Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 131:

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For the next few days, it was calm. Whether it is the high gods or the two armies facing each other, there is no intention to fight.

But everyone knows that fierce fighting is inevitable. As the saying goes, there will be a brief calm before the storm, which is the current situation.

On this day, a special guest came to the Temple of the Knights God in Leiguang City, the capital of the Thunder Principality.

The invisible jellyfish flew slowly to the main hall dedicated to the statue of the knight god, because almost all the force of the entire church has gone to support the Eagle Kingdom, and it is not time for prayer, so there are very few people here, only The two apprentice pastors were cleaning in the courtyard outside, and there was no one in the hall.

Sui Xiong stopped in front of the statue and said with a smile that only the gods could hear: “God of knights, brother Astoril, are you at home?”

Nothing happens to the statue.

He was not in a hurry, and he said with a smile: “Don’t pretend to be dead, I know you must be at home! Even if you can’t lower the clone, you can come and chat with me with a little thought.”

The statue still doesn’t respond.

“Look, I ran all the way here to see you, and I am very sincere. You are a knight who pays attention to virtue at any rate, and keep guests from afar away. Is this in line with virtue?”

On the statue floated a light that was invisible to mortals, an idea appeared out of thin air, and he sighed deeply: “Mask Void, I don’t think I have anything to talk about with you.”

Because it was thought, He spoke very smoothly this time, without any sense of dryness.

Seeing that the **** of knight finally appeared, Sui Xiong smiled happily: “You can’t say that. It doesn’t hurt to talk more between people. Right? When I visited the orc gods before. , I happened to see you saying hello to them. I was very curious at the time, so today I specially came to find out-what did you talk about with Le Fengju?”

The knight **** was silent for a while and replied: “It has nothing to do with you.”

“Why is it not closed? I also went for peace.”

The voice of the knight **** is a little surprised: “Peace? You also went for peace?”

“Of course!” Sui Xiong raised his eyebrows when he finally found a common topic. “I also went to persuade Le Feng and the others not to fight. The world is so big, enough for humans and orcs to live, there is no need for everyone to fight for life and death!”

The knight **** was silent for a while, and said: “In fact, there is nothing wrong with the war itself, just to control the scale of the war, and to avoid post-war slaughter.”

“This is true, Le Feng and the others are doing it now, although there is no massacre, but in essence they still want to exterminate the humans in the occupied areas!”

“…It’s not an extinction but a mutation. It’s still the weakest kind of half-orc.” The voice of the knight **** is also full of indignation, “They want to be enslaved forever!”

Sui Xiong had never thought about this. He was suddenly startled and nodded: “You are right! This approach is too unkind! Even if you want to be mixed, you should find a tiger and a lion to mix, and get a bunch of rabbits. What’s the use of being mixed? Can rabbits be beaten? Or are they good at magic? They are not even good at farming!”

When the two have a common language, the topics will naturally increase. Under Sui Xiong’s deliberate guidance, several topics have changed. It involves a lot of things that he has always been interested in, but has always been unclear.

As a real old man among the gods. The **** of knights was born in the barbaric era. It was an era when humans and orcs were just born. The barbaric beasts were still wreaking havoc on the earth. The goddess of life also lived in the ancient times with the golden race (high elves) she created. Inside the forest-of course the Primordial Forest at that time was not called this name. The ancient gods used to fight in the void, and the four great divine powers of order, chaos, good and evil were still alive. Most of the gods Sui Xiong knew and knew were not born at all.

From then to now, the **** of knights has gone through a long time enough to make historians crazy about it, and countless major events have gone through. It is no exaggeration to say that He is a living dictionary among the gods. It is a living epic. Sui Xiong curiously settled those ancient things to him. Although he had to recall many things before he could answer, he answered in great detail every time, which made Sui Xiong very satisfied.

Strictly speaking, these are all gossip topics and have no meaning to reality. But Sui Xiong likes this topic very much, and…Looking at the look of the knight god, he also likes to talk about this topic very much.

“It’s really strange, you know how to do this, why don’t you often talk to people?” Sui Xiong asked curiously, “The frog in the ancient elven temple of the Primordial Forest is revered as a sage, why do you You also know more than that frog, why not also confuse the name of the “sage ancient god”?”

“Sage…hehe…” The knight **** smiled nostalgicly, “For a while, I was very keen to be a sage. At that time I also liked to be a mortal, in the main position. Wandering around everywhere, looking for young people with outstanding nature and strong will, teaching them, and watching them grow…”

“Fuck! You have been a great sage! But it’s right to think about it. With your old age and qualifications, it’s safe to be a great sage. There is no problem at all…”

The knight **** liked Sui Xiong’s statement very much, and smiled again, and said: “Among my students, the best is probably…”

He stopped suddenly, was silent for a while, and sighed deeply.

