Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 15:

Mages are a special group, they are not religious. Burning Wen Xiao? Say ?????????`

It’s not that they don’t have faith. Most wizards also have faith. They often believe in the master of mystery, or the **** of spellcasters, or the **** of scholars. These three are regarded as the mainstream in the faith of mage, except for them. Besides, there are all kinds of beliefs… By the way, because the gods of casters and scholars have fallen, and now among the gods that the mages believe in, the second place is the **** of knowledge and culture. , And there are even many masked jellyfish gods who believe in the wonders of the void.

But no matter which deity they believe in, wizards seldom really put their faith at the same level as life, or even higher than life.

For them, faith is nothing more than a sustenance of ideals. The reason why ideals are ideals is precisely the opposite of reality. Most of the mages are realists. Of course, they are willing to pursue ideals, but they are rarely willing to dedicate their lives to ideals.

In a sense, the group of mages is very vulgar, far less pure than the group of scholars. Although the two groups have great similarities and even overlaps, regardless of external reputation or internal cohesion, scholars are far above the mages.

Of course, the mages don’t care about this. Instead, they feel that their attitude is the right way to deal with faith. The key to faith is the fit of everyone’s ideas. People can sacrifice for their own ideas, but if it’s Sacrificing for the sake of faith is tantamount to mistaken purpose and means, putting the cart before the horse.

Some extreme mages will even call those devout fools, believing that they have abandoned the most precious thing of man-spiritual independence, and have fallen into tamed livestock and even tools of gods. In some worlds, there are also masters who form powerful alliances, excluding all religions, and even prohibiting people from believing in gods.

Telo Hailar is certainly not the kind of extreme person, but he is really not religious about faith. In other words, he is a typical mage. This kind of person either has the same idea and deity and becomes a true believer, or he is a true believer in the sky. It is absolutely impossible to become a devout or fanatic, because their attitude towards life is ” I’m the Lord, and I will never give up my independence.

Master Hailar’s ​​belief in the Lord of Mysteries is roughly between true faith and right faith. On the one hand, he agrees with most of the doctrine of the Lord of Mysteries, but on the other hand, he has a completely different view from the Lord of Mysteries on many things. This situation is very common in high-level mages, not surprising.

For him, the question of faith can be used as a bargain. As long as the conditions are sufficient, he doesn’t mind changing to another deity.

But this does not mean that he can become a devout believer of other gods, because he will not change his ideas.

If East wanted him to change his letter, then he might consider it carefully, bargain for a bit, and agree to it.

However, what East wanted was not his faith, but the political attitude of Mill City, which made him a little embarrassed.

As a city in the central and eastern part of the Secret Tower Federation, the status of Mill City is even better than that of the Jinta City. It can even be said to be an important town in the entire Secret Tower Federation. They have two legends. It can be seen if the mage sits in town.

In such a city, it is not a trivial matter to change its political stance!

When Jinta City became independent, the Secret Tower Federation did not hesitate to dispatch a large army and fought a siege for several months. In the end, even though it failed to attack and withdrew its troops in a desperate manner, it still failed to recognize its independence. This shows its attitude.

If Mill City wants to be independent, or if it wants to join the Northwest Republic, the reaction of the Secret Tower Federation will only be greater. At that time, I am afraid that it is not an army coming, but a dozen legendary wizards will come together, and each powerful legendary spell will rain down.

Can Tello Hilar stop such a scene?

You don’t need to think about it, he knows he can’t stop it.

And without the use of those legendary mages, his teacher, Master Mir, will probably not tolerate him. The city of Mir is a city built by Master Mir himself, even though he has passed the seat of the city lord to Hailar, but at the Mir’s Magic Tower. The highest authority is still in his hands. In other words, he is still the real supreme power in the city.

With the magic tower gifted by Tuya’an, Hailar is not without the ability to fight with the teacher, but being able to fight for one does not mean that it is possible to win. If Master Mir is willing, as long as he pays a sufficient price, he will definitely be able to destroy Hailar and the magic tower that Tuya’an gifted, into a scum.

