Cthulhu Gonfalon Chapter 117:

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Jorgardeman, the **** of justice, deserves to be one of the top masters among the pantheon gods. Guan Jiàn takes a blow at all times, it is really a powerful power to turn the tide!

Although it failed to completely smash the blood-colored star “Yinchen”, it successfully prevented it from falling and bombarding it. It can be said that this is a great start, and the first step to meet this world-destroying magic!

The gods all breathed a sigh of relief when the fall of “Yinchen” was finally stopped. But at this moment, Jolgadman suddenly yelled.

“Why are you all watching the excitement? Help!”

Everyone froze for a while before realizing that they didn’t seem to be doing authentically-the fact that others tried to watch by themselves is a bit bad.

For a while, they all laughed and hurriedly displayed their own methods to help meet the terrifying scarlet superstar.

With the super master Jolgardeman holding the front, the gods do not need to hold on hard, and can calmly take out their best abilities.

For example, the two deities of celebration and literature and art don’t know how to fight jià at all, so they can give everyone a few auxiliary spells, or they can provide some divine powers to do their part.

Morani and Leonard were both covered in heavy armor, but what Morani did was to attack the side of “Yinchen” with a huge battle axe, but Leonard threw out a huge shield that was transformed into a transparent by supernatural power. Cover the sky of Void City and help slightly relieve the pressure and fear that “Yinchen” brings to the mortals on the ground.

The black and white bear swordsman temporarily put down the wine gourd and waved the long knife in his hand. The light of the knife was like a round of crescent moons, and it shot to the side of “Yinchen” one after another, which happened to almost overlap with Morani’s attacks. In the same location.

Mannis, the goddess of wealth, chanted a lengthy spell, and spent a lot of time preparing a very powerful magic.

In the southern part of the main plane, in the kingdom of the ocean goddess, which has not yet completely separated from the main plane, thousands of believers chanted hymns together, and cooperated with the ocean goddess to greatly enhance the effectiveness of the divine power. And his demigods also superimposed their power on the powerful attack that the goddess is preparing, and almost gathered the power of all believers, demigods, and the goddess himself, condensed into a bright and dazzling sea-blue light, as if there is life. Normally breathe in and out, gently expanding and contracting continuously. Every time it “breathes”, its power is condensed by one point, and then it is so powerful that it is terrifying, as if only a slight shock can shatter the newly-born kingdom of God, or even completely collapse.


The gods did their best, and each used their best means to launch the most violent offensive. But when these offensives fell on the “Yin Chen” miàn, everyone deeply felt the gap between themselves and the **** of justice, Yorgardeman, and they also deeply realized that this single-handed man traverses the sky, like a one-handed man. How strong is the great **** who maintains the faith in “justice” in a brutal and funny way like a clown.

Jolgardeman’s axe can force “Yinchen” to stop falling, but the others joined forces to attack, but it only made “Yinchen” shake a little or two.

This gap makes people want to ignore Jolgadman’s inconspicuous evil form and respect and worship him!

However, this does not solve the problem. “Yinchen” is still hanging in the sky above Void City, swaying, it seems that it may fall down at any time.

“Your comrades-in-arms are really unreliable!” Joel Gardman also didn’t expect so many gods to join forces, and the effect was far worse than shooting alone, and couldn’t help but complain.

This complaint made everyone blush and strengthened their attack power, but it was of no use, and the situation could not be improved at all. “Yin Chen” is still hanging in the sky above the Void City, constantly colliding with Yorgardeman’s power. Although it seems to be a little downwind, there is no sign of being quickly defeated.

Of course, the gods had already tried their best just now, and now no matter how hard they work, there is no way to increase the power of the attack much.

…No, at this time, there is actually another person who can take action, and even if his power can’t change the situation where Biàn is in a stalemate, it can help make the situation a little better.

This person is naturally Sui Xiong.

Yorgardeman certainly understands this. Although all his energy of this incarnation is now used in combat, he has spared even a little strength to find Sui Xiong to notify the police and let Sui Xiong take action, but in the main Outside of the plane, he has other clones, and he can even temporarily create an incarnation for communication.

He did just that, and just a minute or two later, his incarnation of the interrogation arrived at Sui Xiong’s “sanctuary” in the kingdom of God.

“Oscar! My brother! Where are you? Your house is going to be demolished by the enemy, why don’t you fight against it?” As soon as he entered the door, he yelled, “What is it? What’s wrong? What are you up to?”

However, no one answered.

Jolgardeman slapped his spirit, shut his mouth hurriedly, and accelerated his speed toward the “incubator room” in the shelter-the place Sui Xiong jokingly called “the education base for reforming and re-becoming talents”.

There, he saw Sui Xiong who was silently holding a huge cocoon, still instilling divine power into it, but there was no other reaction.

Jolgardeman only glanced at it, and then he could tell what the problem was.

Sui Xiong’s power is still here, but his soul has disappeared, and he doesn’t know what happened!

Jolgardman suddenly felt his scalp numb, and the hair on his body was about to stand up.

There are few gods in the world who know better than Him the true abilities of this slightly strange-looking jellyfish brother. Perhaps in the eyes of others, Sui Xiong is just a big jellyfish with a good power and a weird way of thinking. It is hard to say whether it is a good or bad deity. But in Jolgardeman’s view, his brother’s strength is already close to the level of powerful divine power ~ IndoMTL.com ~ some special abilities-such as not being affected by the chaotic power of the abyss. Beyond the dust.

How can such a powerful man suddenly lose his soul and disappear?

How exaggerated and crazy is the guy who can take his soul away, so desperate?

At least Jolgardeman believes that he must not be able to do such a thing, and he suspects that there is no deity in the world that can do such a thing!

…No! There is still a deity that can do it!

In the Pantheon, Jolgadman hurried to the Lord of Order and asked in a low voice: “Old man, what are you doing with my brother?”

The Lord of Order did not look back, and said lightly: “I am not the only one with this kind of power.”

But what he said ends there. No matter how Jolgardeman asks, he doesn’t say anything. (To be continued.)

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