Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 127:

Faced with the goddess of the ocean, who was inferior to death due to poisoning, where he could only roll and twitch, let alone fight back, and even lost the strength to escape, Sui Xiong didn’t have any mercy. He laughed wildly and lifted the special Trident with feed.

Just as he was about to come to the ocean goddess to completely end the female tyrant of the ocean, in the kingdom of God surrounded by torrents, many envoys and believers rushed out, and they knew that they were absolutely impossible. They were the opponents of the giant jellyfish that had knocked down the goddess of the sea, many of them looked scared and panicked, but they rushed up bravely.

The envoys stopped in front of Sui Xiong, trying to protect the goddess, while the believers tried to move the seriously injured back to the kingdom of God to heal him.

Sui Xiong certainly wouldn’t let them hinder him. He roared, picked up the trident and threw it out, and went straight to the Ocean Goddess.

The envoys of the goddess of the sea panicked immediately. They couldn’t think about it. They rushed to the front of the trident and used their bodies to block this powerful artifact. They only heard the screams and broken sounds, and they died one after another. After a lot, finally a huge sea element seized the opportunity that the companions sacrificed in exchange for it, and with a heavy blow, it missed it and flew far away.

But Sui Xiong teleported there, and when he stretched out his tentacles, he rolled up the trident again.

“Go away!” he yelled, “Good dogs don’t block the way!”

The surviving divine envoys were not moved at all, and still stood in front of him.

Sui Xiong was furious and raised the trident again.

To put it bluntly, the god’s messenger is a battle tool of the kingdom of God. Unless it is a small probability accident such as “swallowed by the jellyfish god”, even if it is beaten to dust, it will not take long to be in the kingdom of God. The resurrection inside is completely different from ordinary believers.

So of course Sui Xiong wouldn’t be a little polite, so he picked up the trident and rushed up, killing the envoys to the ground.

“Wrath of Waves” is truly a top-notch artifact. Not only is it amazing, but with a shot in hand, you can feel endless power slowly pouring into your body. Although it is not very fast, it is as gentle as water and as deep as the sea. For him, who has almost run out of oil, it is almost a drought and rain, and there is a life-saving rain in time!

With the addition of this power, he feels that his vitality is quickly recovering, and he has a little more power to shoot.

What’s even more amazing is that with this artifact in hand, the divine envoys of the sea goddess are vulnerable to a blow in front of him. Obviously, perhaps he was much stronger than he was at the moment, but he was killed as if cutting melons and vegetables.

Although they can be resurrected, when the resurrection returns, everything will be settled.

After killing all the envoys blocking the way, Sui Xiong finally came to the sea goddess with a sharp spear.

At this moment, the goddess of the sea has been tortured by the poison so that he has no strength to roll. He is lying weakly in the stream, looking at Sui Xiong desperately with some lost eyes, but his body is still being stimulated by the terrible poison. I have to twitch from time to time.

His followers have been trying to pull him away and into the kingdom of God. However, because the goddess of the ocean had made his body too large, their power could not drag the almost indomitable giant, and their efforts to the present had little effect.

The people who came to kill him have already arrived.

Sui Xiong smiled gloomily, too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and slowly raised the trident.

The armor on the goddess of the sea is quite strong, and he has to use all his strength to make him seriously injured and dying with a single blow!


The huge jellyfish grinded its teeth, and inside the mouth that looked like a torn, it was pale.

Just as he was about to stab him with a gun, the believers suddenly roared and rushed forward one after another.

Their body and strength are nothing compared to Sui Xiong. As long as the wave of the waves of fury, they can kill them without leaving a piece of armor!

Moreover, they are not the envoys who have been integrated with the kingdom of God. Even if they are partially transformed into divine creatures, they still have only one life. If they die, they will die, and there will be no chance of resurrection.

As soon as Sui Xiong frowned, he was about to use a sharp spear to kill these people who were in the way, but just as he was about to swing the spear, he happened to see the eyes of a few believers.

The eyes were clearly filled with fear but forced to calm down. It was obvious that they were not afraid of death, but they still rushed forward without hesitation.

He was taken aback for a moment, just in time to hear a few believers next to the Ocean Goddess praying in low voices.

“Farewell, my goddess, sorry we don’t have the power to protect you!”

The huge jellyfish shook its body, and the trident held high stopped in the air, and it was not able to fall down.

