Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 119:

Lei didn’t notice what happened. He is now completely caught in the frenzy of fighting. At a glance, as long as it’s scaled, whether it’s green, blue or red, it’s just one. sword.

His sword power is not amazing, nor is it particularly fast. Even the force on the sword is not very strong, but the coercion emanating from him makes every murloc facing him Lost in a daze. They didn’t want to fight as hard as they could, but their movements would always be half a beat slow, and often when they reacted, they had been killed by Lei Yijian, brandishing their weapons in vain, and couldn’t catch up with his leaving figure.

For a while, the battlefield seemed to be stuck in stagnation.

I don’t know how long it took, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and a magic cannon that fired continuously finally exploded because of overheating.

As if giving orders, with the loud noise, the pouring rain poured down from the dark clouds that were almost low to the ground. Suddenly, the sky and the earth were dizzy, and the heavy rain accompanied the violent wind, rolling up huge waves, hitting the harbor, and also hitting the sea clan’s army.

In the face of the power of the world, the Sea Clan finally retreated temporarily and returned to the sea to rectify the troops, giving the defenders a chance to fight.

“How many people are still alive?” Lei had recovered his composure, looked around and shouted, “Squeak alive!”


Lei was amused, but he followed the sound, but he was an adventurer. Seeing that he was wearing leather armor, holding a thin thorn sword in his hand, and some small decorations on his clothes, he was obviously a bard.

It’s no wonder he is so humorous. It is probably only these characters who engrave humor into their souls that they can still have the spirit to laugh at this time.

There are still many people who are also speaking out. Although most of them are exhausted and many are still seriously injured, there are finally some people left.

The best luck is a barbarian. He lost his strength before and fell down. Anxious Shengzhi grabbed two murloc corpses and put them on his body, and he really flicked the murlocs over. Although it was choked by the **** smell. But it was amazing that he was not injured—oh, the injuries suffered in previous battles are another matter.

Ray smiled. Say hello to them one by one, encourage them, and comfort them. For those who are really hopeless, he can also act as a pastor and pray for each other so that they can die with a smile.

On his body, the brilliance that has been worn away by years and suffering is rejuvenating. He didn’t look like a knight at all at the moment. It’s like a king, patrolling the barracks after the war.

This is the education he received back then, almost etched into the instinct in his blood. Although he hasn’t used it all these years and has been deliberately forgotten by him, it has resurfaced at this moment, as natural as breathing.

But when he walked in front of Ranke, who was seriously injured and dying, he finally lost the nobility like a king’s patrolling. Sadness filled his heart and even spilled out of the corner of his eyes.

“Rank… why are you coming back!” He saw at a glance that the student’s injuries were irreparable, unless Majesty Masked Void could come. Or Steer can appear immediately, otherwise it is impossible to imagine.

But that’s impossible, the Majesty of the Void has already sent news. He is fighting the sea goddess. The goddess of the sea is the patron of the sea clan, and the battle on your majesty’s side is far more important than theirs. Moreover, facing the female tyrant who is especially powerful among the gods, even your majesty may not have any more energy at all-this is from the very urgent and short words when he was in contact with himself before. Guess it out.

Stil is even more unlikely to return. She is helping Liv protect the refugees from fleeing. What are they fighting for? Isn’t it to cover the refugees who are slow to move, so that they can escape smoothly? Let Steer rush back, it is simply putting the cart before the horse!

But at this moment, he was really shaken. Want to pray desperately to your majesty, or to stil for help.

This is the student he painstakingly cultivated! It was the heir he originally wanted to let him inherit his mantle!

Indeed. Rank’s talent is not good, and can not be compared with the genius Ray. But the child’s attitude is very correct. The practice is very hard and the progress is very fast, one step at a time. No matter how harsh a teacher is, he will not be dissatisfied with him.

Looking at his hard training, watching him exhausted, but his eyes full of confidence and hope, Lei remembered himself many years ago, and remembered the peace and beauty that had long since passed away.

Although he hasn’t realized it yet, in fact, in his heart, he has already regarded Ranke not only as a student, but also as his own child!

But now, Rank is dying.

Rank is dying…

Rank is dying!

Lei knelt beside Rank lying in a pool of blood, clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth, and forced himself to speak in a hard and cold voice. Because if he didn’t do this, he was afraid he could not help crying.

He is a strong man. He had experienced that he was poisoned and seriously injured, lying in a pile of corpses, and watching his parents and elder brothers slowly decompose. He thought his tears had already drained. , But couldn’t help crying at this moment.

“Silly boy! Why are you coming back!”

His tears fell on Ranke’s face, awakening Ranke, who had already fallen into dying. A smile appeared on the young boy’s pale face, and he looked at the teacher whose face was full of tears.

“Teacher… I… like a… knight…?” he asked intermittently.

Lei nodded vigorously: “Like! You are the best knight!”

“I…live…unlike…a knight.” Rank has no strength to even fuck, and his voice is so low that Lei has to pay attention to it. “At least…deadly.” …Like a…knight…”

“Hmm!” Lei pursed his mouth tightly and nodded heavily. Because of his grief, he has no way to speak anymore, and can only use one syllable to express his affirmation to his disciple.

Rank got **** a few more times, his voice getting lower and lower: “Teacher… Thanks…”

This is the end of his last words, and he couldn’t even finish his words of thanks to the teacher.