After all, Hailar was not the creator of the magic tower, and the magic tower did not fit him very well. What’s more important is that his strength is much worse than that of Master Mir. This is like a famous saying in martial arts novels-most people in this world cannot become a sword **** even if they hold a divine sword in their hands.

If you want to rely on that magic tower and Master Mir to be inextricably difficult to solve, Tuyaan himself is almost the same.

But Tuyaan obviously couldn’t run back to support Hailar, let alone turn his face with Master Mir who taught him for him. So this is absolutely impossible.

Hilaer was silent for a long time, and finally sighed deeply.

“To be honest, I have almost nowhere to go now, like a drowning man, even if I see a straw, I have to hug it tightly, hoping to save my life.” He said slowly and gravely, “However, I really can’t change the political position of Mill City. This is not a question of whether I want to do it, but a question of whether I can do it.”

East laughed, and Hailar refused after considering it so seriously, it shows that he has indeed used his heart, and it has also shown that he has indeed moved his heart.

In this case, it’s easy to handle.

“If you are worried about the lack of combat power, I can think of a way.” He said bluntly, “If necessary, I can mobilize at least ten legendary powerhouses to help you support the scene. I believe there are so many legendary powerhouses coming forward. , Even the Secret Tower Federation could not dare to risk the loss of many legendary powerhouses in one breath and use force to solve the problem.”

Mage Hailar, who had already considered carefully, still shook his head: “The problem is not only here. You can help me deal with the Secret Tower Federation, but what should the teacher do? I can’t draw outsiders to deal with the teacher. If that’s the case, it’s better to die. Forget it!”

He said decisively, there is no room for change.

Tello Hylar was not controlled by Master Mir and was completely afraid of being an enemy. If necessary, he didn’t mind fighting with the teacher. But he also has his own bottom line. It is okay to turn his face with the teacher himself, or to ask the brothers to help him; but if he finds outsiders to deal with the teacher, it is absolutely impossible!

In the parlance on Earth, this is the difference between “internal contradictions” and “external contradictions.” There are internal contradictions, even if the head is smashed, it’s not impossible. After the fight, everyone can sit down to eat and drink, even if it’s swearing, it’s okay; but if you want to collude with outsiders to intervene, that’s a traitor. Zai, you are a traitor! Don’t manage to be reasonable and unreasonable, let’s talk about three knives and six holes first, the white knives go in and the red knives come out, it’s right!

Just like in China back then, the two parties fought in darkness and bloodshed, but once the Japanese invaded, everyone should put aside their disputes and join forces to fight against Japan. The so-called “brothers fought against their insults” and resisted. The invasion of foreign enemies is the most important major issue. In the face of this big festival, nothing else is worth mentioning.

Of course, ideals are one thing, and reality is another. From Nanming’s “borrowing the enemy to the enemy” to “Ning to the friends and not slaves” in the end of the Qing Dynasty, people who broke the bottom line were everywhere. Even during the War of Resistance against Japan, a certain status was so honorable that there was a blank space in front of the name. The big men still insisted on suppressing the Communists, and even brought about the Southern Anhui Incident, but at least Tello Hailar was not such a person.

For him, he cannot collude with outsiders to deal with the teacher. This is one of his basic principles of life.

He can die, but he can’t violate the principle!

East frowned slightly when he saw him speaking firmly, and looked at Tuya’an.

Tuya couldn’t help smiling at once. He knew that this matter would definitely involve him, but he couldn’t help it.

“…To be honest, I don’t want to be an enemy of the teacher.” After hesitating for a long time, he still shook his head and said, “Mr. East, if I really want me to deal with the teacher, you can speak, not enough.”

East naturally understood what he meant.

Speak to yourself, not enough.

To make Tuya’an determined to help Tello Hylar deal with Master Mir, Majesty Masked Void must speak in person.

This is Tuya’an’s biggest concession, and it is also his bottom line.

