Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 130:

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The knight **** left.

Very unexpectedly, he didn’t even start, so he just left.

Sui Xiong’s brain hurts when he thinks about it, and he doesn’t understand what he meant by jìng-he ran out of the base camp of the orc gods all by himself, and Haw talked nonsense, and finally the talk fell apart, and there was nothing. Fight, just leave like this.

“Why is he here?” He couldn’t help asking.

“How do I know!” Le Feng snorted coldly, and said unhappily, “This old, undead iron skin, running all the way, haw and ask what’s “harmony is precious”, “humans and orcs” We should understand each other’,’The strong must give in more so that society can be stable’… He is definitely old and confused!”

Sui Xiong froze for a moment, and said, “In fact, what he said is not unreasonable.”

“What’s the point of what you say from his mouth!” Le Feng said viciously, “Even if he said that the sun is round, I have to run to identify it for three days and three nights before I can be sure of it. Not square!”

“Fuck, your prejudice is really home!”

“This is not prejudice, it is vigilance!” Le Feng sighed deeply, his tight face gradually eased, but his brows wrinkled again, “Oscar, look forward as you are, can you help me guess Guess, the **** Uther made this old thing chirp, why is it?”

“I don’t know the Lord of Radiance…”

“Not knowing is a good thing, that bitch!” Le Feng cursed in a low voice, “If Old Tinhide is still a man at all, then Uther is a ten percent bitch! He likes decorating the most. Conspiracy traps, I like to fight with more and less, and I like to kill the whole family the most… You know, when he was a mortal, he was a general who was stationed on the frontier, and the army of other countries fought over. He ran away, and the country was destroyed. Twenty years later, he made a comeback and set up a trap to kill at least three to four thousand nobles and adventurers in that country. However, he has a hammer in one hand and a long sword in his hand, just like his four bastards. The subordinates blocked the four gates of the royal capital together. They killed a transparent inside and out, even the newborn baby and the old man who was about to die…”

“Fuck! Is this also a brilliance?”

“The so-called brilliance is the brilliance of victory.” LeFon said, “If you talk about character, that guy is really unsaved. Don’t look at us orcs as fierce, but compared with him, it is neither fierce nor fierce. Ruthless, far from it!”

From his words, Sui Xiong heard deep jealousy.

The orc gods are definitely not good people. What can scare them is naturally only bad guys who are more ferocious than them.

After leaving the endless wilderness and returning to the “Circle of Friends”, he floated in the air and frowned thoughtfully, wondering what kind of character is the Lord of Glory.

At this time, in the “Glory Kingdom” of the human **** system, the Lord of Glory sits on a golden throne. Looking down at the knight **** who was half kneeling on the ground.

“Astoria, you failed.” He said coldly.

“Sorry. Your Majesty. I’m sorry!”

“I don’t need to be sorry.” The Lord of Radiance’s tone was calm as if he were greeting a bad colleague, “Negligence of duty will be punished.”

He turned his head and looked at the human gods sitting on both sides of the palace, then looked at the divine envoys standing outside the palace, thought for a moment, and said: “You hand over the priesthood of’exploitation’, now You are not suitable for it.”

The human gods were suddenly shocked. You look at me, I look at you, but I dare not persuade.

The Lord of Radiance is the most orderly and rule-oriented person, his orders. No one is allowed to object.

The knight **** was silent for a while, lowered his head, and his body trembled violently.

I can see that he is in pain, but he doesn’t say a word.

After a while, a godhead crystal entwined with traces of blood rose from his body and floated in the air. And his already very old armor is even more worn out, and it seems that as long as he jumps casually, it will fall apart completely.

The Lord of Radiance stared at the crystal, then at the knight god, with a complex and unspeakable gleam in his eyes, and finally closed his eyes.

“Who do you think is most suitable to inherit this priesthood?” He asked calmly.

The **** of nobility stood up immediately: “Your Majesty, I think I am very suitable!”

“Oh?” The Lord of Radiance did not open his eyes, and asked faintly, “Why?”

“In this world, development is generally carried out with the new canonized aristocracy as the core. And the aristocracy is the scope of my priesthood!” In the voice of the aristocratic god, there is unconcealable joy and longing. Since then, he has always wanted to seize the priesthood of the knight god, and the priesthood of “exploitation” is what he wants most.