Lei quietly knelt beside him, crying.

The peerless powerhouse who was still awe-inspiring and daunted by the Sea Clan just now, is crying like a child at this moment.

In the world that mortals can’t see, there is a tattered dress. The brawny man carrying a huge battle axe stood beside him. The brawny man’s hair stood upside down like anger, and his face was full of heroism intertwined with fierceness, anger and bravery. And Ranke who just died. At this moment, he was kneeling to the strong man, worshiping him.

“The Great Knight of Fury (an alias of the God of Justice). May your brilliance shine on the world!”

The heroic and brawny man was the incarnation of the **** of justice. He sensed that there was evil raging in this place, and he was not far from here, so he hurried over, just in time for Rank’s death.

“Boy, you did a great job.” He smiled and used his huge palm to lift Rank up, “I wanted to recruit you to be my follower, but if you want to come, you have to go to the lonely guardian (the **** of knights). Alias) over there. Right?”

Lanke smiled: “If your Majesty is willing to accept me, of course I will be happy to go to his kingdom.”

“He will come to pick you up, you are a good knight!”

While speaking, a ray of light that only gods and souls can see fell, turning into a beautiful woman wearing a delicate silver-white skirt and a helmet decorated with feathers, combining charming and heroic.

This is the divine envoy of the **** of knights. It is the holy spirit condensed by the soft thoughts of those who have fought for the protection of mankind since the age of ignorance. Known as the “valkyrie”.

The Valkyrie first bowed her head to pay tribute to the God of Justice, and then stretched out her hand to Rank.

“In order to protect the innocent warriors who died in battle, your behavior deserves the name of a knight. Please come with me, your majesty and the heroes of the predecessors are waiting for you.”

Rank was overjoyed, bowed to the **** of justice, and was about to leave in a hurry. But he immediately thought of something, and his gaze turned to the teacher who was kneeling in the wind and rain ignorantly and howling.

“My teacher…” He hesitated to look at the Valkyrie who was responsible for attracting the heroic spirits, with inquiries in his eyes.

The divine envoy of the **** of knight looked at Lei, and regretful appeared in the eyes of the **** who could judge a person’s life’s merits and demerits.

“He once committed a serious sin, even if he made atonement, he could not enter the temple of our lord.” she said. “This is a rule set by the Lord of Radiance, and my lord must also abide by it.”

“Hey! You have a lot of bad rules!” The **** of justice shook his head disdainfully. “Don’t worry, your majesty won’t accept him. I accept! He once fell into the darkness, and finally walked out of the darkness, fighting for justice until the last hero, but it suits my appetite!”

Lanke smiled in relief, and followed the Valkyrie stepping into the beam of light, disappearing without a trace.

The **** of justice laughed a few times, took the huge battle axe from his shoulder, rubbed the axe blade with his palm, and burst out countless golden red sparks.

He looked towards the sky, his eyes pierced through heavy clouds, and he stared at a huge figure.

“Takraul (God of the Storm), you really can’t learn a lesson! You’re helping Vorpocus (Goddess of the Sea) to make trouble again. Do you need me to trim your claws? “

There was a thunder in the clouds, and a pair of eyes gleaming with infinite electric light met him.

“Yorgardeman (God of Justice), you are so nosy!”

The two powerful deities confronted each other without retreat, and the struggle was on the verge of breaking out.

At this moment, the battle between the other two groups of gods became more intense.

The battle between the **** of the swamp and the goddess of harvest is quite obvious. After He Li’s soul finally collapsed, the weak harvest goddess could not hold up the battle and was beaten to defeat. No matter how angry and roaring he was, it would be of no avail.

The **** of the swamp has even been able to free up his hand and release a poisonous light arrow to shoot and kill the mortals who have been involved in the battle among the gods recklessly. When he waved his hand, a cloud of dark green poisonous fog Condensed into dozens of light arrows, whizzing away.

After only a few waves of attacks, there are only two deities left in the square.

“Accept your fate!” The swamp **** who can no longer see Shin’s appearance grinned, “Let me devour your divine power and occupy your most important place of faith. You incompetent fellow has already stolen a high position. Too long, it’s time to roll down!”

“…Do you really consider yourself to be a great person!” Sui Xiong roared, his body as huge as a mountain set off waves, enough to make the thick tentacles of a horse galloping on it, and even bigger than him. The super-giant water element of a few points is inextricably fought~IndoMTL.com~ Although he is slightly at a disadvantage in strength, his fierce fighting spirit and strong body effectively make up for the lack of strength. More importantly, the body of this jellyfish is just a pair of armor to him. He doesn’t care about destroying it, and even if he really died here, he is not very afraid.

People are inherently dead, and his male brother has passed through all the time. What’s more to be afraid of!

With the determination not to be afraid of death, he fought so boldly and madly that it was daunting.

In contrast, the incarnation of the goddess of the ocean is powerful, but it is far from fighting spirit. So not only did it fail to take advantage, but it seemed a little passive.

This made him, known as “the female tyrant of the sea,” angry, fighting more fiercely, but he was still unable to overwhelm Sui Xiong, who was simply “fearless to die”.

Fighting is nothing more than a sentence after all.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins! (To be continued.)

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