He received the great grace of His Majesty the Void Mask, and he has already given his wealth and life to this god. If Majesty Masked Void speaks, he can persuade himself to fight the teacher.

Yes, however, hesitated again.

Tuya’an obviously has no fighting spirit. In his state, what is the chance of winning against the legendary Master Mir who has been famous for nearly a thousand years?

I’m afraid that the odds of winning are not great. Not only are the odds of winning not great, but he may even be seriously injured as a result. It is not surprising that he lost his life.

For the Northwestern Republic, Tuyaan and his skeleton labor force are indispensable and important forces. If necessary, East can even use his own life to protect the legendary mage to survive. So he couldn’t let Tuya’an risk his life in any way-the input and output were completely disproportionate, and it was a loss.

Just like when a herder wants to eliminate a wolf, it’s okay to use sheep to lure the wolf, but those who really want to “can’t bear the children can’t hold the wolves” are either beasts with cold nature, or mentally handicapped with problems.

No matter how you look at it, my own children are much more important than wolves, okay!

East pondered for a long time, but in the end he couldn’t make up his mind, so he sighed and prayed to Sui Xiong silently, asking Sui Xiong to make a ruling.

Sui Xiong immediately received his prayer, and he rushed to Tuya’an almost immediately, and saw a flash of green light, and a palm-sized floating jellyfish had appeared in front of them.

East and Tuyaan hurriedly saluted, and Tello Hylar also showed respect to this great deity.

“Your Majesty, what do you think?” After the salute, East asked anxiously.

Although he still has a good impression of the Secret Tower Federation, it does not mean that he will not work hard to consider for the Northwest Republic. Whether it was to win over the northern border cities including Grey Tower City to join, or dig the corner of Mill City, it was not a problem in his opinion.

As long as the federal natural disasters don’t make a living, he won’t think there is a problem.

As for digging a corner or something, what counts…

Sui Xiong has already learned everything from his prayers. After thinking about it, he asked Master Hailar: “If Master Mill doesn’t mind the change of Mill City, then everyone will be happy. If he doesn’t want to, you What can be done at most?”

“Unite the classmates to deal with the teacher, and even drive him away.” Tello Hailar answered without hesitation, “But I will never kill him, let alone unite outsiders to deal with him.”

The green jellyfish shook back and forth several times, nodding.

“So, if you are now transformed into a legendary creature, would you be able to fight Master Mir?”

Mage Hailar frowned~IndoMTL.com~ After thinking about it for a long time, he replied: “It depends on which kind of legendary creature it becomes. If it is something particularly powerful, I certainly have the confidence to fight the teacher. But if It’s just normal, it won’t work.”

“How strong does it need to be?” Sui Xiong asked.

“At least the level of the legendary dragon clan.” Hailar replied, “such as the rainbow dragon, the power dragon, the time dragon…If you have that level of strength, plus my own spell ability, it should be enough to fight the teacher. .”

Now it’s Sui Xiong’s turn to frown. The three dragons mentioned by Hailar are the famous “Legendary Three Dragons”. Once they reach adulthood, they will become legendary powerhouses, and when they are fully grown, they will even be able to rival the gods.

“Are you…willing to become a dragon?” Sui Xiong thought for a while before asking.

Haillar immediately shook his head: “I just want to become a legendary creature, but I really don’t want to become a dragon—humanoid form. This is the limit I can accept. Even if I become a goblin, I can become a dragon. …Really beyond the limit I can accept.”

Sui Xiong sighed, he guessed so.

To turn Hailar into a legendary dragon, or a legendary creature of this level, he can still think of something. But for Hailar to become a legendary creature of this level while maintaining a humanoid form, it is a bit beyond his ability.

This is mainly because he is not a true “legendary biological expert”, and his physical transformation ability is actually based on his own creativity.

He really couldn’t make up a family of angels out of thin air like the previous sun god.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly light up and he has a way.

“Do you mind having wings?” he asked.

Mage Hailar thought for a while and shook his head.

“Okay!” Sui Xiong laughed, “That’s it!” (To be continued.)

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