“Hey! Father, why are you dumb all of a sudden? It’s very hateful to speak half way!”

“It’s nothing, it’s all the past that is not worth mentioning.” The knight **** said with a sigh, “It’s been so long, it’s not interesting anymore.”

“Why is it boring! Who is your best old student? Let’s listen!” Sui Xiong said anxiously, “Don’t talk half way!”

“My two students have great magical powers. Mention their name zì, and they can sense it. They don’t like others chewing their tongues behind their backs, and they are unhappy when they talk.”

Sui Xiong curled his lips, his soul field unfolded, covering everything around him.

“It’s okay now. It’s completely blocked here. Whatever you say. No one will know.”

The knight **** was silent for a while, and said: “The connection between my body and this side has also been cut off. It’s incredible…”

Sui Xiong yelled: “Hey! I have spent my great efforts to shield this area to listen to your old stories, not to listen to your emotions!”

The knight **** smiled and said, “You are so curious and capable. Let me talk about it. I have changed a lot of status and taught many students. Among them, the most talented is Joel. Gardman, Uther is the most capable person.”

“Jolgardeman…Uther…” Sui Xiong muttered to himself, pondered for a moment, and exclaimed, “Fuck! Isn’t that my eldest brother, the **** of justice and the lord of human race, the lord of glory? ! They are all your students?”

“Yes, when I taught Jol Gadman, I became an old adventurer named Knight. When I taught Uther, I became an old knight named Tirion. Later Uther Yeah recognized my real body, the thick line guy Jolgadman, probably never recognized me.”

“…Fuck!” Sui Xiong felt that he sighed enough today, “Why didn’t you tell him?”

“No need. He has grown up very well. Although it is different from what I taught, he has also taken a very good path. As an old man who has already contradicted his ideas, why should I put more pressure on him? “

“You can’t say that! He should really want to see you again…”

“What about seeing me again? No need.” The knight **** said with a smile. “What’s more, let him discover the teacher in his memory who has been beautified by him how many times he doesn’t know. In fact, it is an old-fashioned and often criticized by him, breaking his beautiful memory, is it really good?”

“Your idea is quite fashionable!”

“Fashionable? This word is interesting. I didn’t expect anyone to use this to describe me. I am notoriously conservative and unflexible. I am known as the old **** among the gods.”

“People can be old, but hearts cannot be old. I think you still have a young heart. You can save it.”

The knight **** laughed, laughed for a while, then sighed faintly, and said: “I am really old, inside and out. I’m completely old… if you didn’t come today Talk to me, I even forget that I still laugh.”

“…You are too miserable for being too old! Anyway, you were also the main **** of mankind back then, how can you be like this?” Sui Xiong frowned and said, “I have also seen the former main **** of the orcs, although that guy always It looks weird to turn your head to the side, but it’s so much better than you!”

“He is much younger than me. It has been almost 10,000 years after I hacked him to death before he was bred from his body.” The knight **** said disdainfully, “Older than me. He is still far short of it!”

“…Don’t blow it up, I know you are old enough. You are older than the vicissitudes of life! By the way, you said before that besides my eldest brother, the Lord of Radiance is also your student, then you How do you evaluate these two students?”

The knight **** thought for a while, and slowly said: “Jol Gardman is a very impulsive person who does what he thinks of. He is very stubborn, which is very similar to me. But he hates it. This is completely different from me. His background is too low, and I have not been able to teach him for a long time~IndoMTL.com~ So his knowledge is relatively poor, and he is not satisfied with this or that all day long. , I often yelled “This world has rotted” and “This world is completely broken.” After being enshrined, it is said that he often yelled “I want to correct this wrong world”, and therefore went to trouble with the Lord of Order. , Want Him to modify the order of this world…”

“Well, um, I know all of these, but he was beaten up enough and he cultivated for a long time.”

“It’s more than choking. When I rushed to the Wheel of Order, he was beaten into a human shape, just like a puddle of mud. Fortunately, the Lord of Order didn’t intend to kill him. He told me After chatting for a few words, I asked me to take him away-I wrapped him in an old cloak and took him away. I had to be careful not to drop a piece of meat or bone on the road…”

“…Fuck! Was beaten so bad?!”

“He probably doesn’t remember it himself. Even if he remembers it, he didn’t even think about it. He is like this. As long as he thinks the right thing, even if he pays a great price, even if he is beaten, he I won’t shrink back, I won’t regret it.” The knight **** said with a smile, “This is what I taught him. He learns best!” (To be continued.)

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