When death is close at hand, they are not thinking about their own lives, but apologizing to the goddess…

He couldn’t help but was in a trance, vaguely saw the sight of Thunder with only a ray of soul left, and he had to hold on to say goodbye to him.

In the raging waves, the bleak transparent figure slowly knelt down on one knee and whispered: “Your Majesty, I’m sorry, I failed to complete your entrustment. Please forgive my incompetence.”

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Sui Xiong roared frantically, the remaining tentacles waving frantically, but only the tentacle holding the fury of the waves solidified in the air like being petrified and could not be pierced. .

“Why! Why! Why!” He roared angrily, and the entire Hailan area swayed in his roar, “This guy is an evil **** who has brought down storms and tsunamis countless times, and has poisoned the common people! He is constantly driving away. For you, go to fight indiscriminately and send the madman to death!”

“Why! Why are you so loyal to him and protect him to death!”

The believers of the Ocean Goddess looked at each other, wondering what this huge jellyfish was going crazy. After a while, a stubbornly old mermaid whispered: “Although your majesty has changed, in my mind, he will always be the queen of the sea who guards us against all dangers!”

This believer is almost the oldest group of the ocean goddess. She follows the ocean goddess, even before the goddess canonize the gods. Over the years, she has witnessed the constant transformation of the sea goddess from the “Queen of the Sea”, the patron saint of marine life, and finally became the “Female Tyrant of the Sea”.

She is sad, she is in pain, but her loyalty has never changed!

Sui Xiong stared at her, silent for a moment, urging the power of the soul, like flipping through a book, flipping through her memory.

The strength of this mermaid is low. In front of Sui Xiong, her thoughts and memories are almost transparent, and she can’t hide it at all. So Sui Xiong clearly saw countless scenes, like turning into this old mermaid, witnessing the ocean goddess walking along the way.

He clearly saw that the mermaid princess Vrbocus, who wore a long dress, played with the mermaid and dolphins, and grew up day by day. Whenever danger came, he stood up to protect them, even though they were scarred. Never retreat, facing everyone’s gratitude and praise, just smile.

He clearly saw that one day, at the time, a demigod Vorbocus found the sharp spear “Wrath of the Waves” in a deep trench. When she drew the sharp spear , The whole sea seems to be cheering.

He clearly saw that the goddess of the sea was holding a sharp spear and traveled across the vast sea, persuading goodness and frightening ferociousness, defeating those stubborn and powerful demigods time and time again, and finally unified the entire main plane. The entire ocean has established an unshakable absolute authority. Under the praise and praise of almost all the sea races, it has broken through the final limit and stepped into the palace of the true god.

He clearly saw that as he absorbed the beliefs of all the evil creatures she didn’t like and had no contact with, the goddess of the ocean gradually became fierce and cruel. The one who liked to sit among the corals, sing and play the piano The mermaid girl gradually disappeared, leaving only the moody female tyrant holding a sharp gun and wearing armor, sitting coldly on the throne.

He clearly saw the transformation of the sea goddess. How did the deep-sea races who were originally loyal to him finally despair after their advice was invalid, abandoned their faith in him, weeped and demolished the temple they had built with their own hands, and turned to respect the fallen goddess of life.

He clearly saw how many times this loyal mermaid cried, how many tears he shed, and how many hearts he broke. Especially when the sea goddess completely demolished the “Quiet Flow Garden” that everyone worked so hard to build in the past, and finally turned into a military fortress surrounded by waves, leaving the name of the garden in vain, they are old believers. How heartbroken it is.

However, they still stay here after all, staying beside the goddess who once deeply admired and loved, but hurt them deeply.

After watching this scene, Sui Xiong was full of emotion. He was shocked at the fact that this crazy female tyrant had a gentle and peaceful time, and he was also shocked at his transformation after the enfeoffment of the gods.

The mermaid princess who feels like a spring breeze and makes people naturally feel good; that heroic and upright, the great queen who makes all marine creatures worship regardless of good and evil… How could she transform into the evil and cruel tyrant later ? How could he become a madman who takes the joy of war and killing, and constantly calls on the believers to start a “holy war”, and laughs in the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain!

Could it be…this is the power of faith?

Could it be… The reason why the original “King of Sex and Desire” resolutely refused to make a **** was because he was afraid that he would one day be transformed in his faith?

