Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 145:

Wola was originally from a small merchant family, so he is almost a grassroots in society. He was studying martial arts as a teenager. When he was seventeen or eighteen, his family suffered a change. Not to mention bankruptcy, he owed a lot of money. In desperation, he had no choice but to wander around the world and become an adventurer. It took him almost ten years before and after, how many births and deaths he had to pay back the money.

After paying off the debt, he faded away from risk and started a family. It was supposed to be safe and stable for a lifetime, but unexpectedly bad luck came, and because of this, there is a legendary story of the black blade killing nobles, and there is a peerless hero who has made the world’s nobles fear the most in the past hundreds of years.

All these past events are over, but Wo La will never forget these past events. Even though he has become a god, he is still quite unfriendly to merchants and nobles, but rather friendly to adventurers, which is quite incompatible with his “knowledge” priesthood.

In recent years, on the one hand, he has gained insights into self-cultivation and self-cultivation. On the other hand, he has been infected by the power of faith. He has gradually changed. He is no longer hostile to merchants and nobles. On the contrary, he is willing to learn or help spread Cultural merchants and aristocrats are also willing to be blinded, so his beliefs have gradually spread in the middle and upper classes.

In any case, knowledge is always an extremely important force. To master knowledge is to master huge resources, which is very helpful in fighting and governance. The great aristocrats and business people may not care, but those elites who yearn for the upper class are keen to learn and are actively cultivating their own team-all of which cannot bypass “knowledge.”

Not only that, but many of the casters also respect Voor. Especially the academic masters, they have always believed that knowledge is the foundation of spells. Masters should be scholars first, and the training of masters should first start with cultural education. These are all behaviors that tend to be faithful to the world. Many of them have even become A believer in the world.

So when Woll came to the Secret Tower Federation and called on his church and believers to start expanding and establishing a sphere of influence belonging to the scholars’ cultural circle in the once monolithic country of the mages, Sui Xiong had some worries. The indifference, but a warm welcome and support.

Because of the death of Lamperus, the **** of spellcasters, the Secret Tower Federation is now in panic, and everyone is a little uneasy. Especially those mages. For a long time, Emia Lamperus has been the patron saint of the Federation and the pinnacle of the sea in everyone’s hearts. No matter how many situations the Federation has experienced, as long as he is there, everyone will be confident.

However, He is gone.

Since the establishment of the Federation, he has been like a majestic mountain, withstood all kinds of pressure, no matter how sinister the situation is, he can make the right choice, or simply rely on his own powerful strength to break the predicament. From generation to generation, from ancestors to descendants, the people of the Federation have long been accustomed to his existence, and even developed the habit of “praying to Master Lamperus in trouble”.

It’s like on the earth, Easterners often lament “God”, and Westerners lament “My God”.

However, He has fallen. The “God” and “God” of the Secret Tower Federation are no longer there.

This leaves many people empty in their hearts. When encountering difficulties, people often subconsciously pray to Lamperus and pray for blessings, and then suddenly remember that the patron saint of the Federation is gone…

So many people will cry suddenly, crying violently.

At this moment, the Church of the God of Knowledge stepped up to promote its doctrine and called on everyone to believe in the God of Knowledge. It happened to seize this opportunity. Those empty-hearted people are trying to find a way to rely on, and the God of Knowledge has a good impression on them both in doctrine and experience. Upon the call of propaganda, many people follow the boat and directly believe in Woer.

Of course, there is more than one deity who sees the opportunity to preach. In fact, the churches of various deities have taken this opportunity to invest a lot of manpower and material resources to spread the mission in the Secret Tower Federation.

However, preaching is not something that you can surely succeed if you squander the manpower and material resources. Belief is not a bargain. If your doctrines cannot be recognized by others, it is considered that they have joined your church, and there is no way to become a true believer.

This situation is called “hypocrisy”, which means “I said I believed it, but in fact I didn’t.”

The situation above it is called “universal faith”, which means “Although I don’t usually believe, but at least I believe when I pray”.

Pan believers are also believers, but their beliefs are not firm, even at least half of pan believers believe in several gods at the same time. In various situations, they will choose to pray to different gods in the hope of being blessed.

It’s like the Easterners on the earth, believing in God and their ancestors. In short, whoever is willing to bless him, he is willing to believe.

Many Westerners feel that Eastern beliefs are hypocritical and make their beliefs a business. They think that faith should be a unilateral giving, as for the blessing of the gods, that is after giving. Even, whether you have blessings or not, you should not affect your efforts.

On this basis, they also developed the idea of ​​”Everyone should believe in the gods of my family, and those who do not believe should be dragged out and hacked to death”, and then developed to “All believers should follow ours. Come to worship and understand God, otherwise it will be a heresy, and it will be dragged out to the point of being hacked to death.

In this regard, most Orientals just “haha” twice, silently sighing “the brain is sick”.

Of course, this type of belief also exists in this world. It is piety to just talk about giving and not asking for anything in return; it is piety to think that not believing in one’s own deity is a crime, it is called fanaticism.

In addition, there is also a category of people whose life philosophy is basically in line with the doctrine of the gods, so that their behavior is basically in line with the doctrine. This is the rarest one and is called right faith.

Believers between devout and universal believers, they only believe in one deity, but if the deity doesn’t bless them, you can’t expect them to be loyal, and they will convert if necessary. This is called “true faith.”

False belief, universal belief, true belief, and devotion, these are the four most common beliefs. Except for the lowest level of hypocrisy, the other three need to agree with the doctrine of the gods to a certain extent before they can be realized.

The Secret Tower Federation is a country of mages, and modern mages theories are based on culture. So in this country, even an old farmer who doesn’t know a big character knows respect for culture, so the doctrine of the God of Knowledge can easily be recognized by everyone, and missions are very convenient.

As for other gods, they naturally do not have such advantages, and the missionary efficiency is far inferior to that of the Church of the God of Knowledge.

And the Church of the God of Knowledge has another huge advantage. They have money.

Rich, very rich, very rich!

When encountering this kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~IndoMTL.com~Sui Xiong certainly doesn’t care about money. Anyway, in his opinion, spending money naturally is also promoting social progress-don’t you hear? Make money and spend money, that’s all!

So he gave an order, and a huge amount of money was spent like running water. It can be said that gold coins opened the way.

It’s not easy to make money, who won’t spend money!

With sufficient funds, the Church of the God of Knowledge really does not care about the cost when preaching, and even missionary pastors in some areas chanted the slogan “We want to promote education for all”.

This makes the churches of other gods jealous, but none of them can come up with so much money, they can only jealous.

In just four or five days, the Church of the God of Knowledge expanded vigorously in the Secret Tower Federation, adding at least hundreds of thousands of believers, and it is still increasing. There are even rulers of more than one city, the high-ranking mages sitting on the top of the mage tower, have chosen to believe in him.

With the massive increase in believers, Wo La’s divine power is also rapidly increasing, unconsciously, he actually stepped into the level of medium divine power. (To be continued.)

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