a harp, why do you still carry a sword?” Morani, who is also a long-time friend with him, asked curiously, “I have known you for so many years, but I have never heard that you can use a sword. Ah.”

“Pretend to be so courageous.” Viyer smiled stiffly and said, “I’ll use magic tricks to assist you later. Honestly speaking, I will do this too. When the battle is over. , I will learn how to fight with you, and I will never be lazy this time!”

“You can’t say this. It is very unlucky to say such things before the battle.” Wo La, who was a mercenary, reminded him, “I had a friend back then, who is much better than me. Then one time, we He accepted a very difficult but well-paid task. He was very happy at the time. He said that he had saved enough money after finishing this ticket, and he has retired to his hometown to get married… Guess what happened to him?”

Viyer’s smile became stiffer: “Did you die?”

“In our mission, we encountered a lunatic mage trying to open the channel of the abyss. Although he hacked the opponent, he was caught and possessed by a monster from the abyss. After the monster was possessed, he was too strong, almost a bit too strong. He wiped us out. At the moment of the moment, he used his last willpower to temporarily suppress the monster. We took the time to make a full shot and blasted him to ashes. There was not even a slightly larger fragment left. Next.”

Viyer’s smile was almost completely frozen on his face.

“So, such things as’what will I do after the battle is over’, don’t say before the battle.” Wo La patted his shoulder, “Unlucky!”

Weyer swallowed and spit, and whispered: “I’m the one who huddled behind and used auxiliary spells for you. It’s not dangerous, right?”

“Relax.” Akain, who had just been ordained for a long time, said with a smile, “Look, the only two healing priests in the world are here. We both look after you, even if you are taken care of by the National People’s Congress. Remove eight pieces and we will be saved.”

Speaking, he turned his head to the healing **** who was unsmiling and silent like a crystal and said: “You are right?”

The God of Healing looked at him with calm eyes, then looked at Vie, as if thinking about it, then hòu tilted his head forward a bit, and Quandang nodded.

Seeing this scene, Viyer felt even more confused.

“What are you afraid of!” Leonard sighed and persuaded, “Wait a minute, we who are ahead of you are really dangerous~ IndoMTL.com~ If even you need treatment, then we I am afraid that the entire army has been wiped out. By that time, you will still treat a ghost! Run away quickly, if you can run one by one, it counts as one!”

Viyer let out an “ah”, his mouth widened, not knowing what to say.

Jolgadman stretched out his hands, grabbed his cheek from left to right, and gently pulled up, so his sluggish expression turned into a smile.

“Don’t be crying, you are the **** of celebration and pleasure, laugh!” The **** of justice is not armored, still in tatters, but slowly took out his battle axe, “Wait to celebrate the victory At the celebration, you must never lose the chain!”

Speaking, he strode to Sui Xiong’s side, smiled and patted the jellyfish, not knowing whether he should count the position of his shoulders.

“This time our brothers are fighting side by side, we must have a good time!”

“Yeah!” Sui Xiong nodded heavily, and the tentacles shone coldly, turning into a terrifying form of martial arts, “Kill them ass!” (To be continued.)

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