If you become a **** in the future, will you gradually change with the increase of believers and the accumulation of faith, and eventually you will become a villain?

His heart is heavy, as if a big rock is pressed against his chest, even his breathing is not smooth.

The believers of the Ocean Goddess have always guarded the goddess.

“Aren’t you sad? Don’t you regret it?” After a long time, Sui Xiong couldn’t help but asked nonchalantly.

The old mermaid was stunned for a moment, and then received his thoughts, suddenly remembering those sad things, tears raining down.

But she replied firmly after all: “I am sad, but I don’t regret it!”

Sui Xiong couldn’t help but screamed up to the sky, his roar was full of depression and anger, but he finally lost the madness that seemed to destroy himself and the enemy together.

“Look at them, Vorpocus!” He yelled at the exhausted sea goddess, “As a god, it’s shameful enough to let the believers sacrifice themselves to protect you. But. You have far exceeded this lower limit-see what you have done! I am ashamed of you!”

The goddess of the sea panted violently, turned her head weakly, and saw the believers who were still around her until this moment and never abandoned her.

Most of them are familiar old faces, and many of them are the partners who followed him to fight together, pierce through thorns and thorns, and start a business together. But these partners are no longer young. Even the sea elements who shouldn’t have seen their age are already old. On their faces and bodies, the traces of countless sighs and crying can be clearly seen.

As for the murlocs and sea monsters who sing their merits in the same way, they are in the chaos and evil, bullying and fearing hardship. They are waiting for his fall in the kingdom of God. I don’t know if they are looking forward to his return in prayer. ? I still want to replace it…

He has been triumphant with the wind and water, and finally turned his head back to reflect on the path he has traveled over the years.

“Why…why…why…” He trembled fiercely, and the pain in his heart even overwhelmed the pain in his body. He bleeds and sheds no tears even when the pain in his body is too toxic, he finally uttered Screamed desperately, “Why—I became like this!”

He cried and howled miserably. The blue armor that once guarded his body collapsed suddenly, turning into countless sharp blades, tearing and cutting his body frantically, just like the famous ancient torture, which is daunting.

But the sea goddess seemed to feel no pain at all. He just cried desperately, sometimes apologizing, sometimes spitting, and sometimes lamenting, despite the huge body being cut and riddled with holes, he couldn’t find even a good piece of meat.

The once beautiful face is now scarred; the once fierce and majestic eyes have completely lost their light at this moment.

Sui Xiong could even feel the breath called “despair” spreading from him.

After a while, his body gradually shattered, and the breath of life became increasingly bleak.

At the last moment of his life, he turned his head to the side and stared at Sui Xiong hollowly with his eyes without any luster.

“The strong man who came out of the ocean, remember my destruction! Don’t take the same path as me again!”

This is the last word of this powerful deity.

Along with the crying of the believers, his huge body slowly collapsed, and even the entire kingdom of God was slowly and firmly collapsed and collapsed, and countless fragments cut through the sky, falling from the sea to the main plane, just like Shooting stars fell into the boundless sea.

The gods watched the sea goddess and his kingdom collapse completely, watched the blue seat in the middle of the third row of the Pantheon slowly collapsed, and remained silent.

God is strong because of faith, but also constrained by faith, and even changed by faith. This is really a heavy topic, even the most powerful or heartless gods are reluctant to talk about this topic.

For a while, the huge Pantheon fell into deathly silence.

On the main plane, almost all creatures on the entire continent have witnessed the sight of stars falling like rain. All the creatures in the sea couldn’t help but shed tears, especially the mermaids in the deep sea, even more sobbing.

They did have a lot of dissatisfaction with the sea goddess, and even abandoned their belief in him. But in their hearts, they will always remember the beautiful and kind-hearted mermaid princess and the heroic and upright queen of the sea. I don’t know how many mermaids are secretly looking forward to them, hoping that their queen will wake up one day and return to the familiar appearance again.

But now, all expectations are gone, and their queen has fallen!

Sui Xiong also returned to the main plane with the fragments. He has now returned to his usual size. He is hidden among the clouds, watching the fragments pass by him and fall into the sea. In, into countless bubbles.

This is the death of a powerful deity, announcing his victory in the battle of revenge.

However, he didn’t feel happy, instead, he was a little sad, a little empty, and a little dazed.

“This is not the ending I want!” He couldn’t help sighing in a low voice. The sigh was blown away by the wind and disappeared without a trace.

