Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 129:

“Mr. Cheng…”

“Chairman Cheng!——”

“Mr. Cheng, do you have any thoughts and opinions about your own Turing Award founded by the American Computer Association?”

“Mr. Cheng, as the youngest winner, do you have anything to say?”

“Mr. Cheng, do you have any thoughts on the Turing Award?”


Without waiting for Cheng Yuan to react, a large group of reporters with long guns and short cannons gathered around to prepare Cheng Yuan with the camera and microphone in his hand!

Chen Yu, who had been following Cheng Yuan all the time, stood in front of Cheng Yuan and made a defensive posture before the reporters surrounded him.

At the same time, the guards hiding in the surrounding area also moved out to stand in front of these reporters, pulling the distance between them and Cheng Yuan just in case.

“What’s the matter?”

Cheng Yuan looked at Chen Yu, his face was a little ugly, and he suddenly encountered such a situation as soon as he came downstairs. Fortunately, these are still reporters. What if they want his life?

When he thought of this, his idea of ​​building his own robot guards became even stronger.

Faced with Cheng Yuan’s questioning, Chen Yu did not dare to neglect, and quickly contacted the outside security personnel to inquire about the specific situation.

After listening to the reports from outsiders, Chen Yu’s face suddenly became extremely exciting.

He whispered in Cheng Yuan’s ear: “Boss, this is how things are…”

Chen Yu simply explained what happened to Cheng Yuan, and Cheng Yuan was speechless after hearing it.

It turned out that after learning that Cheng Yuan was nominated for the Turing Award, these reporters began to do everything possible to mix with the Jinyi Jiayuan community where Cheng Yuan lives, but faced with the strict management at the door, they can be regarded as using Do everything possible. It’s a pity that the security at the door could not let these reporters in for a little benefit.

If these reporters go in and make a big deal, their jobs will definitely not be guaranteed.

When the security guard at the door blocked the way for the reporters, a flexible-headed reporter looked at a teenager who had just walked out of the community and seemed to be about to go to school.

Spent a hundred dollars. In the name of this resident friend, this reporter walked into the community openly.

This scene made the security guards suddenly helpless. After all, they couldn’t stop the ‘friends’ of the residents in the community, who came with the reporter. They immediately followed suit. For a while, these reporters who could only squat at the door thinking hard about strategies changed their identities in an instant and walked in openly!

As for the kid who went to school, he made enough money today. One hundred per person, and these dozens of reporters immediately added thousands of dollars to him. Although he can live in this community, he does not lack this amount of money at home, but he lacks pocket money!

With a few thousand dollars, he will be chic for a long time!

The student left happily with the money in his pocket, while the reporters hung in ambush under Building 6 where Cheng Yuan lived.

The security guard at the door was helpless and could only let the reporters “pay the money” with their eyes open!

Then what happened next, it became like this.

After listening to Chen Yu’s remarks. Cheng Yuan sighed. It seems that we should move as soon as possible. After the villa is decorated, let the whole family move in!

“Do you want to force them to disperse?” Chen Yu asked cautiously when Cheng Yuan hadn’t spoken for a long time.

Cheng Yuan shook his head and said: “No, you have to consider the consequences of forcibly dispersing them, and there are many local media in Anhe City. We can’t do that.”

After Chen Yu listened. Nodded and said: “Yes, then are you going to be interviewed?”

“Of course, how else would you get this group of people away?” Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes. Then he sorted his clothes and walked towards the group of reporters.

Seeing Cheng Yuan approaching, the group of reporters suddenly became excited. One by one excitedly pointed the microphones in their hands at Cheng Yuan, shouting: “Mr. Cheng Fa. Regarding the views of the Turing Award or the feelings of winning, And…”

“Mr. Cheng, I am EasyNet Media and want to ask you…”

A large group of people asked questions at the same time. Cheng Yuan only felt his ears buzzing. He shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and said to many reporters: “Everyone, please be quiet, I accept Your interview, but I will only select three people, you only have three opportunities to ask questions, you have to think carefully!”

After explaining the rules, the first media that Cheng Yuan pointed out was the local media in Anhe City.

“Lady, you come first.” Cheng Yuan pointed to the female reporter of Anhe Evening News.

When Cheng Yuan clicked, the female reporter suddenly showed a pleasant smile. She hurriedly stepped forward, brought the microphone closer to Cheng Yuan, and asked: “Mr. Cheng, first of all, on behalf of all the media in Anhe City, I congratulate you for obtaining the picture. Nominated for the Spirit Award, but I think this honor is already in your pocket. Do you have any thoughts on your nomination for the Turing Award?”

The female reporter raised a question that everyone is most concerned about.