The Lord of Radiance was noncommittal and asked: “Who else has an opinion?”

There was silence in the palace for a while, and the bard **** stood up: “Your Majesty, I think you might as well keep this priesthood, and the execution of the work will continue to be performed by the knight **** for the time being. After all, he is’exploiting’ this It’s pretty good, so let him do this job temporarily.”

When he heard his words, many gods secretly got up.

This method belongs to the curve of saving the country. Although it deprives the **** of knights of the priesthood, as long as the work of “opening up” is still in charge of him, then the **** of knights can continuously gain faith and divine power from it, and it is against the deprived of the priesthood. For him, this is a relatively good result.

The corners of the Lord of Radiance’s mouth curled up slightly, revealing a cold smile: “Dison, you guys are getting smarter and smarter, you are actually playing this trick with me!”

The **** of the bard immediately pretended to be stupid: “Your Majesty, I am just a fool. I often think of some stupid ideas. If you think this idea is not funny, then forget it…”

The Lord of Radiance sneered: “Don’t pretend! I understand what you mean, but how do you stand without rules? How can things be done without rules? Astoril’s trip was originally against my general policy. If he could There are some results, so I don’t think it is because of his veteran qualifications. But he has no results…this kind of thing, you can’t take it lightly!”

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand, and the priest crystal floating in the air flew out and landed on a divine envoy outside the temple. The divine envoy body suddenly radiated light, and the whole person’s temperament completely changed.

“The God Envoy Rodrik Gelten, as a pioneering nobleman, you have worked tirelessly for the pioneering cause of mankind throughout your life, and you have opened up the most dà territories from the wild in the past five hundred years. Noble. Now I recognize your achievements and grant you the priesthood of’exploitation’. Starting today, you will be the pioneering **** of our human gods!” With the majestic voice of the Lord of Radiance, the envoy—no, should Said to be the newly born pioneer god-strode up to the hall and bowed to him.

“Salute to you, my majesty!”

“Very well, stand up.” The Lord of Radiance raised his hand and asked the **** of pioneering to stand up, but hòu said, “Don’t assume that there are fewer and fewer places that can be explored on the master plane. What a meaning. It’s important to know that this world is infinite, and there are countless other worlds beyond the main plane. I look forward to seeing you command people with wisdom, courage, and ambition to go to various worlds to explore, conquer, and conquer The light of our human beings spills onto the remote frontiers, finally transforming them into our inherent territory since ancient times.”

He abruptly stood up, his eyes released a bright light, and his whole body exuded an extremely powerful aura and unshakable confidence.

“Remember! We are destined to be the masters of this world! We will surely be the masters of these thousands of worlds!”

The human gods and the envoys outside the temple yelled one after another, with a high aura.

In this atmosphere of joy and excitement, the knight **** who has not been allowed to stand up silently knelt on the ground, like an old bug under the light, appearing increasingly small, weak, and out of place.

After a while, the Lord of Radiance disbanded the meeting. I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He didn’t mention the **** of knights at all. When the gods left, many people looked at the **** of knights worriedly. This old man will have more troubles.

However, the meeting is over and they must leave.

When all the gods had left, the Lord of Radiance stepped down from the throne and sat on the ground in front of the knight god.

“Teacher, is this what you want?” He asked.

The knight **** raised his head, his old face masked his face, and his expression could not be seen.

“You…do a good job…better than I thought…IndoMTL.com~Is this something the ‘king’ must do?” The Lord of Radiance continued to ask.

“In the beginning…you asked…this question.” The knight **** seemed to be laughing, but his laughter was so hoarse, even intermittent, as if breathless, “you are A…very good…king.”

“I only wanted to be a knight to protect the country. Even after my revenge, I only wanted to be a mediocre king. I never wanted to be the king of the gods.”

“Always…someone…to do it.” The Knight God said, “You…do…well…”

The Lord of Radiance was silent for a long time and sighed deeply.

“Perhaps you are right, someone must do this.”

He put his hand on the shoulder of the knight god, and the endless divine power flowed into the body that was so old that it was about to decay: “Excuse me, please hold on for a while…not very long.” (To be continued. .)

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