According to his idea, after a fierce battle that was supposed to be forgotten to die, he finally managed to overcome a strong enemy, and shot the goddess of the ocean half to death, and then opened his mouth wide to treat this evil female tyrant like The bald guy swallowed it alive before, chew it, swallow it, brandished a fork and laughed, declaring his revenge.

He never thought that the ending of revenge would be like this!

“What is this!”

When all the fragments finally fell into the sea, Sui Xiong also dropped to the surface, sighing amidst the countless bubbles.

The scenes from the memory of the old mermaid came to mind again. He recalled carefully, sometimes admiring, sometimes regretting, and finally all the sighs merged into a long sigh.

“Forget it! That’s all! But so!”

Just as he was about to leave, there was a sudden movement in his heart, and he sensed countless powerful wills spying around, just about to move.

He understood right away—these guys were peering at the legacy of the sea goddess, and wanted to become the next sea god.

However, from these wills, he couldn’t feel even the slightest kind of goodwill, or even the slightest thought of wanting to guard the ocean and the countless creatures in the sea. On the contrary, it is greedy, vicious, cruel, insidious… these bad things abound.

Sui Xiong was furious and waved a sharp gun and shouted: “Want to pick up the cheap? Get out of me!”

Those wills were scattered like a frightened bird, but they didn’t really go far, they were still peeping from a distance.

Sui Xiong was so angry that he couldn’t help feeling “one generation is worse than one generation”. Looking at the slowly diffusing bubbles around, thinking of the strong goddess who committed suicide in despair when she found that she had betrayed her ideals, a flash of inspiration flashed in her heart.

“Since those **** are not plausible, why don’t I cultivate a plausible myself? Be strong and kind!”

For a moment, he threw the infinitely powerful artifact “Wrath of Waves” into the bubble, and at the same time passed all the beautiful and kind thoughts in his heart.

It’s strange to say that this artifact is very strong, but after falling into the foam, it was poured into the water like a small spoonful of sugar and quickly dissolved, and it melted completely in an instant, with no trace of it.

Then, the foam from all directions gathered towards the place where it fell. They collided, surrounded, and finally turned into a white wave.

Everyone clearly felt that the divinity and priesthood that should have been scattered after the death of the goddess of the sea is now rapidly condensing in the waves.

After a while, in the waves, a white and flawless shell, like a beautiful jade, rose up?

Sui Xiong laughed loudly, laughing wantonly at those in the ghost domain: “Things that hide their heads and show their tails! Now you can get out!”

Those wills finally left in disappointment, leaving only the laughing jellyfish to accompany the newborn god.

After a while, the shell automatically opened, like a pink mattress on the shell meat, a beautiful mermaid opened his eyes. She seemed to have just woke up, stretched deeply, graceful and infinitely beautiful.

“How do you call this girl?” Sui Xiong asked with a smile.

The mermaid turned around and looked at him. There was peace in his emerald-green eyes.

“I don’t know who I am.” She said, “I was born from the wreckage of the goddess of the sea, Vlpokus, and inherited his power ~ IndoMTL.com ~ inherited his kindness and sincerity, With your help, I have abandoned those greed and evil. Then who am I?”

“You awakened Him from a confused dream and contributed to my birth. As my guide, can you tell me who I am?”

Sui Xiong frowned, lost in thought. [^Miao~Pen~Ge*]

After a while, his brows gradually stretched, and the corners of his mouth gradually curled up, revealing a smile.

“The goddess of the sea, Vorpocus, is dead, and his past has disappeared. You are you, and it has nothing to do with him!” He said, “I see you born out of a bubble. It reminds me of a very A famous story. Why don’t you call Ariel, the daughter of the sea, Ariel… I think this name suits you very well.”

The mermaid smiled and bowed her head to thank her, the shells gradually disappeared, and her figure gradually turned into a human form, her slender feet standing lightly on the sea as if they were weightless.

In the Pantheon, a new chair rose slowly, and the avatar of a mermaid girl was sitting on it.

Compared with the previous sea goddess, the daughter of the sea is obviously much weaker, but the smile on her face reminds many old gods of Vorbocus when she was just enshrined.

In the eyes of the gods or curious or pleased, she stood up and greeted everyone.

“When we first met, I am Ariel, the patron saint of the kind sea creatures, the princess of the mermaid, and the daughter of the sea.”

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