“View? I’m sorry, I want to ask, what is the Turing Award, you should know that I have been staying in the laboratory to do my own research, I rarely pay attention to this aspect.”

Since knowing that the Turing Award is an award established by the American Computer Association, Cheng Yuan can be said to be lacking in interest, so he simply pretended to be stupid about this question. Anyway, there are countless people who don’t know this award. It is normal for him not to know.

As soon as Cheng Yuan said this, the excited expressions on the faces of all the media reporters present suddenly fell cold.

They actually thought of a lot of answers in their minds. For example, Cheng Yuan would say, “Thanks…”, “Excited…” and a series of very common standard answers.

I never expected that Cheng Yuan’s answer was so unexpected!

The scene suddenly cooled down because of Cheng Yuan’s words.

But soon, after they recovered, their eyes became more fiery. What Cheng Yuan said just now, he had no idea what the Turing Award was.

Does this mean that Cheng Yuan did not take this award into his eyes?

For a time, all the reporters’ thoughts in their minds were like a clockwork motor, whizzing out fantasies.

“Mr. Cheng, does your sentence mean that you have not cared about the Turing Award at all, or that you look down on the Turing Award? You must be clear that the Turing Award is the top prize in the computer industry known as the Nobel Prize , Your words may offend all elites in the computer industry.”

Soon, a reporter with a quick response asked his own question in a brainstorming manner, and at the same time looked excitedly at Cheng Yuan with a calm face in front of him.

Cheng Yuan glanced at the reporter who asked the question, smiled lightly, and said, “Is this the second question or the third?”

Suddenly, the surrounding reporters looked at this colleague with dissatisfaction. According to the rules, Cheng Yuan should call and ask questions. Everyone might have a chance, but this person just took a spot. How could they not angry?

However, this reporter was quick to see the opportunity, and quickly diverted everyone’s attention, and continued to ask: “Mr. Cheng, do you have anything to say about my question?”

“Hehe.” Cheng Yuan chuckled and replied: “First of all, I don’t look down on the Turing Award. I said before. I have been fascinated by the research and development of scientific knowledge, compared with these honors. Will lifting my own invention benefit mankind and make it convenient for mankind. Secondly, I admire those experts who work hard for the computer industry. Without them, there would be no convenient electronic products we use today, so I admire them very much.”

“After all, the computers I use in the research institute are also from them, how can I look down on them?”

“Finally, if they want to, they can put the award ceremony in China, if they are on the other side of the ocean, I think I may not have much time to accept the award, my work is very busy!”

Cheng Yuan’s remarkably high-sounding “practicality is greater than honor” instantly blocked the mouths of all reporters. These reporters remained silent for a long time, and at the same time, there was a faint admiration in the eyes of Cheng Yuan.

This sentence of Cheng Yuan is too noble!

Compared with honor, it is more important to use your own knowledge to benefit mankind. This is like a manifesto slogan in the 1970s.

However, no matter what, my life and work must continue. These reporters are busy asking the last question. A male reporter from Yiwang Media was picked up by Cheng Yuan, and he hurriedly Hurriedly asked: “Mr. Cheng Yuan, I admire your ideas very much. I also understand your life in a deep and simple way. I did not think that after you invented it, you would still work **** newer technologies. What I want to ask is, Tell us what you have been researching recently?”

This reporter is very clever. Cheng Yuan’s answers to the first two questions have almost made his point. Instead of wasting this opportunity to continue struggling on this topic, he might as well ask some more exciting questions.

This reporter’s question immediately made all the reporters present in the heart amazed. This question is really good. Anyway, with this question, they will be able to write two news reports after they go back. It’s not difficult to want a salary increase!

Cheng Yuan didn’t answer immediately, instead he pondered for a moment.

His actions immediately made the reporters present nervous, for fear that he would refuse to answer this question.

But soon, Cheng Yuan spoke again, “Although I want to tell you all of my thoughts, but sometimes keeping mystery can also bring you a surprise, so I can only apologize to follow You might have a bigger relationship with young people.”

Related to young people?

A group of reporters got this very vague answer~IndoMTL.com~ and were suddenly unwilling. They shouted: “Mr. Cheng, can you tell me in detail what it is?”

“Mr. Cheng, what is it about young people, can you tell me a little bit?”


The process is far away, but at this time he kept silent. The three questions that were well said were three questions, and he wouldn’t say anything more. After seeing Cheng Yuan’s attitude, all the security personnel blocked the reporters, allowing Cheng Yuan to walk out of the building smoothly, get in the car, and drove away.

At the same time, interviews and reports about Cheng Yuan spread to all parts of China. (To be continued.)

PS: I checked it again, there should be no typos.

In addition, I feel better.

Thank you brothers for your concern.

By the way, ask for a monthly pass.

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