Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 144:

Mado Kong’s incident can only be regarded as a small episode for Sui Xiong, but it can also be regarded as a surprise.

For a long time, he has not had enough talents in the catering industry. There is no shortage of chefs, but as we all know, if food is to rise to the height of “gourmet” or “food”, it needs to dig out its cultural connotation. Why is China the hometown of food? The key is that Chinese people not only love and know how to eat, but also have a rich and colorful food culture, and even become one of the important symbols of Chinese culture.

Sui Xiong was also drooling while watching “China on the Bite of the Tongue” and eating steamed buns on food shows. For him, food culture is not only his interest, but also his engraved deep in his soul. Cultural instinct.

There are no conditions. If conditions permit, he still wants to promote food culture in this world, and promote the catering industry, which has always been a low status, to the height of “culture”. Miss.

The werewolf Milomon is a person who loves food. He is now a legendary powerhouse and he has enough ability to support food culture. But after all, he is a rough man, and his research on food has always been only from the perspective of “delicious”. Although he is already a world-famous gourmet, and even this title has become his personal nickname, in Sui Xiong’s view, he only knows about “what is delicious, how to cook it, and why it is delicious”. He will always be just a cook, unable to become a real master.

The reason why food culture is culture lies not only in the food itself, but not only in the enjoyment of people’s taste, but more importantly, its connection with history and culture, and the benefits it brings from a health perspective.

Only by combining humanities, health and deliciousness, can it be called gourmet art.

In this regard, Maduo Kong, who is a scholar and has been focusing on the relationship between various foods and health, can fill the gap in “health” well. Milomon has his help. It must be able to take the skill further.

The combination of food and health should be unprecedented in this world. There are no such things as “healthy meals” and “healthy recipes” in this world, and people have never really studied these issues—because before Sui Xiong, the world has not yet developed into the stage of gourmet art. This culture can be said to have just started.

Mado Kong’s past research direction was a bit pitted, not that he couldn’t do it, but…just looking down and picking up sesame seeds, I couldn’t see a big watermelon close at hand at all. Whether it is from the perspective of economic value or from the perspective of academic status, studying the relationship between various foods and health, and then studying “how to eat healthier”, is the best way.

After all, no matter who you are, you need to be healthy.

Of course, this is also because in the past he did not have enough status and financial support to do such a relatively high-end research. With the help of Milomon, a world-renowned legendary powerhouse, and the funds allocated by Sui Xiong, his research will surely be on the right track. I believe it will not take long to see him come up with truly valuable research results.

As for the relationship between him and Milomon, Sui Xiong is not even worried. Although Maduo Kong’s mouth is a bit poisonous, it depends on whom he faces. Facing the legendary powerhouse Milomon, even if he was bold enough, his mouth would not be poisoned.

What’s more… If he doesn’t learn well, Milomon will educate him well.

Imagine Maduo Kong’s poisonous tongue and being educated by Milomon, Sui Xiong couldn’t help laughing again.

After the matter was over, he set off for Gals City to see if anyone wanted to see him, so he was trying to lead him over.

Gars City is now the most prosperous city in the entire Blue Moon Kingdom, even far above the capital, Moonlight City. This is an important port for the trade between marines and humans. Many products from the deep sea can only be bought here more conveniently. In particular, some extremely precious things are basically sold out as soon as they go on the market. Outside of Gals City, there is either a price but no market, or you can only barter.

The overall structure of this city once turned into ruins is like three Chinese characters “kou” followed by a Chinese character “冂”. The three “kous” are the appearance of the city, and the “冂” is The appearance of the port. This city is divided into Jucheng, Inner City and Outer City, with the port area on the east side of Outer City. The city’s main commercial activities are concentrated on the central axis from the city to the port. Several large shops are lined up on both sides of the road. Almost all legal goods can be bought in these shops. And two of them, which are located on the easternmost side, almost adjacent to the pier, are the marine products franchise stores. And behind the franchise store in the north, there is a wonderful pink building, which is the only marine embassy in the world.

Of course, there are many small and medium-sized shops in Gals City. They are scattered all over the city. The small ones only buy daily groceries, while the larger ones are equally powerful. Among them are smuggling and black businesses.

Kalyssa Riley, the lord of Gals City, is quite tolerant. Except for some particularly damaging businesses, she has her eyes closed for other businesses. Therefore, the smuggling industry here is also quite developed, especially those who smuggle weapons and magic materials, which have been repeatedly banned.

Of course, if the Archon Sir Leon really wants to ban these businesses, he can definitely do it. It’s just that he doesn’t mean to crack down on smuggling in particular-in his opinion, it is not a problem at all if the cargo ship has some smuggled goods, or the caravan smuggles something that has not been paid.

Every time someone suggested that he rectify smuggling, he replied: “The water is too clear to keep fish alive. As long as it is not serious enough to hinder normal business, then forget it.”

After all, for this city, the marine business, spices, various handicrafts and high-quality products are the key to their business. Other things, they don’t mind leaking a little bit from their fingers to the small businessmen.

Gars City also has a very special big business, which is food procurement. It is located on the east side of the main plane of the continent, not far from the famous Eastern Plain. The eastern plains are fertile and well-developed, making them a world-famous granary. Every autumn when the grain is harvested, Gals City will purchase a large amount of grain ~IndoMTL.com~ and then transport it to the Void City by magic to store it-this business alone has supported the business of at least four or five nearby cities The backbone also brought the most reliable income in a year to at least twenty small and medium lords.

In the past, every autumn was when merchants lowered the price of rice. The so-called low-quality grain hurts the peasants, and the “overcharged three and five buckets” section will not only happen on earth, but also in this world. But Gals City does not do business like this, no matter how good the grain harvest, they will not want to keep prices down. On the contrary, they will buy grain at a more reliable and kind price, especially when buying directly from farmers, their prices will be slightly higher.

Of course, this is not a normal business practice, but an order from Majesty the Void. His Majesty Masked Void believes that only by allowing the common people to make money can they really promote the country’s prosperity, so he never minds letting them benefit the people.

The annual grain purchase has won Gals City a reputation for kindness and the respect of the generous deity among farmers throughout the Eastern Great Plains. Nowadays, many peasant households enshrine a strange statue. The statue is of a man wearing a robe and carrying a hoe, with a billowing jellyfish parked on his shoulders.

This is the God of Agriculture and the Mask of the Void. Although their church did not fully preach in the Eastern Great Plains, it is the strongest means of spreading faith that people want.

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