Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 119:

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【Due to government needs, from now on, all registered citizens of the Northwestern Republic are required to register their surnames at the Subdistrict Office of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. If you don’t have a surname on www.vodtw.com, you can design and register yourself. 】

[Note: In order to avoid repetition, those who set their own surnames should have no more than 200 families in each surname, arranged in order of registration time, first come first served. After the first batch of registration, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will publish the number of registered families for each surname. If there are no families that can be successfully registered, the design can be redesigned. Even the second and third design…]

【Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Northwestern Republic, today. 】

This notice is plastered on the streets of various cities and towns in the Northwestern Republic, and there are even loud-sounding propagandists temporarily hired by the Ministry of Civil Affairs shouting on the streets to promote this policy-this is also one of the characteristics of the Northwestern Republic, every time it is released A group of propagandists will promote and explain the new policy.

Employing these promoters, of course, will cost some money. But compared with the efficiency of governance that can be improved, the money is nothing.

What’s more, the Northwestern Republic lacks resources and talents, but not money.

Don’t you see the venue for the Fifth World’s No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament? The money spent on the renovation and renovation of the venue alone is enough to hire several propaganda staff.

Not to mention that every World No. 1 martial arts competition will give out a lot of bonuses. Not to mention the real world No. 1, even if it is only the top eight in the junior group, the bonuses that can be obtained are an astonishing amount.

The senior officials of the Northwestern Republic have more than once persuaded Sui Xiong not to engage in the No. 1 martial arts competition in the world, or even if it does, the frequency should be reduced. They think that once in ten years is too frequent, and once in twenty years is the sky.

In response, Sui Xiong just smiled.

What is money? Money is not gold and silver jewelry, but currency in circulation.

He did not learn well in politics, but “the nature of money” is the focus of the freshman politics class. The teacher has repeatedly talked about it several times, and most of them will pass the exam every time. No matter how bad he learns, he still has some impression.

The essence of currency is a commodity used to assist in circulation. There is also a special term called “general equivalent.” On the earth, this thing has developed to the book data guaranteed by national credit. To put it bluntly, it is to use national credit as a commodity-so at the beginning, their political teachers praised many IT people as “Bitcoin”. This kind of non-credit currency sneered at it, and even made a mockery of “If I took a gun and grabbed a certain bitcoin trading platform, can they use electronic data to catch me?”

In this world, currency is far from developing to the credit stage. It is still in the era of portable and expensive things such as gold, silver and gems. Although the currency values ​​of various countries are not consistent, the user still recognizes the coin itself, not the country behind the coin.

As for credit currency or something, even the goddess of wealth would not dare to do so. So far, his church can only launch a transfer business based on the existing deposits of customers.

In other words, a gold coin is stored in the warehouse, that is, there is really no gold coin in the market, no matter which country, there is no way to replenish it by printing money or the like.

If there are too many coins stored in the warehouse, there will be too few coins on the market. This of course will affect the circulation of the market, and the most direct impact is-things will fall in price, and coins will rise in price.

After all, gold, silver and gemstones are commodities themselves, and their prices will increase because of their scarcity. And unlike on the earth, there are many places in this world that consume these things-for example, magicians make golems or arrange magic arrays. They often consume gold in kilograms, and several times or even ten times. Several times the silver, there are many precious gems.

As a result, there are fewer and fewer coins in the market, which will surely cause chaos!

Sui Xiong has always been a little worried about this matter. Over the years, the Northwestern Republic has become a real gainer because of its advanced commercial and entertainment industries. Although a large number of production materials were purchased at the same time, most of these production materials were transformed into food, beverages, weapons, armor, and even luxury goods, which became money again.

Therefore, there are more and more gold coins in the vault. It is no longer “stacked like a mountain”, but piled up into hills. Shuang and Hao, who was happy to see the mountains of gold coins before, are even numb now.

They are probably the two happiest rock dragons in the world, maybe even the happiest giant dragon. Other dragons have to try their best to take risks in order to earn enough wealth, but as long as they help Sui Xiong to guard the vault, they can enjoy the happy life of rolling on gold coins and gems at will. There are only a pile of gold coins in the other dragon’s lairs, and the gold coins in their vaults are piled into… Jinshan Jinhai.

Of these gold coins, about two-thirds are Sui Xiong’s personal property-really personal property, because the most profitable businesses in the Northwestern Republic are almost all invested and constructed by him personally. Of sole proprietorship. Even if he later divided some shares, the bulk of it was still in his own hands.

More importantly, ~IndoMTL.com~ those who have received shares-for example, the high-level people of the Republic-they spend money, and often spend a lot of money, but Sui Xiong has almost no expenses. For him, even a copper coin can’t be spent.

He has no expenses at all.

In the past, he sometimes separated his clones, changed into a mortal appearance, wandered around the world, and it was common for him to spend a lot of money when he was happy. In recent years, he hasn’t even done this kind of thing, and there is no place to spend money.

Looking at the wealth in the vault is increasing day by day, Sui Xiong feels that the world’s financial order is crumbling.

So, he couldn’t wait to spend his money.

It’s best to spend it in places that will soon enter the circulation field, such as sending money, sending money, and sending money…

However, the money should not be distributed randomly. Sui Xiong proposed to distribute dozens of gold coins to every adult citizen of the Northwestern Republic each year, but this was jointly rejected by the senior officials of the country. Their reason is that random distribution of money will affect the normal production and life of the country.

Sui Xiong really doesn’t understand why issuing money will also affect the country’s production and life, but everyone says that, so maybe it is really the case.

So he had to worry about seeing more and more money.

The World’s No. 1 Tournament is already the best way to spend money he has ever thought of. The prizes are still second. Every time this event is held, a lot of money is spent on purchasing materials and paying for labor. This is the bulk of the money spent.

Unfortunately, once a ten-year conference, the money spent is still too little…

Besides being lavish, Sui Xiong was still muttering secretly: “Neither of you approve of me sending money. If I no longer think of a way to send the money back to the market, what should I do when there is a problem with the world financial order? …”

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