Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 148:

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After a while, Sui Xiong was already sitting in the meeting hall of the Kingdom of God, and told you the general content of this secret meeting between zìjǐ and the **** of nobility.

“It seems that the **** of nobility is going to go all the way to the dark.” God of justice Jolgadman said with a sneer, “Actually, it is still too late to look back, but it is a pity that he will not.”

“It’s hard for him to look back.” Morani, the warrior and craftsman **** of the half-orcs, sighed, “His core followers are the nobles, especially the nobles, and they cannot support the’Gentlemen’s Zee V’. If he looks back, his success is not yet known, but the price will certainly not be small.”

“But he does not look back, and he will die sooner or later! With the advancement of technology and culture, a new era will come sooner or later, and the traditional aristocratic system will inevitably collapse. The struggle is not yet fierce, and it is almost the best for him to turn back. Opportunity. If you want to go back in the future, the price will be much heavier than it is now-even possible, you can never look back, you can only die with the old age and be a burial.” The **** of knowledge shook his head and sighed, ” Mortals often avoid illnesses and doctors. In the end, minor illnesses become serious illnesses, and serious illnesses are delayed to death. The gods are actually almost the same!”

“This is also impossible. The rise of the new era and the end of the old era must be accompanied by the birth and fall of a large number of gods.” Although powerful but old, the **** of law, Rao Brands, sighed. He took a sigh of relief and said, “This is like the rise and fall of a country on earth. A large number of new aristocrats will be born and a large number of old aristocrats will be buried with them… This is a necessary price.”

“It’s always a pity, it’s all talents…” Sui Xiong sighed and said, “If these people can spend their energy on governing the country, it will be better for others and themselves. The result will be a waste of blood. In matters such as the change of dynasties, it is really worthless to take the life of the family and bury them in the old times.”

“Civilians die, soldiers die, and nobles die naturally. Everyone is a life, and no one is more precious than anyone.” The **** of justice shook his head and said with a sneer, “The same goes for gods.”

“Speaking of speaking, I am more concerned about another thing…what do you think the Lord of Radiance is thinking?” The goddess of wealth Mannis is not interested in this kind of killing, but is concerned about the movement of the Lord of Radiance. Interestingly, “He has been suppressing the **** of knights, supporting the gods of nobles, and the gods of nobles pushed Woods to usurp the throne and purged the followers of the knights’ gods. He also took a default attitude, but why did he wait for the cleansing to be finished, but he immediately Order the Church of the Noble Gods to withdraw, and don’t let them account for it at all?”

He paused and said: “Even if he doesn’t take advantage of the Church of the Noble God, he should at least let other churches take a seat…”

The gods all shook their heads, everyone was puzzled.

After Woods purged the followers of the knight god, as well as the ministers who were loyal to the ancestors, the court and the army vacated many seats. Even if the Church of the Noble God is not allowed to occupy these seats, the Lord of Radiance should at least arrange for other churches to accept it. After all, this is the hǎochù that the God of the Noble has seized from the God of Knights, and it is considered to be in the bowl of the gods of mankind. How can meat be given to others for nothing?

But the Lord of Radiance did not allow any human deity’s church to be stationed in the Eagle Kingdom, so that after the Woods purge, it immediately fell into a dilemma that no one could use. The most ancient country of mankind actually depends on adventurers and places. The nobles promote talents to support the central government.

This kind of thing is simply unimaginable. It’s like a person who goes hunting hard, catches the prey only after suffering a serious injury, then kills, cuts the meat, and roasts it-and then he didn’t eat it, just Threw it there.

If it weren’t for the Lord of Glory to do this, everyone would definitely think that this guy had a problem with his brain, fearing that it was the chaotic evil **** that could do this kind of thing.

However, the Lord of Radiance is a lawful deity, and his nature determines that he will not do such a thing.

What’s the secret in this?

Everyone discussed it, but to no avail, and finally failed to discuss any results.

Of course, if “that guy has a problem with his brain” can be regarded as a conclusion, there is still a conclusion.

It’s just…that Jolgadman made this conclusion. If he and the Lord of Radiance had to choose a problematic brain, I am afraid that none of the pantheon gods would not choose him. , Even his good brother Sui Xiong is no exception.

He also feels that his eldest brother does have a little problem in his mind…

Just as the gods were meeting, the Church of the God of Human Knowledge and the Church of the God of Nobility had already fought.

The two sides did not play any tricks of “probing” or “low-intensity war”, they went all out from the beginning. The Church of the God of Nobility has assembled all nine legendary powerhouses to the Secret Tower Federation, while the Church of the God of Knowledge has assembled six painstakingly nurtured sons and daughters, composed of the elector of the God of Knowledge, Olean Gelten. Lead the team personally and put on a posture of preparing for a big battle.

It is also a coincidence that the place where the two sides confronted each other was exactly where Sui Xiong took Leon and Steer into the Green Tree City of the Secret Tower Federation.

When they passed by here, they had some conflicts with the Green Tree City ruler, the Green Family. In the end, Sui Xiong displayed his supernatural powers and turned it into a five-finger mountain, turning the Green Family’s founder and the one who founded Green Tree City back then. The legendary mage Old Green was pressed underneath and imprisoned in the mountain secret room. He would not be able to get rid of his imprisonment and regain his freedom until he washed away the evil thoughts in his heart.

It was almost forty years ago, but when the high-level powerhouses of the two churches faced each other, Wuzhishan was still there, and Old Green was still imprisoned in the mountain secret room.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the two sides. The reason why they chose to fight here is because it is the closest to the edge of the Secret Tower Federation. If they fight, it will cause the least damage to the surroundings and avoid bad effects.

The believers of the God of Knowledge belong to the good camp and will avoid hurting the innocent; the believers of the God of Nobility don’t care about this, but if they want to preach, they must maintain the positive image of zìjǐ~IndoMTL.com~ So they also have scruples. .

After consultations, they decided to fight this battle on the border of the Secret Fata Federation.

The battlefield they chose was in a forest twenty miles outside the city of Green Tree.

This forest used to be a large-scale logging farm, which provided a large amount of wood for the construction of Green Tree City. Surrounding this lumber yard, the old mage Green led his disciples and soldiers to fight several times with the elves who protected the forest. Finally, with the help of other legendary wizards, they drove away the nearby elves and occupied this place. .

But that was a long time ago. The logging yard has long been deserted. Only the woods, which is obviously much shorter than the surrounding area, can prove the “exploitation” here.

If you look carefully, you may still find some broken weapons in the depths of the bushes, or a little bit of bones that have not yet been completely weathered, which are traces of a previous war.

This is the battlefield of the past and the battlefield of today.

The stage remains the same, it’s nothing more than a group of actors and a repertoire. (To be continued.)

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