Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 122:

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On the surface of the magic star “Yin Chen” above the Void City, Sui Xiong looked gloomily at the cracked outer shell of the magic star, and at the strange figure hiding inside the magic star, trembling and transforming.

The guy was originally a black dragon, but now… Sui Xiong doesn’t know what it should be.

In just a while, most of its body has melted, and the lower part of the body has almost become a puddle of mud, but the dragon head and wings are roughly intact. The most weird thing is that it obviously suffered such a terrible injury, but instead of falling down, it made a jealous laugh, and its momentum continued to rise.

Of course, Sui Xiong would not stand stupidly watching the enemy transform like some children in anime works. Just now, he directly shot a big magic, rushing to the black dragon and smashing it down.

However, the powerful magic capable of razing a mountain to the ground fell on the black dragon, only a little ripple was raised, not even a wound was seen.

(Magic immunity? Or personal suppression?)

Sui Xiong frowned, no longer using magic, but raised a tentacle. The top of the tentacle became brighter and brighter, and finally, like a small sun, he flicked it hard. Black dragon.

He has a good grasp of time, and when the tentacles flew in front of the black dragon, it just exploded, exploding a group of bright sparks.

But when the sparks dissipated, the black dragon only had some inconspicuous wounds on its body, and its body only squirmed a little or two, and all those wounds disappeared without a trace, as if it had never been injured. .

(Compared with defense power, is self-healing ability more powerful?)

Sui Xiong groaned slightly. He wanted to use a murderous weapon with a reputation on the earth, but after a second thought he released it again.

At this moment, his position is precisely above the Void City. Using that big killer in this place, isn’t it the same as blowing yourself up!

He doesn’t want the people of Void City to learn from the residents of Fukushima, lighting up the “anti-radiation” skill.

When the big killer cannot be used, there are not many ways to deal with this kind of guy with amazing self-healing power.

Sui Xiong pondered for a while, intending to try a skill he learned not long ago.

Some time ago, after he watched the battle between Chaos Dragon and Jolgardeman, he found that Chaos Dragon’s skill is really amazing-first create favorable terrain, but hòu can give birth to The countless subordinates are so powerful and domineering that they have no friends!

So he is also thinking about whether he can imitate this trick and get a similar skill.

In the beginning, he didn’t find his eyebrows and he didn’t make much progress. But later when creating those mass-produced envoys, he finally found inspiration and created a similar skill.

Faced with the weird black dragon that is constantly creeping and changing, the momentum is constantly rising, the huge green jellyfish held up its tentacles, and shouted the name of the skill in a cool manner:

“Come out, my deep sea fleet!”

With an order, endless black energy spread from his body.

These black qi are negative energy, pure and powerful negative energy. They continue to devour everything around them, leading all living beings to death, and all activities leading to silence, as if to plunge the whole world into cold silence in the end.

The evil surrounding “Yinchen” was so deep that the gods would feel nauseous and vomiting. This time I met the opponent who restrained it.

Negative energy has no good or evil, and it is not even a manifestation of “destruction”. It is just a simple “death”, the death of the living, the death of all things, the death of the world-without any elements of resentment , “Death” itself without any impurities.

And this simple “death”, Chacha restrains the power of “Yinchen”.

Sui Xiong didn’t know that the essence of the seven magics of exterminating the world was to lead everything in the world to the ending of “death”. In other words, pure negative energy and pure “death” are exactly what they want to achieve.

So when this pure “death” appeared, the evil that originally enveloped the “Yin Chen” was quickly absorbed and transformed, allowing the originally not so powerful negative energy to multiply rapidly, just for a while It turned into a black ocean.

But hòu, in this black ocean, groups of pale shadows emerged.

These shadows soon became clear, and turned into white-haired women in weird black clothes. Their models were all different, but the same was the black-based costumes on their bodies, as well as almost everyone’s hands. Pieces of equipment with “fish” characteristics.

Of course, if the looks are different, the outfits and equipment are also different.

Among these black-clothed and white-haired women, there is Sui Xiong’s first mass-production divine envoy “Ochan”, as well as several special mass-produced divine envoys that he just created not long ago, such as one There is a huge flat-headed fish under his feet, and his body is surrounded by a black circle. Generally speaking, it looks like a weird woman standing in a giant fish and giant snake combo equipment-this is the mass-produced envoy created by Sui Xiong recently. “Island”, the specification is “Island Fortress Class”. Not only does she have an amazingly strong defense, she can also launch extremely violent attacks when necessary. The only disadvantage is that the attack frequency is too low and the attack accuracy is not high enough. In general, the divine envoys who belonged to the fortified position type corresponded to the name of “fortress”.

Under Sui Xiong’s hand, there are also more powerful elite envoys, but if he wants to use his current trick, only mass-produced envoys who don’t feel distressed about death like cannon fodder will do.

After all… he couldn’t bear to use Zhen Guì’s elite divine envoy to do this kind of thing that is no different from sending him to death.

With the help of negative energy nurturing, a large amount of energy can be obtained in a short period of time, and more divine envoys can be born. But negative energy is the manifestation of death after all. These divine envoys have not been able to exist for a long time. They are not even considered to be dead. Basically, after one or two attacks, they will melt into the negative energy again. In the ocean, new cannon fodder is bred.

This is what Sui Xiong has figured out, which is similar to the dragon of chaos.

Its power is definitely much worse than the man-made abyss of Chaos Dragon, but its power is one thing, and whether it works well or not is another matter.

As long as it fits the current situation, can be useful, and can solve problems, Sui Xiong doesn’t care about its power.

The black sea of ​​negative energy continues to spread, and the number of mass-produced envoys in the sea is also increasing. After the number reaches a certain level, it temporarily turns into a large black jellyfish and waves its tentacles~IndoMTL.com~ orders to attack .

The silent message was transmitted among the mass-produced envoys who were born for death. All the envoys’ eyes lit up, and strange flames burned in their eyes.


In the next moment, these mass-produced **** envoys, whose eyes were flashing like wildfires, made icy sounds together, uniformly.

“Offensive!” they said.

The mighty team is divided into several columns, the powerful battleship class and the fortress class are in the front, the battlecruiser class, the heavy cruiser class, the heavy artillery class and the artillery class are in the middle, and the light cruiser class and the destroyer class are in the middle. The main attack method of this class is the torpedo cruising around looking for the aircraft, while the aircraft carrier class stays behind and releases overwhelming automatic attack aircraft.

This does not look like an ordinary battle, but like an orderly war.

In fact, strictly speaking, they are fighters. This is war! (To be continued.)

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